The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture

    Research Help Wanted--pleeeeze (Health Care Related)

    Hi one, Hi all.
    I'm working on a little blog item about Charles Baker, CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health stepping down to run against Deval Patrick in the 2010 Massachusetts Governor's race..  One of the bits I was going to use was entitled, Annual Compensation of Health Insurance Company Executives.  It was located in the comments section of a blog, with a link to a source at Insurance Company Rules.  However, the information at the cited source did not agree with the information cited.  The compensation of more than half the CEO's, including Baker's, wasn't there.  
    Hmmm.... so off I go on my google trek.  I checked 58 sources--talk about being obsessive compulsive.  All were the same, all referred back to the same source, all were posted as comments, nearly all linked to Insurance Company Rules.  Double Hmmm.  I'm not going to quote a figure without a verifiable source--especially a compensation figure.  Some of you pay much closer attention to the health care debate than I do.  Can anyone provide the first source for these this figure?.  I don't want to give up my right to gripe about media's sloppy fact checking if I'm guilty of the same thing myself.
    Thanks muchly

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