The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Time to make TPM more Emunctory* (eentsy-weentsy update)

    Acerebral a.  Without a brain.  A word for which there would  at first sight appear to be no use, since no entity to which there would be anyh point in applyng the term could in fact  possess this attribute.  (There would be no point in speaking of an acerebral windowsill.

    In the interest of improving the intellectual, if not the moral, tone of comments and posts at Talking Points Memo's Internet Cafe.  I would like to introduce my fellow bloggers to one of my favorite books I recently uncovered on my desk,  The Superior Person's Book of Words, by Peter Bowler.  If it indeed is one of my favorite books, then why would I have to uncover it?  Because I'm a slubberdegullion, that's why:.  Slubberdegullion n.  "A glorious seventeenth century term of  contempt (found in Hudibras), apparentley meaning a dirty, wretched slob."

    Clearly we need to extend ourselves beyond  hurling epithets like moron and idiot at Rush Limbaugh.  So how about this example of  Abededarian Insult?

    Sir, you  are an apogenous, bovaristic, coprolalial, dasypygal, excerebrose, facinorous, gnathonic, hircine, ithyphallic, jumentous, kyphotic, labrose, mephitic, napiform, oligophrenal, papufilerous, thersitical,unguinous, ventripotent, wlatsome, xylophagous, yirning zoophyte. 

    Translation:  "Sir, you are an impotent, conceited, obscene, hairy-buttocked, brainless, wicked, toadying, goatish, indecent, stable-smelling, hunchbacked, thick-lipped, stinking, turnip-shaped, feeble-minded, pimply, trashy, repellent, smarmy, foul-mouthed, greasy, gluttonous, loathsome, wooden-headed, whining, extremely low form of animal life.

    Not bad even in translation, eh?  But the advantage of the Superior Person's words, is that one can say them with enthusiasm, sincerity and  a smile on one's face and the object of the word will think they're being complimented:   George Bush, sir,  regardless of  what your detractors might say, I believe you're one of the most oligophrenal Presidents we've ever had. When your monument is  erected in  Washington , I expect it to be as jumentous as you are.  Truly your administration represented kakistrophy at its best. 

    So lets beef up those comments, folks..  And I promise to recommend the first post which uses the word desuitude.

    But this fandangle has gone on long enough.  Back to cleaning my office I go.  Other discoveries may be announced in due course
    Does your Fan Dangle?.
    Tiny update:  The link to Bowers' book didn't make it through the edit I rushed to finish  before lunch and a meeting.  I've got that fixed now, I think.

    * for Emuctory see here.

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