SleepinJeezus's picture

    For DickDay and the Others, the Party Continues!

    I guess I missed the party. And I can only imagine the aftermath. Dick slowly awakening to find he slept face-down on the keyboard, the ashtray full of half smoked cigarettes laying amidst a crumpled wrapper from a package of Lucky Strikes. Too lazy to get a fresh pack out, he grasps the longest of the butts and slips it between his lips. Lighting it, Dick takes a full pull on the cigarette and commences hacking just as he does every morning to announce he has arisen. His hair is a mess, and his pajamas are buttoned all wrong. Without checking the mirror, he knows his eyes are bloodshot. And most of all, the headache informs him that the somewhat vague memories he has of having a good time last night aren't just a figment of his imagination.

    "It was a hell of a party!" he mutters to himself, falling out of his chair to lay prone and passed out upon the floor. It will probably be after noon before ambition overtakes gravity sufficient to get Dick off the floor and effectively started on a whole new day.

    Well, now I'm here to tell Dick and all his friends that the party continues!  And I wish a "Very Happy Unbirthday" for Dick and for all of you from all of me. Enjoy!

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