Big Bird Wins Debate


    Rather dumb of Mitt to take on Big Bird personally.

    "I love Big I'm going to kill him!!!"

    The perfect embodiment of "compassionate conservatism".

    Lessee, a character 80 million Americans have watched as kids, 95% of preschoolers watch.

    A mainstay for GOP & Dem moms keeping pre-schoolers on educational programs vs. video games.

    A new initiative to bring more Hispanic culture to public TV.

    Pissing off 8-year-old kids... (and their moms) - see below.

    A lot of damage caused for a cheap shot. No clearer takeaway from the debate.

    Most important, it embodies the big debate over government: a grouchy politician's bottom-line accounting vs. a more feel-good government that cares for people's needs. 

    And it'll likely trend more for women than men, not in Romney's favor.

    I'm beginning to think Obama's rope-a-dope worked. Just keep out of trouble and let Romney dig in deeper.

    [And as I thought the title observation original, seems the meme's already going around the intertubes plus Daily Mail, Time, Washington Post. Seems the bird's well connected]




    I believe this meme will do more to undermine Romney than any good dig by Obama during the debate. 

    There is so much material to work with.  People who are apolitical and might not vote at all get involved and push the meme.

    The brutal viral messaging Koch Brothers can't buy. Visual and familiar.

    And visceral. As you point out, we all grew up with the Muppets, became emotionally tied to one or another of characters. 

    Uh-oh, I feel a "choose your avatar" contest coming up.

    But where are the female characters aside from Miss Piggy?

    There's the blonde chick in the rock band

    Prairie Dawn







    Sesame Street apparently embraces it male dominated cast:

    Not to get all psychological, but we are wired to reduce something long and complex like many worded debate.  Who remembers what was actually said during the Carter Reagan debate, except "there you go again."  Who can remember (without googling it) what he was responding to.

    With the new technology we have become even more visually orientated before.  Isn't McCain and the debates been reduced to this in the cultural memory:

    So now if someone says the Obama Romney debate, what is the first image that pops into my mind, before there are even words

    And there are words in the image.  These words override whatever words were actually said during the debate.


    Perfect.  Beaker responds:

                                             Fired Big Bird (Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird)Fired Big Bird (Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird)



    Ann Romney's visit to Sesame Street will be a little different, I guess.



    I suppose she could show the kids how to be an owner of a Olympic bound horse

    Sam Stein on the Ed Show probably put it best when it commented that while Obama lost the debate, he didn't do or say anything that will haunt him.  As the above demonstrates, the same cannot be said of Romney.

    Between his stated support for the Keystone Pipeline and so-called "clean" coal (clean coal is like tasty feces), Romney was definitely better at convincing me of why I should vote for Obama than Obama was.

    One of the facets not discussed pre-debate and post-debate is whether what Romney said would fire up the opposition.  I think we can say that he did.  In fact, the fact that Obama didn't say things everyone of a liberal bent was screaming at the tv only reinforced in them why they need to make sure this man does not get into the Oval Office.  I am in no way thinking this was Obama's team plan, but the reality is that liberals are talking over the internet about "what he should had said was...."  And this reinforces the notion why it is important, if you are liberal, why you need to do what you can to ensure Obama returns to the WH.

    I stopped watching the debate when Obama pointed out that Romney was abandoning the platform he had been campaigning upon for the last year.

    When you dismiss something on that scale and the interlocutor acts like it didn't happen, the discussion is over. 

    Why doesn't Romney support Downtown Abbey? Is it that it hit too close to home?

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