Tommy Holmes's picture

    How To Take Advantage Of A Bad Situation And Make It Worse

       Was just watching the Fed Chairman, that good ol' boy genius Mr B. Had some very interesting things to say, almost none of which I agree with. Talked about the possibility of a QE3, which to me is a bad idea. Just more money to puff up the markets and cause us more inflationary grief. He himself stated that we need inflation. Why? He's seems to think inflation guarantees economic growth. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing it guarantees is higher profit margins, which seems to lately be the feds true mandate. Inflation cuts buying power which of course hinders demand, which is the real reason for our inability to crawl out of this hole, and the real reason that hiring is at a standstill. Here are some ot the reasons business would have you believe are the reasons we can't climb out of this neatly engineered economic hole that has been dug for us. This reasoning is of course a smoke screen to further the business mandate. Profits uber alas.

        Mr. B's reasoning for the anemic growth we are experiencing sound exactly like the mantra we've been hearing from business, which is too many regulation, not enough free trade agreements, the impending health care plan costs, uncertainty about future mandates, etc, etc,; need I go on. They just won't admit our number one problem in the area of job growth is the fact that most of our jobs are outsourced. And because of the fact that what jobs are left don't pay, demand if falling rapidly. Of course the last thing we need is more free trade. For those who have not figured it out yet the free part is the dropping of the import tariffs which allow the multinationals to get the finished products onto our markets free of charge. Tariffs that could be helping to protect our jobs and also bolster our revenues.

       Business cries for more deregulation, but just a word about what deregulation has done for us since another Good Ol' boy, Mr. Ronny Tinkle Down Reagan was in office and championed this practice. A  practice that has for the most part has cost the American consumer greatly. Funny how we were told it would foster competition and spur growth - more B.S. Many thing that were tightly regulated in the 50's, 60's and 70's were regulated for a reason - that being they penitence for abuse in many ways. The drug industry and the insurance industry are prime examples. The drug industry with they're ability to dole out dangerous  drugs with the equivalent of a modern day snake oil peddler is a good starting point. And the enormous price gouging for these side-effect riddled medicines is all too plain for all the people declaring bankruptcy if they're unlucky enough to require these golden nuggets in pill form.  Another biggie is - buying insurance in today's market is akin to buying protection from the mob - who seems to be the people running it. Then to boot, half the time your denied what you just paid an arm and a leg for. These are just the 2 outstanding examples of deregulation and some of the problems thereof. There are many more areas where we have a major problem with this policy.

       Lastly I just want to say - the way our public sector is being dismantled is criminal. This is nothing but union busting. And as go the unions, go some of the last good paying jobs, ones with much needs fair benefits and all important pensions. These last vessels of the American dream seem to be the first thing on the cutting board in many states that need to balance their budgets. Budget that would have no trouble being balanced if the tax base had not been given away.

        Yes we are being strong armed by business to do the exact things we should not be doing in the hopes that jobs will be created. The only thing that will be created is the playing field business loves - little over site and a victor take all climate. We're told taxes breaks spur growth. Well if you look at the last tax cuts - Baby Bushes great giveaway, all it did was help business move offshore and leave a 4 trillion dollars hole in our treasury, without any job growth, unless you count the raise in employment in China.

        So in parting just want to say, if there is on thing the American business model really has got down to a science, it is how to take a bad situation and make it worse, especially for the American workforce. This has, for the most part, been the norm for much of the history of this country; it's just that now, they're getting even better at it.



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