CVille Dem's picture

    Econosclerosis - Are You Scared Yet?

    Econosclerosis, or "demographic winter," according to the Heritage Foundation is far more dangerous than the global warming "hoax."  This is it in a nutshell:

    The falling fertility rates, which occur in societies (that practice birth control) and manage family size and wealth, are going to ruin the world.  Their thesis is that plenty of children are needed to continue to create the need for consumerism --  housing, food, cars, and goods to keep the economy humming in order to (theoretically) support their elderly parents. 

    You see, once people have reach the ripe old age of 50 they usually slow down in the consumption department -- horrors!  They must leave enough spawn who will take their places as the malls or society as we know it will fall apart!

    These Conservative "Think Tank" brains ignore the fact that countries in which its citizens are more productive and more educated, achieve more;  take care of their own.  They also ignore the fact that those same countries have a more vital elderly population.   In our country, in 1935, a 65 year-old had a statistical expectation of 9 more years of active life; the prediction is that by 2015 it will be 17 years.   Many of our seniors still work; others volunteer; many participate actively in their communities.

    Frankly, I don't know what the Heritage Foundation's point is here:  Is it to justify consumerism, or is it one more excuse to make abortion illegal?   Or is it something else?  The same bunch who gave us the "Clear Skies Initiative," and "No Child Left Behind," are now pushing a

                        DEMOGRAPHIC WINTER

    My take?  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

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