Richard Day's picture

    Quinn the Esqimo Rocks: HOW TO BLOG GOOOOOD

    I am a leftie. I do not wish to hide this. I am too old to care what others think. If I am vilified, so be it.

    But we had a new blogger approach us as a newbie and he decided he would just play with science, on what he felt was a political blog.

    I said Hey Dog, Its all ok. We do so much here than just the political

    Oh but we are all lefties.

    Well read my friend, Justice, read my friend LisB. Read my friend Miguel recently.  Read Missy. Read Auntie Sam. Read so many bloggers who simply tell us who they are, what they are, where they are.  Bwak will blog about her problems concerning raising a child as a single parent.

    Hey, it can all be TRANSLATED INTO SOME POLITICAL issue. All history is really political.

    But take a look at the STANDINGS, as it were. We have TheraP who leads us all as bloggers here. Quite an accomplishment. Wow. My TheraP. I would not be here without her. She comes and greets newbies, without preformed ideas, without bias. Hi, I am TheraP and I really like your blog or comment. Yeah she says it all the time. But not without reading it. Not without comprehending the message.

    Hi, howareya?  TheraP or LisB or Quinn the Eskimo as I call him. They say, hi how are ya?

    I still have not reached the point of all this. Ha

    I am listing the top bloggers. TheraP with no qualification is the leader.

    Q and LisB are really two and three on the list.

    I mean Josh, the founder is really not a blogger. I mean he does not post and then ask for comments.

    Secretary Reisch is not a blogger in the sense that he would respond to a comment. Hell, he is nationally known and renowned.

    I read all the big journalists and experts at TPM. Hell they are cited on cable
    TV.  All the time. In person or just by cite. 

    But read our top commenters and bloggers sometime. And then read the rest. It is fun.

    What is the point of this Blog? To just pat ourselves on the back


    Quinn recently commented on some religious channel here. The blog had something to do with why we should despise all gay people because it is against God's Law.


    Q links the guy to Queen. And he does it with aplomb. Somebody told me, hey dd, you are funny. Hell, Q has this talent of being inappropriate, appropriate, discourteous and courteous at the same time. I mean I have been an aficionado of National Lampoon, Mad Magazine, Monty Python, SC TV and SNL for many decades.  But really, if you read his comments, I doubt anything really equals Q's comments while taking into consideration the context of those comments. Oh Q can be political. No doubt. But he surpasses the normal boundaries. He takes everything a bit farther as it were.For example:


    Jane, you ignorant slut.

    More fighting in the War Room, please.

    Ad Hominum and Ad Absurdum attacks appreciated.

    Best holding a femur while jumping up and down shrieking madly.

    Are we not men? We are DEMO. Are we not men? D-E-M-O

    I've got an uncontrollable urge.


    I always preferred ad luminum arguments.


    It was a poor choice of words but c'mon... I was just thinking if there were more blogs by others this one would not have been viewed by me... which frankly would have been my preference. I've had my overdose of 'this is a christian nation and implications that because someone has a 'christian' perspective it somehow makes the 'an adult'...


    I just wish we could have more blogs that:

    a) Weren't on crap arguments like this one;
    b) Weren't just saying, "the GOP are idiots"; and,
    c) Weren't on as awful a subject as torture.

    I think we need a "Demented Blog Week" just to shake the cobwebs off for Spring. Maybe somebody could come up with a list of really twisted and impossible subjects, hand them out randomly, and people have to produce a blog on their subject or be sent to debate Leo for the Summer.


    It could really be fun but the consequences are a bit harsh...


    Hey good idea Q. I will do Caesar tomorrow. But later I will do a subject thing and you can chime in. HA

    Do Amoeba really feel a woooosh when they split into two Amoeba?

    Why does my arse itch on inauspicious occassions?

    How come when I wear my shamwow pjs, is my bed still wet in the morning?

    We shall work on this.


    Dick, if I can remember to roll over every 12 hours in my sleep, it's very effective in wringing out the shamwow, enabling me to sleep - perfectly dry - for 36 and sometimes even 48 hours!!!

    It's shamazing! Shincredible!

    It's SHAM WOW!



    Q, I have been telling everyone about your link to Queeen today. hahahahaha Oh and whether you give a damn or not you are hereby awarded the Dayly Comment/Line of the Day at this here TPMCafe Site, given to all of you from all of me.


    Why thank you, Dick. I'll be expecting my complimentary Shamwow Anti-Flu Facial Mask in the post.

    And now.... a tribute to the man who started this whole thread. Come on, sing along with Georgie & Queen. It's for Freddie.


    I went nuts when I read the Queen comment. This was so hilarious. So much fun. I thought about it for more than an entire day. I sent everyone I know over to the blog just to read Q.

    Miguel of course, my friend, showed up and made me laugh even more.

