by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The above video from Dylan Ratigan’s Friday show was really interesting. I couldn’t find any direct links to Geithner’s ‘austerity move’ to stop low-interest loans to cities and states, but it sounds enormously counter-productive since most of those governments (if not all) are required to balance their budgets.
I’d run into this piece by Marshall Auerback a few days earlier touting some of James Galbraith’s ideas that would be of help to Obama and the nation; he thinks Republicans could buy into them, given that Nixon used some of the same ideas through community block grants. He/they are promoting ‘revenue sharing’ with the states, and focus on Medicaid as one helpful vehicle.
“And yet, as we get closer and closer to D-Day on the debt ceiling limit, the negotiations continue to turn on how much income the government should drain from the economy, even as private sector activity continues to stagnate. All moves to date by the Treasury and Federal Reserve have only served to shift financial assets between the public and private sectors. And that includes quantitative easing. Nothing has directly added to aggregate demand (the overall demand for goods and services). [snip]
It is important to remember that a sovereign government with its own currency can always financially afford such a program. By virtue of its position as issuer of the currency, the US Federal government could promote employment, output, income, and private expenditure through the expedient of revenue sharing. By contrast, US states, as users of currency, are reliant on this counter-cyclical fiscal policy to mitigate the destructive effects of economic downturns — particularly unemployment and the suffering it causes. In the words of Erik Dean, the states “cannot run budget deficits without risking credit downgrades and insolvency. Recessions typically diminish revenues for these users of the currency at the very time that their expenditures are most needed.”
He reminds us that all the ‘automatic stabilizers’ like unemployment benefits aren’t enough to create aggregate demand (and many people’s benefits have timed out); most of the stimulus money’s been spent or traded away in deals with Republican lawmakers. So without some spending mechanisms put in place to “restore output and employment” which “will restore the flow of credit. Creditworthiness precedes credit.” -- there will only ever be anemic recovery, and that this government is engaging exactly the too-early spending cutbacks that FDR’s economic advisors advised that served to scuttle the recovery back then.
At the end of the piece Auerback says:
“Yes, we have recovered from the worst of the crisis. But it is delusional to believe that economic recovery can really get underway until we have added something close to 10 million jobs. The current level of job growth will not see us get anywhere near that target for at least another 3-4 years. Indeed, in the absence of revenue sharing, we are likely to see more attacks on workers of the kind that has characterized recent budget battles in Wisconsin and Michigan. Wall Street crashed their pensions and created the fiscal crisis now afflicting the states. But this administration is still caught in the grips of that failed economic paradigm. If President Obama were to fight for revenue sharing, he would develop tens of thousands of local government allies. He would also have a very powerful issue with which to fight the next election, as well as a winning economic argument.”
What do you think?
I think it makes a lot of sense, although his invoking of the socialist "Nixon" will do nothing to sway the current crop of Republicans, who make any of their tribe from pre-Raygun years appear to be bleeding pinkos.
by miguelitoh2o on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 3:03pm
Damn, it turns out Nixon had some incredible programs! Mebbe they forget who Nixon was? Kinda too bad that Ray-guns ended the whole thing, but Obama could use 'an Old Republican Program' or something.
It just sounds disastrous that the loans are cut off now; WTF is Geithner thinking? Oh. Yeah. I forgot. We'll wait for the Cranky Pug to snark a pile of rants about Timmy...and his ilk. ;o)
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 3:17pm
Chomsky says Nixon w the last liberal president. "The horror, the horror...."
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 5:15pm
our old tpm pal, ellen one-eye, is big in the state bank movement, which finesses the discount window issue by chartering and running a state bank, eg. Bank of North Dakota.
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 5:14pm
Honest, it's a different Ellen, JR. This banking one also does some kind of healing work; I forget what. Googled her once, said on the boards she was. Sleeping Jeezus said that once he emailed her and asked if she were TPM Ellen, and she said she'd never heard of TPM, but it sounded nice, or something. ;o)
Here she is on video; our Ellen never would have been caught DEAD with such a wimpy amount of eye design, yes?
By the by, is alex jones sane or not? He never answers my question...
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 5:26pm
I disagree.. check the writing style--it's like a fingerprint I think her denials to sj were pro forma.
also, the eye comes from a much younger picture, (I am shocked, SHOCKED, to discover photochronodissembling going on...
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 6:07pm
Sorry; I thought the style was very different, almost verbose and folksy. And, I think, not of a similar economic bent, but others here would remember her philosophy better. And Ellen the Healer? Nah...
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 6:15pm
Ellen the Healer?
granted, that's a stretch...
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 8:16pm
Hmmm; I'd tried to make this link in that quip. Her cryptic humor was so wry; this woman seems so atriagt forward, but who am I to say?
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 8:34pm
also I teased tpm Ellen about it several times, and she straight ignored some seriously challenging imputations that she was Ellen Hodgson Brown. I'll get Goog to find me some article titles that are straight frm the hostess with the mostest who called Bob Reich a "doofus" to his face for not using the "read more" feature.
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 9:53pm
Okey dokey, Pirate. ;o)
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 9:56pm
I will not argue the incongruity of the healing thingee...
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 9:59pm
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 10:54pm
Good luck in the search for Ellen. I miss her efficient dismissal of those few of my comments she deigned to merit even that level of recognition..
by Flavius on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 9:51am
You have been faithful to The Eye of Ellen, in your fashion. ;o) (Thanks for the Dowson, flavius.)
