The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    August 8th 1974 - Nixon Resigns - August 8th 2009 --> It's up to Us!

    I was at the Kennedy Center, and the Bolshoi Ballet was performing Raymunda, an exquisite ballet; a perfect performance.  I don't remember if it happened at intermission, or just between acts, but the curtains came down, and a huge screen lowered.  No one knew what was coming, but then it happened; Nixon resigned.  Sorry, it's in two parts.

     This was a time that was very tense with the Soviets, and Mikhail Baryshnikov defected that same year; he had to do it by escaping his KGB handlers while he was in Canada.  It's hard to remember what it was like then, but the philosophy of "mutually assured destruction" was supposedly the only thing that kept the US and the USSR from dropping the big ones on each other.

     I remember thinking as I watched Nixon doing his best to maintain some dignity as he resigned in disgrace, that these Russian dancers must be amazed at this peaceful change of power.  Surely if our President, who was clearly unworthy to lead, stepped down and our process kept our government going, we  had a truly great government that mere men could not bring down.  

    I remember feeling a little bit afraid, but also proud, and especially with the Bolshoi Ballet as our personal witnesses to this event.

    Well, there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then, and I personally think we have lost our way.  What Nixon did pales in comparison to the Bush/Cheney regime, and they not only never were held accountable, but proudly tout their many failures as examples of their toughness and patriotism.  Using fear as a tactic, they stoked it and managed to invade a country that was of no danger to us, and they kept the war so antiseptic, that few really feared Iraqis by the time they left office. 
    But to fill the void of fear, the party of Nixon, Bush and Cheney has now focused on our very own President.  He is to be feared, because how else would they gain power?  Because there is no reason to fear him, they have to invent things, such as questioning his legitimacy of birth; saying he includes a "Death Panel" in his health care reform; and more.   This fabricated fear is a cynical and malevolent threat to us all.

    If we don't get back on track with this good, intelligent, and capable man, I just don't know if we ever can.  If we don't educate the ignorant, defuse the hate, and take away the power from those who use it against the very substance of our country, we will lose it, and our children's futures.

    It's time to get serious.

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