The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A More Than Pleasant Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon





    Here's this week's heap of haikus: 




    Flowery bouquets,
    made the room seem less dreary.
    and soaked up her tears.


    There’s a twilight time
    between dusk and eve’ning that
    nurtures reflection.


    Double haiku:


    My world has shifted.
    I'm now, sadly, no-one’s son.
    Who will hold me now?


    And so, another
    Mothers' Day will go by with
    only memories..



    (Happy Mothers' Day this Sunday to all you mothers out there!)




    Through fields of flowers
    this iron engine still rolls;
    attractive tractor.




    Loose litter swirling
    through the canyons of midtown;
    Urban tumbleweeds.



    The sign was quite clear:
    "Don't Park Horses Here"  So I
    tethered my Buick.




    Reluctant Winter
    took its time to arrive, and
    now delays Spring blooms.





    The shape of her feet
    were somewhat unusual;
    (They point East and West.)



    Against cloud-less skies,
    tractor-trains of children ride
    through flags of flowers





    Even a black crow
    can not fight the urge to stop
    and smell the flowers.




    double haiku:

    I have a doc named
    Jesse. He's seventy-six.
    Which seems odd to me.


    It's not that he's old,

    it's just that his name makes me

    think he's much younger.





    ‘midst purple flowers,
    a hummingbird suspended
    in mid-air … awesome.





    Things I saw today;
    2 year olds wearing hoodies,
    old men without canes.



    Squirming, squealing kids,
    make life a living … heaven.
    Don’t they? Sure, moms know …



    He grabbed the railing
    when his cane hit a wet spot;
    he'd started to fall.



    Caught in the downpour
    without an umbrella, he
    stepped in a puddle.




    A tangerine sky,
    clouds that haunt the horizon,
    lure me towards night.



    tanka haiku: Those that can not deal
    with their friend’s adversities,
    fear their own weakness.

        But smooth sailing weakens sailors
        while stormy weather breeds strength.



    double haiku:

    Where are we going?
    What direction will we head?
    Will we stop for snacks?
    I can’t believe it.
    Are we there yet? You’re Kidding.
    We haven’t left yet.





    Windows to our souls,
    eyes behold the world, but our
    minds create vision.



    A humid morning.
    Across the street, some workers
    sip coffee and smoke.



    Scampering puppies,
    can’t get traction on wet grass.
    Bunnies hop away.




    His hum-drum life had
    hum-drum relationships and
    even hum-drum drums.




    I knock. No-one’s home.
    I post a note on the door;
    ‘Sorry ’bout your tree.’




    He had tried so hard
    to always do what was right,
    there was nothing left.


    At the Dew Drop Inn,
    the dude dropped out; then logged in,
    but he soon passed out.


    Deep in the forest,
    patches of stippled sunlight,
    warm a leaf-strewn trail.

    When he needed help,
    he knew who to call, and who
    didn’t want to know.



    Any given day,
    swirling leaves will seem confused
    by the winds of change.

    My heart belongs to
    you, my sweet, and no-one else.
    Hand me the remote.



    Their Pre-War building
    stands in stark contrast to the
    soul-less skyscrapers.




    A ladybug clings
    to my sleeve.  I take her to
    visit my garden.




    Stripped of their colors,
    flowers seem like structural
    wonders of nature






    Quote of the Day:


    "When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow
    strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."


    - Scottish clergyman P. Marshall - 1902-1949




     ( From the 2012 Best Medicine Night of Comedy event. )








    Stripped of their colors,
    flowers seem like structural
    wonders of nature

    Another poppy, pic taken by kid #1 a few years ago.

    Beautiful Flowerchild!   And bravo to kid #1!

    I have no poetry in my life lately.

    My soul must have been taken.

    But I found this at Salon:



    3. A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what was or might be expected; an outcome cruelly, humorously, or strangely at odds with assumptions or expectations.


    An old man turned ninety-eight
    He won the lottery and died the next day
    It’s a black fly in your Chardonnay
    It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late
    And isn’t it ironic… don’t you 


    I refuse to believe there is no poetry in your life, DD.   Perhaps it's just blank verse.  In which case, try holding it over your toaster and maybe the secret message / poem will appear.    Poetry surrounds us, we just don't always see how it all rhymes.  ;-)



    If my soul's taken

    before I should awaken,

    am I forsaken?




    Irony they say,
    a fly in your Chardonnay,
    doing the breaststroke.



    He left what was done

    to see if it would return:

    Testing the system.


    Cutting to a line;

    close without erasing it

    is the skill itself.

    Excellent, moat!


    Sure, he let it go

    to see if it would return ...

    ( its not been seen since.)




    Without erasing

    can you ever truly start

    all over again?






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