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 10:02am
The gimlet eye.
by Flavius on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 10:57am
by Flavius on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 10:58am
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 11:10am
The Mote in God's Eye
by Donal on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 11:36am
Zounds. (had to go after the image to see the planet...) My stars, so to speak.
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 11:46am
That’s the plan isn’t it?
Top it off with Amnesty for 20 million MORE new worker slaves
Housing values lowered, (destroyed or beneficial; depending on the affect it had on you); lowered so housing will be affordable, for the new slave class.
You can’t expect minimum wage workers to afford a $100,000.00 home, can you?
Busting the middle class makes us competitive with the rest of the world.
With more workers than available jobs, and the working class vying for the crumbs; there will be No wage increases, a tool in the war on inflation.
Corporate expenses cut, means more profit for the shareholders.
What more do you want SLAVE; food crumbs on your table, a public transportation system, so you can get to work and OBAMACARE to mend you up quickly and get you back to work.
When you parents get home, you can teach your own kids to better themselves, if you don’t want to teach your own kids, no sweat, your kids can join the slave class too; the more the merrier.
We can’t have a world with too many chiefs and not enough Indians, or Capitalism won’t work
by Resistance on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 8:20pm
Can't abide your racist rants, so I will desist from commenting, Resistance. You may have your fans; I ain't one of them.
I will ask you politely to go away and contemplate what your Lord Jesus the Christ would think of your attitudes and beliefs about human beings who have crossed the border to secure better lives for themselves and their families.
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 8:43pm
YOU Slanderer,
I am not looking for fans, are you?
Really Stardust? GROWUP
Shows how little you know?
Jesus wouldn’t condone lawbreakers?
“Render onto Caesar what is Caesars”
Caesar and his counsel (Laws) say we will have controlled immigration.
I believe in Legal immigration, it serves a purpose.
It appears you love unlawfulness, and you do not believe that you have to obey the superior authorities?
What about human beings called Americans, who want to secure for themselves and their families better lives.
All impoverished persons around the globe would probably love to come here.
Lets hear your stupid answer, to address that problem.
I suppose in your case, talks cheap?
Maybe the only fan needed, is to blow away the stench and ill wind you've left behind.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 4:00am
Get off my blog. I've read the disgusting epithets you've hurled at immigrants since the Cafe days, and I have no wish to discuss immigration reform with you. You come to the table with ill will and hatred, and choose Bible quotes you poorly understand to ballast your creepy positions.
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 8:45am
Get over it. You will not censor me.
For I speak truth and because you dont want to hear the truth, you are tormented by it.
You did not answer the question I asked; but I expected you were no more than a pretentious person.
Why don't you reflect on your haughtiness?
"Take the rafter from your own eyes before you try to remove the splinter from mine"
by Resistance on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 9:26am
Resistance: "I speak truth" ROTFLMAO!
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 10:16am
reflect on your haughtiness
She, on her's? Are you out your fuckin' mind? (don't bother to answer, it's rhetorical--we all knw you are...)
"Vanity, all is vanity..." (saith youknowwho...)
You hang only by the thread of ineffectual mods--it's just a matter of time.
by jollyroger on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 2:49pm
Thanks, Pirate; this crap is mind-fucking, IMO. And the 'render unto Caesar' quote may be almost as ubiquitously misinterpreted as Revelations: everyone can paint anyone else as Evil with a capital E with their own er...willful mis-misunderstanding aspersions.. That John musta had some baaaad mushrooms, IMO.
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 3:00pm
Jesus wouldn’t condone lawbreakers
Hey, he condones ME
Just last night he called me "Billy the fuckin' Kid" in a jocular vein...
by jollyroger on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 2:52pm
Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Coprolalia comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk".
'compulsive profanity'
“It may occur after injuries to the brain”
Seek help Jolly.
by Resistance on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 4:52pm
injuries to the brain”
If that's my sole residua, I'm a happy camper...
by jollyroger on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 5:47pm
I will ask of anyone: What the hell is Geithner doing? He has to know that such harmful Treasury Austerity Policies are so completely bogus as to be not credible in any quarters but pure political theater. I read this piece at Bloomberg today by Al Hunt talking about how Geithner is so central to Obama's financial policy that he cannot, cannot leave as a few rumors have it.
This reminds me of the nations in the ME complaining how the IMF and World Bank neoliberal economic policies had tanked the hopes of regular people to enjoy the fruits of their labor with no recourse to socail safety nets, all guided by those organizatons granting low-interest loans predicated eventually on austerity and the sale of public infrastructure to private concerns.
Read: what's going on now in Ohio and Michigan. Feh!
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 8:48pm
Incurable optimist that I am, I swear before Jesus I believe sooner or later the greedy bastards will go one bridge to far and the suddenly class conscious electorate will rise and savge the Repugnants like a wounded beast...They are imposing Treaty of Versailles level costs on the working classes of each country.
by jollyroger on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 10:04pm
The Elites come in both Reds and Blues; such a pity that if the bad guys don't get you, the good guys will. I wish more could realize that it's a class war, and not just defend 'their team's' behaviors, jolly.
by we are stardust on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 11:00pm
Yeah, the big ones get away.
by acanuck on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 2:24pm
Unless they are people of color
by jollyroger on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 2:59pm
Conveniently very brown, you mean? A veritable insider-trading stand-in for the enormous number of banksters engaging in control fraud accounting and ...never mind.
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 3:13pm
When will more realize that it's a class war? And the Good Guys are just...less bad? Slighty more slowly bad?
by we are stardust on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 3:05pm