    But Q said he was sick of politics for a minute.  LET US TRY SOMETHING ELSE. Let us try a contest of sorts. So, I thought, why not.

    Q wanted a blog about NOTHING.   Total irrelevancy. And he wished that I would simply 'hand out' topics of discussion.

    Now, I really wish to have recs and comments here.

    But we wish that you take a topic and GO WITH IT.  I mention look at Miguel because he just did that in his Sunday Facts column. Ha. Miguel is so damn funny.

    So here are some possible topics:

    I.                 Why does your arse choose to itch at the most inauspicious times?

    II.               Why at age 13 do some of us wake up with boils so bad that we can only find descriptions that are only described aptly in Job?

    III.             Why do certain republicans only speak out of one side of their mouth?

    IV.            Why do golf tournaments always advertise insurance and Viagra?

    V.              Why am I here and what are the consequences?

    VI.            Why does Miss America have fake boobs?

    VII.          Why are all closet homosexuals in the Republican Party?

    VIII.        Why do all my emails tell me that I just won the Irish Lottery?

    IX.            How come I never win the Irish Lottery?

    X.              Why do all my tube socks have incredibly large holes before Christmas?

    XI.            Why is there no beer after the 4th of the month?

    XII.          Why does cheap whiskey give me heartburn?

    XIII.        Why do the best web sites display a comments site that number into the thousands?

    XIV.        Why does not Lady Huff offer me a job?

    XV.          What is that smell, is it merely a cigarette ash burning into my PJ's?

    XVI.        Why are sidewalks in small towns always eskewed?

    XVII.      How come holders of large offices are never prosecuted?

    XVIII.    What is that terrible smell when I have decided to simply swear off bathing for a few days?

    XIX.       Who decided that we must pay bills at the beginning of the month?

    XX.         Why does not my shamwow sewn jimmies keep my bed dry?

    XXI.       How many roads must a man walk down before he is found to be a man?

    XXII.     How many ducks must fly until they find a place in the sand?

    XXIII.   Will Bruce Willis survive this next attack?

    XXIV.   How come torture always works on TV

    XXV.     How come w lies all the time and no one indicts him?

    XXVI.   Why is there air?

    XXVII. How come my columns do not work anymore? Goddamn Romans ( blesses himself)

    XXVIII.         Why do not Lucy and Ethel ever say: F...your esplainin. You got some esplainin to do?

    XXIX.     Why do unemployment figures not reflect the rise in the Dow?

    XXX.       How come people on welfare do not get free cigs?

    XXXI.   Why are repubs so boring when they speak?

    XXXII. Why do not my columns jive?

    XXXIII.         Do pets go to heaven? And why are they buried separately?

    XXXIV.        Where are my damn shoes?

    XXXV.Is Enola really Gay?

    XXXVI.        Does Fox News pay taxes?

    XXXVII.      Does Pat Robertson pay taxes?

    XXXVIII.    Where am I?

    XXXIX.        Why are all these people interested in my bodily fluids?

    XL.                 Hey if Mika is paid on Mornin Joke with Jughead, why am I not paid?

    XLI.               What about Wednesday Afternoon? Where is egalitarianism in that?

    XLII.              If I have to walk to the Post Office in the Rain, why am I not compensated?

    XLIII.            Why is spray deodorant so much more expensive?


    Well Folks, these are just a few of the questions I have had after almost years. Anything you have that is not on point, is welcome here. Forget my old rules about relevancy, they are erased.

    As I will be after my 24 hours.

    But remember, you are really erased after thirty minutes at Salon.


    This is the best list I ever wrote!

    Six years plus and Dagblog saved some comments--with warnings.


    All went to Quinn's head. Thinks he's a star- just cause he can head but yard gnomes. Does have a thick skull, have to grant him that..n

    Q shows up and is hilarious. hahahahah

    That is why the comments are so important to me.

    And after each and every comment, THERE IS A WARNING. HAHHAHAHA

    I forgot all about this blog and two people show up and it shows up and....

    THE END.


    Q is Queen, not Quinn. Yes, he spends most of his time lip-syncing in a tribute band (sadly his vocal chord ain't up to his young lass' good looks). Sometimes he appears with a live lemur on stage - at first it was mesmerizing, then it got a bit sick and carny, especially when the animal protection people got called out. But back on point, Quinn/Queen thinks he's actually Freddy Mercury reincarnate, even tho obviously he was already alive - he talks about discontinuities and transmogrification and other terms he doesn't understand just so he can play/be Freddy. (oddly he's adverse to the song "tie your Mother down" - I think there's something awkward he's hiding there - I bet if we did a blog with the words Mother/poop/Mother/poop... he might go into convulsions like some people with spinning slatted lights or sunrays thru the passing woods. Once he's over his recent Tony Blair infatuation, perhaps he can settle down and learn to sing on key. As soon as pigs fly.

    Oh it is so much fun to be free and crazy.

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