jollyroger's picture

    Prez-a hall-of-fame failure at using appointment power

    We all know the painful tally of Federal Judge openings to which Prez has neglected to make any appointment.


    Well, the only time he's worse at making appointments is when he actually makes one.


    Like re-appointing Kristine Svinicki to the Nuclear  Regulatory Commission, which, if you live in many urban centers, including NYC, is all that stands between you and Fukushima redux.


    He is not just a feckless putz.


    He is a flat out plant, and we are fuckin' rubes.


    (openheadexplode)Vote sanity, vote civil rights, vote Paul.(closeheadexplode)


    This is Jim Messina's doing--it's the same bullshit that got us Obamacare as an anchor instead of spinnaker in this race.

    This is Genghis''s the same bullshit that gets us duplicate posts when the hamsters take a water break.


    It's not like there's that much traffic, after all....

    Where does a pissing match between Prez and Reid interface, if at all, with the reconciliation motion over in the House on Ryan's this a foreshadowing of Reid at Thermopylae, standing aginst the Persians let by Prez?

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