The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Black Critics Need to Recognize That There Are Some Things That Obama Just Can’t Do - or is That Really the Problem?

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


    Black  Critics Need to Recognize That There Are Some Things That Obama Just Can’t Do - or is That Really the Problem?

    I'm not here to defend President Obama, because I don’t agree with everything he does, or fails to do, myself. But there are those in the Black community who need to come to terms with the fact that there are some things that even the president can’t do - and signing a bill abolishing ignorance is at the very top of that list. That's what it would take to accomplish some of the objectives that they're trying to force upon him. That’s also what lets me know that much of the ranting and raving of some of these so-called Black intellectuals are disingenuous at best, and blatant intraracial bigotry at worst.
    The president can’t just wave a magic wand and instantly make everyone upwardly mobile.  It doesn’t work that way. There’s an educational process that goes along with upward mobility, and that goes for whether the person is Black, or White. While there are many in the Black community who have the skills to hit the ground running, there are others who need to be trained, motivated, and refocused in order to simply maintain a job that pays wages high enough to lift them out of poverty, even if it was given to them.
    So if these educators, intellectuals, and pundits were serious about their concern for the poor, instead of holding televised seminars and book signings, they’d be in the community with their sleeves up, helping to upgrade the skill sets of those who need it. That’s what Barack Obama did. As the first Black president of the Harvard Law Review, when Obama graduated from law school he could have gone to work as a law clerk for the Supreme Court, or pursued wealth by going into any one of the top law firms in the country. He could have also tried to make a name for himself by running all over the country selling books, doing lectures, and trying to sound profound. But he didn't do that. Instead, he quietly went back into the community and went to work helping people to get their heaters fixed. That's the way to show that you care. Words are meaningless. It's deeds that count.
    So for that reason - and yes, because he's a lone Black man struggling to carve out a new chapter in our history - I'll always give him the benefit of the doubt over lesser men who criticize him. No, he's not perfect, but neither am I - and neither was Washington, Jefferson, or Lincoln - but why does a Black man have to be perfect to be accepted as a man worthy of respect?

    Many of the very same Black "intellectuals" who can barely contain themselves today, just sat back and allowed Ronald Reagan, both Bushs, and the GOP in general, to cut our throats for the past 30 years with nothing more than a whimper in most cases, and a profound silence in others.
    So why do they now try to hold Barack Obama to a different standard than they hold other men?  The sad truth is, America has conditioned them to view this Black man with a jaundiced eye. Their attitudes and motivations are exactly the same as with White racists - whenever a Black man demonstrates exceptional excellence, they see it as diminishing their own accomplishments. So the fact is, they view Barack Obama as an assault on their self-esteem, and it's killing them.  He represents a pie in the face of their delusions of grandeur. I suspect President Obama knows this, but he's precluded from saying it, so I am. 

