The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Aura artificialis


    NASA orbital video, time lapsed and set to music. Notice that the continuous artificial light from human settlements is nearly as bright as the flashes of what must be lightning storms. The Earth absorbed heat and light from the Sun. Heat and light became plant and animal life, which over millions of years became deposits of coal, oil, gas. That energy is now being radiated away from the planet as we illuminate buildings, highways, parking lots and back porches.


    Good video.

    The steady artificial light contrasting with the natural discharge of storms is haunting. The video also conveys the thin envelope of the atmosphere in a striking manner.


    Kind of looks like we really are burning up this planet!

    A couple hundred years and our closest alien neighbors are going to see this light!

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