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    Where's the Outrage?

    By now we've all heard some of the stories in the new book, "Game Change." Harry Reid has gotten the most press I've heard for his insensitive remarks (which I really can't get too upset over given that they were, in spite of their lack of political correctness, in support of Obama, not meant in a derogatory way) and the repubs are calling for his head.

    But the part that has my head exploding is the admission by Steve Schmidt that the McCain campaign was well aware of how unqualified Sarah Palin was for the job, and went with her anyway, because they needed something big to have any chance of winning. I mean, we KNEW it. But to have Steve Schmidt come out and flat out admit that they virtually perpetrated a hoax on the American people in order to win, just has me screaming. She would have been a 72 year old heart beat away from the Presidency, and they KNEW that she knew NOTHING.  Even Cheney is reported to have said she was unqualified.

    I find what they did horrifying, and I find the lack of outrage to be equally horrifying. What am I missing?

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