    These critics didn’t lift a finger in the 2000 election when the Black community, and others, were literally disenfranchised to elect George W. Bush, and they were all but mute in the last election while, once again, the GOP passed laws all over the country in an attempt  to obstruct the Black vote. Yet, after enduring all of that, just like their White racist counterparts, the mere idea of having a Black man living in the White House seems to be just more than they can stomach. From the way some of these people are screaming, you’d think someone appointed the Grand Dragon of the Klan to head the NAACP.  No other group of people in the world suffers from that kind of stupidity, and that’s a much more serious problem in the Black community than anything that President Obama can possibly address.
    Surely these "intellectuals" have enough education to know that the United States Constitution states that the House of Representatives controls ALL spending, and they also know that the House of Representatives is controlled by the Republican Party. So exactly what do they expect President Obama to do other than what he is - trying to hold together a fragile coalition of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, gays, women, the young, the old, etc., and design policies that are broad enough to help ALL of these groups in order to put enough pressure on congress to loosen the purse strings? These “public intellectuals” know that. Nevertheless, they continue to rant, rave, and insist that Obama attempt to play poker at a blackjack table.
    They should also know enough about history to remember what brought down the  Civil Rights Movement. Many people don’t realize it, but Republican, Richard Nixon, helped to promote and signed important parts of Affirmation Action into effect - but he had his tongue firmly implanted in cheek as he was signing the memorandum. You see, he knew that many of the White folks who supported the civil rights movement and marched with Martin Luther King would have a change of heart once Black people started taking their jobs and replacing their children in college admissions across the country - and that’s exactly what happened.
    We made a huge mistake while formulating affirmative action legislation. We should have insisted that it be based on need rather than race.  That way, Black people would have still been at the head of the line, but we wouldn’t have given the GOP the leverage to convince poor and middle-class White people that it was an assault on their rights.
    So shortly after it went into effect, White people started to protest, and hordes of formerly moderate White people raced over to the Republican Party. That ushered in the Ronald Reagan era, with his “trickle-down economics,” the assault on Fair Labor Standards Act, and the abolishment of the Fairness Doctrine. That , in turn, led directly to the rise of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the policies that led to the Wall Street collapse, and directly to the dire straits that we find ourselves in today.
    Yet, once again, many of these Black “intellectuals” are criticizing President Obama for having the good sense not to repeat history by refusing to throw his fist in the air. While they say it’s all about advocating against poverty, just like with White demagogues, they’re conflating the term “poverty” with race, in spite of the fact that they know full well that even the scent of racial politics is grist for the Republican mill. That's exactly why Obama has to avoid the issue, because the Republicans can use it to drum up support to block anything he tries to do for the people at all.
    So if these "intellectuals" were actually concerned about the best interest of the Black community, while President Obama is trying to navigate the Republican minefield they’d be in the community organizing, educating, and discussing what we can do to improve our own condition in the meantime.  But of course, that's too much like real work.
    These people should be educating Black people to understand that more money passes through the Black community than through most countries, so we could create our own jobs.  But we don't, and I’ll tell you why - because Black people are the product of the very same racist environment as White people, so we’re just as reluctant to patronize Black businesses as any Hillbilly. Unlike any other community in the world, we’d rather take our money and patronize other people - ANY other people - as long as they aren’t Black. That’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is, what it is.

    So our bigoted attitude towards other Black people is the primary reason why we’re lingering at the very bottom of the social and economic ladder - and it’s that very same bigotry that’s being reflected in the attitudes of Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and others of their ilk, towards President Obama.  Essentially, all they’re saying is, “Obama ain’t nobody - he’s just another nigga, just like you.” 
    Think about it. Think about the kind of respect that these people afforded Bush and Cheney, and those two were trying to cut our throats - in fact, they did!  But in spite of that, many of these Black critics limited their criticism to mumbling under their breath. But now, with Obama, they've broken out the bullhorns. And Cornel West, in his typically attention-seeking  fashion , has even resorted to playing the dozens - with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! That's not only highly disrespectful of the president, but in my opinion, speaks volumes regarding his lack of respect, and arrogant disdain, for the Black community as a whole.
    So it’s time for Black people to come to terms with our racist attitudes toward one another. If we’re going to hold a seminar on poverty, the major topic of discussion shouldn’t be Barack Obama, but why we’re so willing to pass by hundreds of Black businesses in the community to take our money to Walmart. Now, I’d be a hypocrite to say never shop at Walmart.  I realize that sometimes our finances force us to deal with the Devil, but we should, at the very least, balance our spending.  Because, until we come to terms with what is essentially a boycott of Black businesses, whining about high unemployment is silly.
    So, again, one of the many things that President Obama can’t do, is to sign a bill bestowing common sense upon the people. Learning to love and respect other Black people, and acting with common sense, are two things that no one else can give us.

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    Guess you couldn't find anyone to rent you a clue, so I'll give you a freebie.

    West isn't calling Obama "just another nigga"- he's saying many people would be complaining about his policies if he were white, but as a black man he's assumed to be more liberal than he is. He's saying Obama's way better than electing a Romney, but that there are liberal issues and positions that are being neglected, and waiting for Obama to address these on his own is foolish.

