The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Ancient philosophy

    As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.


    (Please note in my defense, that no Athenians were hurt during the creation of the post, but if your eyes and ears are sensitive today, please refrain from reading this rant. No blessings here.)

    I loved this book by Plato. First book of philosophy I ever read. A chapter of course in a short three chapter book about the death of the man Plato most loved in the world, Socrates.

    It struck me on the first read, that there was no apology at all.  As I grew older I became too sophisticated to even contemplate that there was no apology contained in the short book. As I grew even older, I mean really older, I was really stuck that there was no apology at all.

    I was so much older back then, I am younger than that now.

    Certainly Plato made no apology to the Sophists who killed Socrates; nor was there any apology to the citizens who voted for the exile or the death of my hero under the guidance of the Sophists. Athens was a democracy although my friend de Tocqueville  points out that Athens was not much of a democracy since only ten percent of the population could vote. Kind of the same in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the start when you think about it.

    Socrates never apologized at all of course; for anything. Just ask I.F. Stone. Ahahahahaa.

    Go away, be exiled forever, cried the citizens of Athens. We do not wish to kill you. Just go away. You make us uncomfortable. You wish to point out things that are of the past. We must look forward, not backward. Go Socrates. You make us far to uncomfortable.

    FUCK YOU cried Socrates. And FUCK YOUR MOTHERS TOO. Ha.

    Well then, we must execute you. We have no fancy electric chairs and we are surely not going to cut your head off and make you a martyr. We are not going to put a cloth over your head and hang you or crucify you. But we must ask that you take this potion and be done with you. You make us far too uncomfortable.

    A member of the House of Representatives; also known as the PEOPLE'S HOUSE, disrupted a reading. A splendid speech to both Houses of Congress held in the People's Home by the President of the United States of America.

    YOU LIE! Screamed the South Carolinian; right in the middle of the speech. Joe Wilson a member of neo nazi groups and a man who has never helped the common man in his entire lifetime, screams what he maintains is the truth.

    Now we must all understand. I mean, every time George W. Bush spoke on the television, he lied; for eight long years. And all his representatives lied. EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY APPEARED. On cable news, on network television, on the radio or when they were merely quoted in the newspapers or news web sites. THEY LIED.

    They lied about why we should go to war against Iraq.

    They lied about how tax cuts would help the middle class.

    They lied about how the business of America was business.

    They lied about how many new jobs they would create.

    They lied about how God was on our side.

    They lied about how they kept America safe.

    They lied about how outsourcing would save the taxpayers money.

    They lied about how they would pay down debt and balance the budget.

    They lied about how they would protect our National Resources.

    They lied about how they cared about the middle class.

    They lied about welfare queens driving Cadillacs.

    They lied about how abstinence counseling would decrease the numbers of pregnancies.

    They lied about the bidding process for independent contractors and how egalitarian the entire process was.

    They lied about how truly 'independent' those contractors were.

    They lied about how twelve billion dollars in small bills dropped in the middle of Bagdad was in our national interest.

    They lied about how our groundwater was safe from pollutants.

    They lied about dems wanted forced abortions.

    They lied about how dems wanted to destroy Christmas.


    They lied and they lied and they lied and they lied and they lied. And they continue to lie. Not just misstate, not just spin, not just confuse....they just plain lie.

    I would stand up from my love seat, which I stole from the garbage man three years ago, and yell with great bravado: YOU LIE. HA!!!

    And this nazi fascist fuck does the same thing during a joint session of the Congress of the United States; all the time KNOWING that his president was not lying at all. Not even fibbing. Not even spinning. 

    "I am not going to apologize again," he said. He said he apologized to Obama on Wednesday he said and "that is sufficient." Actually, the apology went to Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

    I am sooooooooooooooooooo sorry mister Jew Chief of Staff. Soooooooooooooo sorry I let out a thought that had somehow been passing through my nazi mind. I should have shown more restraint. My goodness.

    Oh but I will be damned if I stand on the floor of the House of Representatives and apologize. I already made my apology.

    Oh, and on TV the nazi will say: I apologize FOR THE FORM BUT NOT THE CONTENT OF MY REMARK during the Joint Session of the Congress of the United States of America.

    Oh, and Representative Clyburn, the distinguished House Whip from the opposing party of Wilson's. Well, Clyburn had been receiving snubs from Wilson and his white supremacists his entire fricking life. Brought a resolution to condemn Wilson's actions and it passed, mostly upon party lines of course. But a statement was made, anyway. I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS RACIST NAZI FASCIST CRAP ANY LONGER-NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT, NOT WITHOUT A CONDEMNATION, says Representative Clyburn.

    And what was the real message of Representative Wilson?


    I have noticed over the past few months that people on the left are a little angry. WHEN ARE THE GODDAMN DEMOCRATS GONNA STEP UP TO THE PLATE.

    Beck and other NAZI's hint that there should be some sort of military coup in this country.

    Our president is portrayed as Hitler, as a monkey, as a jungle respect whatsoever for a man who really represents fulfillment of the American Dream. The greatest speaker of our time.

    They ask, when are the dems going to step up to the plate and take some batting practice?

    Representative Grayson D-Fla.,stepped up to the plate. This man stood on the House Floor (admittedly with a couple of those graphs that look so stupid) and said, hey, the repubs are trying to kill you.

    45,000 killed every year by the repubs. A true fact of life. Repubs do not wish any interference with the wealth that is coming to them every goddamnable year from the death panels that run our healthcare system.  Representative Grayson held nothing back.

     "Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."

    You know that this man was asked for an apology; for even intimating that repubs are killing people every year?

    You want an apology? asked Grayson. Hell, I will give you an apology.

    They'll have to wait a while longer. This afternoon, Grayson came back to the House floor to say he had no intentions of backing down from his comments:

    "I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America," Grayson said.


    Now is the time for all good men and all good women to come to the aid of their party and their country.


    People, Alan Grayson is my new hero. I am not kidding.

    Here he is:

    Alan Grayson 455 N. Garland Ave, Ste. 402
    Orlando, FL 32801
    (407) 841-1757
    (407) 841-1754 (fax)

    Here is an email address:

    Tavares, FL
    1-866-939-3737 (toll free)
    [email protected]

    Here is my email:

    The Honorable Alan Grayson

    Representative for the Eighth District of Florida

    Dear Congressman Grayson:

    I am just an old man in my pj's on the world wide net.

    You sir are a hero. A hero I say for most of us left wing bloggers who are sick and tired of the slams against our President and our Democratic Party by people who do not give a damn about the citizens of this great country.

    You sir, give us hope.

    Yes, to do nothing on health care is to simply continue the carnage.

    Thank you so much for voicing what has not yet been voiced on the floor of the People's House.

    I, for one, will support you in any endeavor you seek. And so shall my comrades on the net.

    Thank you for demonstrating some courage that has been sorely needed.

    Very truly yours,


    Richard G. Day

    Oh and here is the congressman's blog:

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