The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    David Seaton's picture

    The bigger they are the dumber they fall

    Until this incident, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was favored to take the presidency of France away from Nicholas Sarkozy. Maybe he was set up...  Sarkozy would be perfectly capable of that. 

    But whether the chambermaid's story is true or not, I can't believe how dumb the head of the IMF is... He was in such a hurry to get away, he even left his cell phone... Not to mention samples of DNA.

    I thought that only presidents of the USA did this kind of thing.

    The way he behaved was panicky and dumb. A president may be required at times to be criminal, but to be panicky and dumb is unforgivable.

    Crossposted from:


    I can't help thinking this maybe a set up. It smells kind of fishy to me.

    Others have the same suspicion. Here is a column by Mike Witney at Smirking Chimp.

    The fund has no authority to enforce its conclusions, and Strauss-Kahn said in a recent interview that development of the guidelines has been fraught with posturing as nations argue for terms most advantageous to them. But he said he remains optimistic that it will produce new tools for guiding the world’s major economies." (Link---

    Repeat: "...a fundamental rethinking of its economic theory".... a greater "distribution of income"... "central banks need to do more to prevent lending and asset prices from expanding too fast"?!?

    Are you kidding me? Read the passage again and I think you'll agree with me that Strauss-Kahn signed his own death warrant.

    There's not going to be any revolution at the IMF. That's baloney. The institution was created with the clear intention of ripping people off and it has does an impressive job in that regard. There's not going to be any change of policy. Why would there be; have the bankers and corporate bilge-rats suddenly grown a conscience and decided to lend a helping hand to long-suffering humanity? Get real.

    Strauss-Kahn broke ranks and ventured into no man's land. Is it any surprise that he was cut down?

    From your link.

    Okay, so look.

    I was in my own hotel room minding my own business and I decided to take a shower.

    So I finished up and there were no towels.

    Well what is a mother to do?

    So I quick take a look out the door looking for the towel lady.

    And there she is down the hall and she rolls the cart right up to the door.

    So I 'step out' to grab a towel and she shrieks and there I am bare ass naked...


    I hope for DSK's sake that his lawyers can think up something better than that. Laughing If, however, this chambermaid is an employee of good standing in the hotel and and DSK has left DNA, Bubba fashion, all over her blouse, the best he can do is cop a plea and hope that he only gets to clean latrines in NYC for a year.

    I really don't think that if this were a setup, that it would have anything to do with Dominique Strauss-Kahn's policies in the IMF and everything to do with French, domestic politics. But given this man's record of compulsive, cuntstruck, skirt chasing, it probably is the real McCoy.

    But again, if it were a setup, it was made possible by a weakness, so evident that any enemy would be tempted to use if they wanted to take the man down. Frankly, I think DSK is toast.

    Americans tend to see this case in the key of the IMF, but it really is about the French presidential race. My reading is that if this is only a honey trap, set up by Sarkozy or even François Hollande; by being so irremediably cuntstruck as to fall into it, DSK has proven himself too dumb and too weak and undisciplined to be the president of anything.

    I would say that the bottom line, the moral of the story, is that any young man or woman contemplating a career in public life would be well advised to sharpen, hone and polish their masturbatory skills.

    Or become a eunuch.

    Wouldnt it be nice, if they made a model that knew the art of shiatsu, or accupressure.

    Or this.

    I am not playing that.

    I will consider reading a transcript.


    Maybe I will play it after all. :-)  

    The Wiki summary reminded me of 1) Helen O'Loy and 2) What's Love Got to Do With It?

    Unfortunately like most Twilight Zone episodes, the ending kind of sux.

    Rod Serling was the master at sucking you in and then giving you a good swift kick in the emotional gonads at the end.


    We entered the War as a result.


    This photo, from the bail hearing (which he was denied,) is not going to help his case in the public opinion:

    Credit: Pool photo by Richard Drew

    Caption: Dominique Strauss-Kahn waited to be arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday from New York Times' Judge Denies Bail to I.M.F. Chief in Sexual Assault Case

    One way or another, any politician whose weaknesses are so glaring, so well known, so easy to entrap, so blackmailable, has no business being president of anything.

    I think it's important that we use the term "cuntstruck" just one more time in this blog.

    There. My work is done.

    Thank you Quinn... it's a lovely word, with a deep Anglo-Saxon heritage.

    I know what the word means, and where it's from.

    I'm just interested in your particular choice of words. "Cuntstruck" rather turns the attention onto the woman, and in a not very pleasant way - given a North American readership. Whereas rape seems to me to be more about him, and his problems. 