    You can talk about respect all you want, but if people are out stealing black jobs and black homes by the millions with a million still incarcerated, and the only answer is "get educated, go get a job", it probably behooves someone to get pissed off mad and start fighting about it, rather than worrying about offended feelings. When Kennedy got shot, Malcolm X didn't tuck his head in his shirt and say "oh me oh my, i sure be sorry..." "Chickens coming home to roost" is what he said. You made your bed, now lie in it, don't come to me to smooth it over.

    But now we're appealing to the "respectful negro", are we? I used to get a kick out of poor dumb whites worrying about the state of the Dow Jones, as if it meant fuck all to them, as if trickle down would hit sometime before judgment day. So now we're going to solve whitey's problem by being careful to not ask too much. That's just so obliging of you. I'm sure someone will send you a thank you note and a hankie at some point.

    This is idiocy. 

    #1. Blacks racism towards blacks is THE. PRIMARY. REASON. for black poverty.

    #2. In the midst of a global recession such as the world hasn't seen since the 1930's, President Obama isn't doing anything wrong, why, in fact, the single most important thing that isn't being done is... blacks aren't buying enough at black-owned stores. Holy McShit, Batman - Wattree just killed the entire field of macroeconomics, that's how keen he is to absolve Obama of any role in this. Hey Eric - ever heard of Wall Street? Any relevance at all? 

    #3. To disrespect the President is to disrespect the black community as a whole. Thus sayeth the man who wants to end black on black racism. Holy hell, where do you start with a thought process this moronic? I mean, what with Obama being 1/2 white, I guess if a white person insults him, then they're also disrespecting the entire white race. Sounds to me like you've got this President wrapped in the purest of all swaddling clothes - he can't be criticized without disrespecting two races at once. How does this work, Wattree? If whites dissed George W bush, were they disrespecting all white people? 

    At least now we know why you're afraid of a Bill abolishing stupidity, Wattree. 

    Because you - and you're ignorant, anti-historical, anti-economics, and deep-dish racist claptrap - would be thrown the hell out of work. 

    Black people visiting this site need better than this sort of tripe. 

    Your attack on Wattree is off-base and patently absurd. Food desserts exist in many poor black communities. Access to healthy food is miles away. Here is West’s BFF, Tavis Smiley interviewing  Will Allen, a former pro-basketball player who created urban farms in Milwaukee to provide healthy food sources for the community. His model has been used across the country. Local entrepreneurship to solve a local problem. The experience was detailed in the “Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People and Communities” by Will Allen. Wattree is on point.

    Maggie and John Anderson are two successful Black professionals who were living in comfort in a Chicago suburb. They felt unease over the conditions faced by poor Blacks. They noted that Black wealth was one-tenth of White wealth in the United States. Black businesses lag behind White businesses in multiple measures of success. Many businesses in Black communities are owned by members of other ethnic groups. Echoing Wattree, the Andersons noted the Blacks-unlike other ethnic groups had a tendency not to support Black businesses

    The Anderson gathered research to support their hypothesis. The couple committed their family to live on products produced an owned by Black businesses over the course of a year. The results were published in “Our Black Year: One Family’s Quest to Buy Black in America’s Racially Divided Economy”. The book was to be used as a blueprint for other family’s looking to support Black businesses. Wattree is just reporting on a well-known problem.


    I'm sorry, but I really do wish Obama would pass that law against Stupidity, because you'd be taken off the field on your shield, my friend.

    You mention some micro example as a solution to a global, macro, problem. I don't know, perhaps you hadn't noticed how things got remarkably worse for many people after the 2007-08 crash? Was that because there was a sudden upsurge in black people not eating locally? 

    Also, I raised 3 points. The 1st and 3rd were even more the claims of a buffoon. Good to see you can't be bothered to even try to back them up. 

    For example, it's good to see - as a white man - that Wattree says that the primary reason for black poverty is black attitudes. That's a load off whites backs. I guess the Republicans are right, in your view. 

    Also good to hear that from now on, in the interests of respecting their fellow white people, other white people should never again insult or criticize a white President. That seems like a sensible, democratic thing to do.

    And you call me absurd? As Dick would say, Ahahahahahahaha!

