Definitely not an anti-colonialist

    Happily certified as a Member Of The Most Excellent Order Of The British Empire:

    Sheila Atim: ‘I had impostor syndrome until I picked up my MBE

    — Guardian culture (@guardianculture) February 8, 2020


    another colonialist OBE, not to mention RA (Royal Academy):

    From the article

    When Atim picked up the Olivier for best supporting actress, she looked genuinely surprised. In her speech, she said: “I really hope there will be more women who look like me accepting awards.” Does she feel optimistic? “Do you know what? I really do,” she says. She deleted her social media at the start of this year, and has been enjoying a bit of a digital detox, so she hasn’t tuned in to much of the recent #oscarssowhite or #baftassowhite controversy. “It makes people feel disappointed, and I get it,” she says. “But I’m hopeful because I’m privy to the conversations: I’m hearing people talk about their experiences, talking about what they want to change, what they want to make. There’s a group called Blacktress run by [Harry Potter and The Cursed Child actor] Cherrelle Skeete, which brings [BME] women together. Just knowing that exists, irrespective of what the nominations list is for some awards ceremony, fills me with great hope.”


    From the Blacktress website

    Blacktress UK came out of many conversations and sister meet-ups about tokenism and the effects it can have being the only one. The feelings of isolation and lack of visibility and inclusion in often white spaces. This has created a culture of silence amongst Womxn out of fear of never being hired or thinking it was in their heads and a real lack of validation in their own experience. We are here, some queer, varied across generations in every shade and hue, heritage spanning across the whole of the UK and the globe with varied accents, dialects, languages, cultural practises and faiths.

    “Without community, there is no liberation... but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist.”

    Audre Lorde


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