Ripper Grants: Apply Now

    I have $100 available in $25 increments to TPM Cafe Readers who are in desperate need. I won't name names. You know who you are.

    Email ripperm (AT) att (DOT) net with your PayPal account and a one-paragraph explanation of your need. This will be held in strict confidence and disposed of in a few days. I will decide who gets how much (one or two increments).

    This community has been here for me when I had too little to eat or no keyboard or not enough funds to make it to DC for a rally. It's my privilege and my turn to give back. No strings attached. If anyone else wants to match these grants to any degree, email me at the above address and I will pass along the PayPal accounts of my picks so that you may multiply the effect of my grants.

    Deadline for applications is Sunday. I will also consider nominations of people from other readers. The criteria for my selections is simple: Who most needs $25 or $50 to survive at the moment? Been there, done that.

    Now please rec this post and privately contact those bloggers you know who are in desperate need and urge them to contact me. I will NEVER reveal the identity of the applicants for these grants. And I will NOT consider any personality disputes I may have had with an applicant in making my selections.

    May God bless you all. Courage.

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