The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Pro-Growth or Financial Warfare?

    Again I feel remiss for not keeping up with Amy Goodman.

    New $600B Fed Stimulus Fuels Fears of US Currency War

    JUAN GONZALEZ: On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve said it will pump $600 billion more into the US economy and keep interest rates at historically low levels. The short-term impact of the Fed’s move, known as quantitative easing, has been a jump in stock prices across the globe, but many nations have accused the US of waging a currency war by devaluing the dollar. ... China has accused the US of uncontrolled money printing. By devaluing the dollar, the Fed is cheapening the price of US exports and making foreign imports more expensive. In addition, the low interest rates are encouraging US corporations to make massive investments overseas, cheaply buying up foreign real estate, natural resources and stock.
    AMY GOODMAN: Our next guest, Michael Hudson, says finance has become a new form of warfare. Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City. A former Wall Street economist, he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire. ... Why warfare?

    MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, the object of warfare is to take over a country’s land, raw materials and assets, and grab them. And in the past, that used to be done militarily by invading them. But today you can do it financially simply by creating credit, which is what the Federal Reserve has done. It’s created $600 billion. It hasn’t gone into the economy. ... the Fed has said, we want to give the banks so much money that they will lend it out so you can begin to bid up prices on real estate again and pull the banks out of the real estate negative equity that it’s in. So the purpose, according to the Fed, is to raise the price of real estate, to inflate asset prices. But that’s not happening. The actual banks have lent less today than they did in 2007. So the money is going abroad. And it’s going abroad not really to buy foreign companies so much, but to speculate in currency.

    Now, the Fed and the Congress, two weeks ago, said, "We want China to raise its currency by 20 percent." This would create billions and billions of dollars of bonanza for Wall Street banks, and it would enable them to earn their way out of debt by essentially looting the China central bank, the Brazilian central bank, the Turkish central bank and the other central banks, because you can now borrow money in America at one percent. So you’d put down, let’s say, a billion dollars of your own—a million dollars of your own money, borrow $99 million of the bank’s money—that’s $100 million. You would buy Chinese currency, RMB, for $100 million. You then say, "Raise your currency by 20 percent," which is what the Fed has asked them to do. That means that your million dollars now has turned into a $20 million gain, because $100 million is now worth $120 million. You’ve made a 200 percent profit. And for Wall Street, they deal in billions, not millions. And so, this would enable the banks to make up their money by buying out, essentially, foreign currency. They’re doing the same in Australia. It’s currency gamble.

    That Numerian fellow ArtAppraiser cited on my Hyperstagflation post was making the same argument that the money would not benefit the American people. [Update: Contrast Hudson's attack with Fed Governor Kevin Warsh's arguments that the $600 billion Quantitative Easing will be a closely regulated pro-growth stimulus, required by the nation's malaise. As I mentioned in Camoflation, Warsh was backing away from QE on the same day he voted for it, perhaps out of concern for future Tea Party reprisal.]

    AMY GOODMAN: Is this inflationary?

    MICHAEL HUDSON: It will inflate asset prices. It won’t inflate consumer prices. It’s actually deflationary for consumer prices, because if you’re an American consumer and you spend 40 percent of your income for housing, 15 percent for debt service to the bank, 11 percent goes out in your FICA wage withholding, and about ten to 15 percent in actual income taxes, that means that the average American has maybe one-third or a quarter of their salary to actually spend on goods and services. So they have to spend so much on debt service and finance and insurance and real estate that there’s no money to buy goods and services, so that’s why so many stores are closing throughout the cities on the big shopping streets. It’s deflationary for the economy, inflationary for the people who have wealth, inflationary for the banks. And it’s the banks really at the expense of the economy.

    StagRentDebtTaxFlation. Deflating a 1.1% CPI should be interesting.

    Goodman replays JOSEPH STIGLITZ from an earlier interview: So the money isn’t going into the American economy. The lending is actually below what it was in 2007. In a globalized economy, the money is looking for the best place to go. And where is it finding it? In the emerging markets. So, the irony is that money that was intended to rekindle the American economy is causing havoc all over the world. Those elsewhere in the world say, what the United States is trying to do is the twenty-first century version of "beggar thy neighbor" policies that were part of the Great Depression: you strengthen yourself by hurting the others. You can’t do protectionism in the old version of raising tariffs, but what you can do is lower your exchange rate, and that’s what low interest rates are trying to do, weaken the dollar. The flood of liquidity abroad is trying to push the exchange rates abroad. And they say—they’re saying, "We can’t allow that."

