The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Which lying liar are we supposed to believe?

Kenneth Lewis of (now) Bank of America told Darrel Issa's Congressional committee a couple weeks ago that Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke pressured him not to back out of the Merril Lynch acquisition deal.  He claims they threatened him that if he...
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Arizona border zealots, white supremacists, and Janet Napolitano

Since the early 1990s, the sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ has been on a crusade against illegal immigrants.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio has apparently neglected other law enforcement duties to follow this mission.  His controvertial policies include sweeping up Mexican-american...
we are stardust's picture

Arizona border zealots, white supremacists, and Janet Napolitano

Since the early 1990s, the sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ has been on a crusade against illegal immigrants.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio has apparently neglected other law enforcement duties to follow this mission.  His controvertial policies include sweeping up Mexican-american citizens...
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Sheldon Whitehouse said last night that all we believe we know about torture is wrong.

On the Floor of the Senate last night, he gave a long speech that totally refuted Cheney's lies and most of the conventional narrative on the subject.  "I want my colleagues and the American public to know that, measured against...
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Graham, Lieberman will shut down the Senate??

Since the House stripped out the provision making it illegal for the Pentagon to release the Bush-era detainee photos  from the War Supplemental bill in conference, the two Senators are upping the ante.  At a press conference today (Tuesday) they tantrummed with...
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250,000 contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan: from a new Pentagon report.

June 8, 2009, 9:57AM Absolutely breath-taking numbers, especially put in a context that contractors are now half of the forces we have deployed in the two countries.  And the number of armed contractors has risen by an average in the...
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Pat Buchanan got one thing right: Sotomayor IS an affirmative action choice.

And that's a good thing. Obama's short list for SCOTUS picks were all women; ergo:  Affirmative action choice.  She is an Hispanic who was on the list of women; ergo:  affirmative action choice.  Hooray for him.  He not only chose to...
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And you, Mr. Olbermann, sir, have just crossed the line!

In your questionable zeal to make Sean Hannity appear more foolish (he really does not need any help), and obfuscating your motives through charitable giving, you have succeeded in further trivializing torture.  You are aiding in turning water-boarding into a...
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Mr. President, you have two daughters.

I cannot imagine they will want to realize one day that you, their father, their President, got in the way of investigating the previous administration for War Crimes.  Yes, during your campaign you assured voters that you would "look ahead,...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogNarcissism. Stealing a look into the unconscious. Dennie Briggs614 years 2 weeks ago
Reader blogMerry Christmas / Call the Police we are stardust2614 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryBeliefs (Or, the Ghost of Christmas Present) Doctor Cleveland4514 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryImport Your TPM Cafe Posts to dagblog Michael Wolraich9914 years 2 weeks ago
Reader blogPOSITIONS; HOW TO GET PROPERLY JOBBED Richard Day1414 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryFacebook Like Buttons Michael Wolraich1314 years 3 weeks ago
LinkIn the Small Print: Tax Bill Eliminates Credits for Energy Savings wws414 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryWork, You Wretches! Michael Maiello3314 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogMr. President, you have two daughters. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogAnd you, Mr. Olbermann, sir, have just crossed the line! we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogPat Buchanan got one thing right: Sotomayor IS an affirmative action choice. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blog250,000 contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan: from a new Pentagon report. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogGraham, Lieberman will shut down the Senate?? we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogSheldon Whitehouse said last night that all we believe we know about torture is wrong. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogArizona border zealots, white supremacists, and Janet Napolitano we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogArizona border zealots, white supremacists, and Janet Napolitano we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogWhich lying liar are we supposed to believe? we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogHelp fund health care public option with an increase in alcohol taxes. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogThese new Palin poll numbers indicate it's almost head-in-the-oven-time. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogDavid Brooks has his inner thigh fondled by a Republican Senator at a dinner party. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogAnswers I wish Judge Sotomayor could have given: we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogPlease. Start with the understanding that we all have biases. we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogThink you are in favor of the "public option?" Not so fast... we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogWatch the International Space Station for a much-needed mental health break! we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogThis is Chauncey deVega's (wearerespectable interview with Patrick Buchanan we are stardust014 years 3 weeks ago
