acanuck's picture

    Kumbaya, Boss, Kumbaya!

    OK, Obama's in Hawaii right now with a little free time on his hands. He's said in the past TPM is among his favorite websites. I don't know if he he scans the reader blogs; if not, maybe some staffer in his transition team can pass this on to him or his inaugural organizer.

    The idea is simple: Ask Bruce Springsteen to sing Kumbaya.

    Ideally, on the National Mall. I would love to hear one or two million people joining in; the words are so easy and the tune is so catchy. Just Bruce on acoustic to start, then maybe the band can rock it up a notch.

    I shouldn't have to explain the symbolism. An African song that resonated and laid down roots in North America. The anti-Obama knock was that as president he would want everyone to sit around, holding hands, singing Kumbaya. Well, we won, bitches. So here you go.

    But, especially if performed by Springsteen, it would be a self-deprecating poke at the earnest idealism the campaign sometimes evoked. At the same time, it would reclaim a perfectly fine anthem of faith, hope and unity from the ridicule heaped on it during the campaign.

    I definitely want to hear it during the inauguration ceremonies. I know it could be sung by Joan Baez, or some black church choir -- but then it would come off all serious and mushy, just like the Republicans predicted.

    No, it's gotta be sung by a white, rust-belt rocker with his shirt sleeves rolled up. The song, for all its simplicity,  is strangely mystical and emotional. Its delivery needs to be muscular. The subtext: "Yeah, we're all peace-and-love, man. But we can kick your ass."

    I can see it already. Anyone else on board?



    Yeah sure. Besides being the biggest show on earth, a little Africana and Americana works for me.

    Only if Springsteen actually leads the song off by saying, "We won, bitches. So here you go." Beautiful.

    What about "Fight the Power"? Or he could go the other direction with the Talking Heads' "Don't Worry About the Government."

    Another good reason McCain didn't win. We would have needed an XTC reunion so they could play "Here Comes President Kill Again" and/or "The Mayor of Simpleton."

    Or maybe he could get everyone from the Seeger Sessions to sing Jacob's Ladder.

    What Quinn said. Loved that line! I see it as less "we can kick your ass" than "now get your ass in gear." Either way, nice post. Nobody said peace and harmony had to be boring and predictable.

    Anyone else on board

    I woulda' loved to have Jimi do the Banner, but they say he's dead...(I don't believe them.)

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