The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Sentimental Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon


    Here's this week's heap of haikus:


    She was 23,
    he was 27. In
    4 weeks, the world changed.

    (Nov. 8, 1941 - My parents on their wedding day, outside St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC.





    There's so much music
    in the world we inhabit,
    why aren't we dancing?


    I was listening to this on my iPod this morning ... There is so much incredible music in the world, in so many formats and it's available to us like at no other time in history.



    twixt  house and lighthouse,
    martians doing jumping jacks
    mock the pounding surf.




    Above an old pub,
    a performance space attracts
    eager young actors.





    Nowadays, you can't
    walk in a dealership and
    ask for a 'woody' ...

    (photo: 1950 Buick 4-door "Woody" station wagon.)





    I love to see old
    buildings as they once were ... not
    as what they've become.




    Ev'ry stream that flows
    through a lush valley, first knows
    a barren mountain.


    I used to wonder
    what makes the world go 'round. Now
    I know; it's wonder.


    In a window box
    outside my room, a single
    geranium blooms.


    If you need a laugh,
    ask a child what adults say
    when they're whispering.



    As he walked away,
    he thought about what she said.
    The truth of it hurt.


    The more I listen,
    the more I understand and
    less I know 'for sure.'


    Secessionists may
    hate E Pluribus Unum
    but it made US great.



    triple haiku:

    When I am alone

    I don't think the world exists ...

    but, of course, it does. 



    When I am alone

    I am  content to putter

    and accomplish zip.



    It is the thought that

    I must rejoin the world that

    gets me off my duff.






    double haiku:



    Two ballet dancers

    arch their backs and reach their arms

    up to the heavens.


    A plea to God to

    understand the suffering

    of this mortal realm.





    making lyrics dance

    is a lovely melody,

    flirting with rhythm.




    And finally ... this just made me laugh. 









     Are there cars that are

    Still just made of wood today?

    Well its two to one

    (So who cares?)


    The first snow arrived

    All the leaves are gone; its white

    It is white outside

    And it will stay white

    It will stay white for awhile

    I will change to boots.


    Cable did warn me

    White Christma will last two months

    Turkeys are on sale


    Sales have just begun

    Internet sales have begun

    Capitalism rocks!


    As my Savior says

    Give unto others neath trees

    You shall receive gifts


    Gifting is Christian

    Reciprocity prevails

    Blizzards piss me off.



    the end






    hahahaha DD!  Nice.


    It is white outside.

    My sister says it's snow, but

    I think it's talcum.




    Turkeys are on sale,

    so they've raised the price of bread.

    Pricey sandwiches.





    rocks, Socialism reggaes,

    and Monarchies waltz..






    Love your Haiku about the recorded music.  Was just reading this interview with William Gibson where he talks about the complete lack of recorded music in the world as recently as the time of his grandfather. A bit of synchronicity.

    Thanks MM.  Great interview.  I was expecting just the part you mentioned and discovered it was also a friendly poke in the ribs for my writing ambitions.




    Not a poke at all!  I love your writing.

    No, I meant a poke in a good way!  I like to hear other writers talk about writing, it reminds me of what I need to be doing.  I read that interview and realized that writer's ideas about writing were similar to my own. Except, I don't write nearly enough.  I tend to get distracted writing only the haikus.  I have too many other projects that I'm 'working on' that are not moving quickly enough towards completion.

    But I appreciate the compliment.  :-)

    The reference to Hotel Ansonia is freaky to me. I spent two days in that building this last week taking care of a small bit of remodel work that I spent months doing years ago. It is a huge and cavernous place. It will always be catching up to itself.

    To me, the Ansonia epitomized the decline of NYC in the 1970's ... The scenes for The  Sunshine  Boys that were shot there showed it at its worst.  It has gotten better since then.  You're right, it is a huge building.  I am glad that it has not been torn down and replaced with the anonymous glass and steel condo buildings that have been going up all around Manhattan of late.

    Greeting the beloved;

    Fleeting as the time away;

    A match strikes the box.

    Good one, moat! 


    Greeting my beloved,

    our time together fleeting ...

    combustible match!

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