    He called your point absurd Q, not you. You and I had a discussion a number of weeks ago about asshole behavior. Please recall it. I'm going to sleep now. If I have to moderate any additional comments in the morning, we will ask you to take a break for dagblog.

    Will Allen's effort to get healthy food to poor people in Milwaukee was a macro issue for those people. People were eating healthy while waiting for those other "macro" solutions.

    Feel free to call Obama a Muslim, radical Black Christian Theologist, Socialist, Kenyan, Food Stamp President, mascot to plutocrats, lazy, etc. Expect pushback when the terms are used. The bottom line is that the rhetoric will make the focus the labels rather than the thrust of the disagreement. The current commentary is about "blackface" and not poverty.

    West goes on these verbal assaults like "fear of a free Black man" and gets question about language not plans for change. To keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result is absurd.

    The mascot of the plutocrats seems to be holding to a tax cut for the middle class.

    West has been ineffectual and worse, a distraction.



    No, you can't just redefine an economic term like "macro" just because your argument fell down and can't get up.

    You talk about blacks buying from blacks, but then the issue of Jay-Z comes up - as owning 1/15th of 1% of the Nets, are blacks really frequenting a black venue, or just supporting a Russian magnate and Barclay's bank? One little black cog in a huge white wheel makes little difference.

    And what difference does it make to buy from black businessmen/women when some bank is just going to come foreclose on their mortgage illegally and take all that built up wealth? Got a problem? Get a million dollar lawyer.  (there were cases where people had paid their mortgage well in advance but were still being foreclosed on - no one stopped to check the facts, it was just on auto-pilot)

    West seems schooled in the Public Enemy & George Clinton vein of hip-hop. I imagine he can do a standard Washington DC think-tank shpiel, but that doesn't seem to be his schtick. Room for all sorts of singers on this stage.

    2 years ago the mascot of the plutocracy rolled over nicely for extending tax cuts, while taking a cut out of Social Security in the name of a holiday. Glad to see him thinking about revenue from the top this time around. A few months ago, he was signalling the need to put Social Security and Medicare on the table - could some resistance on the left & middle be forcing him to back away from that equation?

    I think winning an electoral landslide along with House and Senate seats emboldened Obama. Those who voted for Obama and the Democrats can take credit for giving the Democrats a stronger position. Those who didn't , can't take much credit.

    if someone belonged to OWS and didn't vote were just Ina camping trip. Campaign workers and actual voters were the true driving force for setting a new tone.

    West launched the attack on Jay Z's Brooklyn Nets ownership. I don't know if West supports buying from Blacks or not

    In their new book "The Rich and the Rest of Us", West and Smiley suggest that poverty become a priority. Obamacare addresses an issue of extreme importance to the working poor. The lack of health insurance. Walmart workers, for example have to have their health subsidized in a haphazard manner by local governments, removing the burden of health care costs as a barrier to health maintenance is a poverty issue

    Tavis Smiley was ready to jettison Obamacare because it wasn't single-payer. He was insensitive to the impact that would have has on poor people.

    So Obama paid attention to how many extra votes he got in New York or DC or California? Get real.

    "Attack" on Jay-Z's ownership? No, he just asked Jay-Z to be more transparent - is he a significant owner, or just a tiny stake. People can decide for themselves whether it makes any difference, but it's nice to be clear.

    Health care improvements and health costs controls would be nice. So far it doesn't seem to be a direct result of Obama's ACA for insurance (not care itself) - health costs are rising significantly while waiting for the exchanges and other factors to kick in. Who ends up paying, whether poor families will see long-term savings and better coverage and more health security, is still an open question.

    Was Tavis Smiley ready to jettison ACA, or just applying pressure? Here he notes that Hispanics are doing a much better job getting what they want.

    Such brilliance, Latinos want immigration reform. Gays want marriage equality, Women don't want vaginal probes. A common theme here is that those are easier issues to deal with than poverty and unemployment.

    More Whites are unemployed and in poverty than Blacks. When you set up a program in the current era, it has to be Universal unless you can prove that a certain group is being targeted specifically rather than a reflection of a general weakened economy.

