The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

CVille Dem's picture

The Republicans Have Figured Out What To Do About Their Scandalous Behavior!

Seriously, folks, there is a real discussion going on in the Party of Family Values about what they need to do about all these pols among them who just can't behave.  Are they going to have prayer meetings to help...
CVille Dem's picture

TPM Limerick Contest

Come one, come all, and fear not!  I wanted to make this non-political, but this first one just came to me and I had to put it out here:There once was a man named Dick Cheney...A guy who loved to...
CVille Dem's picture

Some good news from Washington -- Max Baucus in Trouble with his Constituents over his Treatment of Single Payer Advocates!

  Here is something that just might help to lift our spirits over here in TPM-Land:  Max Baucus sent his staff to hear his constituents, and they got an earful!   Five separate accounts of the meetings, published in four different...
CVille Dem's picture

Dear President Barack Obama

Dear President Barack Obama,   I worked for you and I put my money out there for you.   Although I paid for 3 tickets, I missed your speech in Charlottesville, because my son's football award ceremony was changed to...
CVille Dem's picture

Obama At Notre Dame - Live Blog

Well, he certainly got a rousing reception!  It will be interesting to see how the likes of David Gregory, Pat Buchanan et al, spin this.   Comments!...
CVille Dem's picture

Tea Party Reporting

Huffpo is asking people to report on April 15th TeaParties.  I have volunteered, and was surprised to note the large number of speakers scheduled for Charlottesville this Wednesday (including my neighbor, Lawrence Eagleburger).  To find out what was scheduled, I...
CVille Dem's picture

Anybody Need a Lift Today?

I caught this over at Huffington Post.  I love the Sunday Liveblogging;  so I think you'll agree that Huffo is still good for something.With special vibes to Bunnykitty!...
CVille Dem's picture

It Is Time To Start Worrying About the Supreme Court (sorry, but it is)

The financial crisis that is so obvious to all of us is no more important than the one we will soon face if the Supreme Court  continues on its current course. What follows is a list of our current Justices...
CVille Dem's picture

The AIG Contracts - Let's Take a Look!

OK.  I want to see the clause that promises a bonus.  I want to see if it looks ironclad to me.  If everyone is guaranteed a bonus, why not just increase their salaries? I don't ask to see anyone's name,...
CVille Dem's picture

The Question - TPM Edition

This is the next TPM Challenge -- First, an introduction:  Quinn introduced me to a site that poses an annual question to erudite people.   Some examples are, "What do you think is true even though you can't prove it?,"...


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