    Also, your repeated use of terms such as "dumb," and particularly "weak" and "undisciplined" - all words which are unusually free from morality, feeling or sympathy. For example, if you were raped, would you say that the man was "undisciplined?" Or perhaps he was merely "weak."

    At the bottom of this is not about sex, it is about a powerful person taking advantage of and abusing a weaker, more vulnerable person. These people are "raping" all of us every day of our lives.

    The word "cuntstruck" is a contemptuous word that men apply to other men who are so unable to control their impulses as to be weak and foolish. As to "weak" and "foolish", these are defects that disqualify any man or woman from positions of power. He may very well have been set up... That a man in his position could be that easy to set up indicates both weakness and foolishness on his part.

    I think DSK's only plea might be temporary insanity.

    this is not about sex, it is about a powerful person taking advantage

    And that's why descriptions of him as "cuntstruck" or your own prescription of masturbation for  "ladies' man" guys, slick players always looking to score, strikes me as the wrong interpretation here. He sounds more like this: from    Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Ladies' Man or Sexual Predator?

    Weiss, who said he has treated more than 1,000 sex addicts, said the behavior often stems from a feeling of entitlement. Men who work long hours in stressful positions, for example, might feel as if they deserve a sexual encounter they know to be inappropriate.

    "They'll work to convince themselves that a situation is OK when it's not," he said.

    And while sex addiction and violence need not go hand in hand, the "high" that addicts feel during the pursuit of sex can skew their perception of reality, making them think something is consensual when it isn't.

    Especially when I read this:

    The charges follow earlier allegations by French journalist Tristane Baron that Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted her like a "rutting chimpanzee" during an interview nine years ago. Baron said Strauss-Kahn insisted she hold his hand during the interview and made sexual advances that grew violent.

    "I kicked him several times, he unbuttoned my bra ... and tried to unzip my jeans," Baron said in an interview broadcast on the French cable TV channel Paris Première in February 2007.

    Baron, now 31, decided not to press charges at the time because her mother, a Socialist Party official, advised against it. But Baron's lawyer David Koubbi told RTL radio Monday that she's likely to file an official complaint now.

    This is not the story of someone with too much sex drive who needs to masturbate more often. This is the story of someone who gets titillated by his ability to harass women.

    He doesn't sound like someone who gets excited by consensual sex much less masturbation.

    Here's a way to describe the difference: a beautiful young woman knows she has power over a powerful ladies' man type, she can entrap.them and lay them low; that's a weakness, not having the discipline to keep one's pants on.  With a predator type who gets high off his own power, it's more sicko, and it's the other way around, he's always looking to push his power on women when he's got them in a position where they can't do anything about it, and gets high off that, it's pure sexual harassment if not worse.

    I think he is very sick and had be taken out of the game before he disgraced France any further or handed the country to Marine Le Pen

    At the bottom of this is not about sex, it is about a powerful person taking advantage of and abusing a weaker, more vulnerable person.

    But dominance is an aspect of sex with roots all the way back to our primeval ancestors.  It is how alpha males assert their 'top dog' position.  Saying this is not about sex because it was not consensual maybe politically correct but is just wrong otherwise.  

    Whatever.  Thought you might enjoy this shorter translation of Bernard-Henri Lévy's defense of DSK from Michael O'Hare via Kevin Drum:  

    DSK is my friend, and I am Bernard-Henri Lévy.  How dare these people of no importance treat him as though he has been credibly accused of a violent crime!  He has a wife, with whom I, BHL, have dined, at parties with witty and charming Important People, and to speak publicly of any of this is victimizing her.  To show my loyalty to this member of my privileged and superb tribe, I am going to make up nonsense about how rooms are cleaned in New York hotels, and assert, in my most magisterial way, that the US criminal justice system has a presumption of guilt. I have been to America, and I know about these things.  The idea that a chambermaid is permitted in that vile country to accuse a Man of Great Importance! That a servant is permitted to trip up the great enterprise of my beloved French socialism! That if my seductive, charming, friend DSK, who loves the ladies, especially his own three, has forced himself on women they are supposed to be seen as victims – the nerve!

    I am not minimizing rape, it is a dreadful thing and must be punished... But this case is about a lot more than sex, droit de seigneur is as old as its name implies, and their are many ways of violating a person without using their sexual organs. I think you may have caught the idea beautifully with the thing on Bernard Henri-Levys

    That shows Levy is even more of an amoral tool than we knew.  Wreaking of self-importance and justification of forced sex.  But er...didn't he just say the maid's accusations are true? 

    I read it as a humorous translation of what Levy actually wrote.

    Er...never mind.   


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