    Want more Blacks in college, set up a program targeting the poor and the working poor. That is going to be the obvious solution to the demolition of Affirmative Action being planned by Conservatives in the Supreme Court. Have states give preference to the upper percentages of high school students from all high schools in the state whether urban or suburban. Those are solutions

    Tavis Smiley applying pressure? Heck no. He was mouthing off as usual and got called out on Obama care. Keep drinking the West/ Smiley Kool-Aid

    The GOP is suppressing votes,  threatening secession, doing vaginal probes, disbanding unions, threatening to block an attempt at health care reform and West is focused on Obama.

    The public got the clue and got rid of as many Republicans as they could. Removing. Union bashing Republican Governors is the next step. People are planning for midterm elections. Let West continue to rant, others are focused on the first order if business.

    It is interesting that West attacked an accomplished scholar like Melissa Harris-Perry and later described her as treacherous". What caused him to use that term?

    When you ask West and Smiley what they would do, they suggest a conference. One gas to ask, what was the purpose of Smiley's State of the Black Union conferences serve, if not to formulate a plan of action?





    West brought Harris-Perry to Princeton long ago as a protogé - do you ever mention that?
    Harris-Perry called West a "hypocritical leftist" long ago. Any attack there?

    The way Harris-Perry tells it, West was just all boo-hoo about not getting an inaug invite - no mention of the 60+ campaign events West had done, and more importantly, the policy issues West was hoping to push.

    Harris-Perry thinks West's complaint about Larry Summers was just old Harvard rivalry - curious, when the details of the bailout show how heinous the funnel of money flowing into Wall Street was, how many failed bankers were brought in to "fix" the problem from the government side. Summers being just one of those pro-Wall Street faces that made sure the fix was in.

    Here's Chris Hedges take on more than the last 5 minutes. But you're welcome to keep taking the MSNBC 30-second blurb view of things.

    "others are focused on the first order of business"? how about the first order being to end the fucking war as West seems focused on, stop wasting vast amounts of money while killing innocents and doing nothing to stabilize the situation. I can't think of anything more first order than that. Obama said he was against "stupid wars" and then he went out and puffed Afghanistan up into a truly stupid one.

    Elijah Muhammad placed Malcolm X high in the ranks of the Nation of Islam. Should Malcolm have continued to support a man he considered a false prophet?

    Progressive Maryland Representative Donna Edwards belonged to a Ralph Nader offshoot. Does that mean that Nader cannot be criticized?

    I don't understand your point. Are you daubing that Harris-Perry is forever forbidden to criticize Cornel West. Part of the growth process is to note differences between you and your mentors.

    Afghan leadership and  troops have been given a withdrawal date. Afghan troops are being sent to the front lines. At the same time the administration is trying to keep Israel from inflaming the situation in Gaza. We are supporting Syrian rebels on the side along with impeding Iran's nuclear weapons development by computer attacks,

    Should we leave the Middle East completely? Should we leave Assad alone and use diplomacy? Should we let Morsi do whatever he is going to allow the army to do in Egypt? Should we leave Iran to its own devices and let Israel fight a war?  

    While US troops are on harm's way, are drones a better option than having troops face IEDs?

    We should leave Afghanistan, but that will not end Middle East issues,

    We'll leave Afghanistan in 2 years, except for the 10,000+ troops we leave behind. Slowest withdrawal ever.


    Post election, there will be a greater Congressional push for an earlier withdrawal.

    The problem with the intending critic is that you will miss opportunities to actually effect change. If the public and Congress stress how tired they are if the war , the pace will quicken. The economics of faster troop withdrawal is also an important point to emphasize.

    Unfortunately with an all volunteer military, troops become a more remote factor.

    I don't know what you're trying to say, but despite some disgruntlement, our pace will not quicken unless something exceptional and major happens. Congress will focus on the "fiscal cliff", by February they'll be worried about getting re-elected again, Republicans aren't going to become the anti-war party, and Afghanistan will acquiesce to having US troops there post-2014.

    Note with all the Benghazi kerfluffle, Republicans never turned that energy towards Afghanistan.

    Besides, we're doing Syria now, so the other items are off the table.

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