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    Biting the Hand

    Biting The Hand That Feeds You

    In TPM tradition I figured I'd open up with a list of complaints about the site ... well, maybe later. I do have a question, though. What will you do (besides siccing Orlando on them, of course) if'n all the trolls follow TPMers over here, and try to start a slugfest? Some people enjoy that but I find it tiresome. By trolls I don't mean people I disagree with, just people who stir up trouble to attract attention or feed their egos, or whatever.


    Three words:




    More seriously, I suspect that most of the "trolls" (and I make no comment about whether or not there are any trolls at that site or who those hypothetical trolls might hypothetically be) won't be so interested in us. I don't think we give good troll satisfaction here.

    Speak for yourself. I give good troll.

    And also, HEY! I can hear you, Donal.

    I hoped you'd take that as a compliment. Smile

    Pah. You call those snivelers at TPM trolls? Mere gremlins. We get real trolls here. They set their google news filters to "Ayn Rand" and coming roaring in like avenging mollusks with rocks up their asses. We toy with them, crack their shells, chew on their innards, and spit them out.

    Fuck the trolls. It's the spam that keeps me up at night.

    Do we have a captcha implementation?  That might help.

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