    MICHAEL HUDSON: That was, I think, the best interview on your show that Professor Stiglitz has ever done. Last Saturday, I was in Germany at an economic meeting, and we were discussing this very interview there. And what they’re pointing out is that in Europe, in Germany and all of Europe, it’s illegal for the central bank to finance government debt. All of Europe is being subjected to austerity now because of the way in which their constitution is written. So they’re saying, "Wait a minute. When we run a deficit, we have to raise interest rates and impose austerity. And in the United States, they are doing just the opposite. They’re lowering interest rates to buy us out."

    And the interview of Professor Stiglitz here was quite right. America is doing all of this. The Fed is doing this to cover up the huge fraud that he talks about. He’s right. These people should be in jail, and you shouldn’t bail them out. You’re keeping the debt that was run out by the junk mortgages and the fraudulent lending, you’re keeping that in place, pricing American labor out of the market, and making it impossible for America to earn its way out of debt. So, in Europe, they’re saying, "How can America ever repay these dollar debts that they’re running up?" They can’t repay, and that’s why the euro is going up against America. And that’s why they say, "We want to now talk to the BRIC countries, to China, to the third world, and move into a currency area with them and just isolate the dollar, so they can’t do the kind of financial warfare that they’ve been engaging in.

    Hudson was an adviser to Dennis Kucinich and expresses profound disappointment with Obama:

    MICHAEL HUDSON: ... But what he’s turned into is the third Bush-Cheney administration. He’s reappointed the worst of the Bush people, like Tim Geithner as the Treasury secretary. He’s kept on the most right-wing of the Clinton people as his economic advisers. He is essentially in Wall Street’s pocket. And that’s not changed at all. And that’s why so many people were so disappointed. They believed that he was going to be for change, and he’s a good speaker, but he had no intention of doing the change at all, as we now see.

    And he still has not come out and said that America needs anything except more debt, more bailouts for the banks. People were angry because the banks were bailed out. And now the Republicans will say he didn’t give them enough. They’re angry because he didn’t give Wall Street enough and cut taxes enough on the rich. That’s not why people are angry. They’re angry because he gave money to the rich, the exact opposite. So, I guess you could say Mr. Obama and Mr. Kucinich are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

    Sure is odd to hear someone on Democracy Now, a Kucinich adviser, echoing a Tea Party talking point.

    JUAN GONZALEZ: And what do you expect to happen at the G20 meeting that’s coming up now?

    MICHAEL HUDSON: The same thing that happened two weeks ago: absolutely nothing. They will all agree that the soup was very good, that the food was nice, and that they will have further discussions. But America will not get any of what it’s asking for from them, because they’re going to say, "Look, we’re not going to let you create electronic keyboard credit and buy out our real estate and our industry and empty out our bank reserves like you did in the 1997 Asia crisis." That’s never going to happen again, and the world is going to begin splitting into two currency blocs: the BRIC bloc and the dollar bloc.




    Welcome to the New Plutocracy. But what I find the most curious is why the republicans hate him ? He's more like them than they are economically. This is simply GWB Economics on steroids.

    I'd say the only difference between W and O would be the GOPer's were holding W's reins so they were in the driver's seat, not so with O, but he's trainable.

    Allright. I can't take much more. I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my internet life to LOLcats or something ... oh hey ... if you missed this awesome Rube Goldberg music video from a few months back  ... I'm pretty sure the design was inspired by our current economy (with the notable exception that the Rube Goldberg machine actually works).

    BTW. Did you see Axelrod says Obama's going to cave and let the rich people keep their tax cuts? They didn't even let congress come back and force the GOP to filibuster for a bit or anything. uuuugh.


    Good music, but mine's better. Especially the comment at the end

    That was WAY cool. A bit too orderly to be based on our economy though. Not nearly enough ancillary mayhem .... and nothing got smashed.

    But it's the statement...Isn't nice when things just work...that's important. It's what's missng in the debate. If things just worked as they are suppose to, there wouldn't be problems.

    I think We the People has been forgotten in Washington DC. We are serfs tied to the land of the feudal masters so are expected to do as we're told and not concern ourselves with matters above and beyond our position. And we just had an election where a majority decided it was better to enhance the feudal masters control over us rather than relieve the oppression brought on by their greed for personal wealth. What's the point in participating anymore? It's a forgone conclusion the public no longer is capable of electing people to represent their interest over business interest. It's as if the majority get their kicks off being mistreated and abused.

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