The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    David Seaton's picture

    Oranges of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your juice!


    You are mistaken;  if humans didn't see value in you, you'd  shrivel on the trees, you'd be pecked by the foul and should you drop to the ground the bugs would infest you.

    The problem as I see it, you oranges think more highly of yourself than is necessary.

    Apples on the other hand serve a more useful purpose, an apple a day keeps the doctors away.  

    As long as there are apples you have no leverage. 


    Orange ya gonna peel to a wedge issue, ya Boehner-lookin' fruit?

    I hereby render unto Donald the Worst Puns of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site given to all of him from all of me!

    Besides, you stole my goddamn puns. hahaahahah

    Eh, go Google Marmalade ... wait ... or is that Gargle Moomalade?  

    I don't remember. But whatever you do, make sure it's good for the juice. 



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