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Richard Day's picture


 One day, after meandering the forest to find scrub wood from its plentiful floor, I looked down and espied a small toad clinging for life next to a tree.  It was the last month of winter and I could hear...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XVI)

THE TRIAL OF KAYProceed with jury selection counselor, said the King.You are Sir Lagamor of Caerleon? Asked Bedivere, chief prosecutor.Yes, Sir.Do you know Sir Kay, the defendant in this matter?I know of him.  That is, ten years ago I challenged...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XV)

Senor Eduardo and the Moor arrived at Joyous Gard, in Cornwall in pretty good time and in pretty good shape. Now let me do all the talking Sir Palidan said.  Who goes there? Cried the Palace Guard from the turret....
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XIV)

Meanwhile, back at CamelotTwo lines queued to the Grand Living Room, all the way around the castle and across the moat.It was the annual, Old Stuff Road Show.  The traveling experts on old stuff came across the Channel to Camelot...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XIII)

Lancelot awoke on a wooden bed stuffed with straw and covered with animal skins.  His room had two beds and a window.  He attempted to rise.Ooooooh, that hurts.  He managed to get to the window anyway to peruse his new...
Richard Day's picture

The End of Parity

"What executives have done is troubling, but it's equally troubling to have government telling shareholders how much they can pay the executives," said Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL). HUFPO-TODAY Why is it that every time I see an issue become part...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XII)

                                          Meanwhile, back at Camelot...The King of the Roundish Table was firm enough after his catastrophe a fortnight before, to meander down to the great living room. When I say meander, I mean that he went very slowly because...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-XI)

Introibo ad Altari DeiSo the morning Mass began. Lancelot was beside himself with a grief gnawing at his chivalrous soul.  Gwenivere had said goodby. He was now alone as he had almost always been, only this time there was a...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-X)

Quinn returned to Marhaut after having a rather romping time with the previous hedge hogs. It never occurred to him that you could have a romping time with previous hedge hogs. Just as he returned, Marhaut awoke.Laddy, I must have...
Richard Day's picture

Arthur of the Roundish Table (Ch-9)

Palidan packed up forthwith on a quest to Cornwall. King Mark had summoned him since Tristan was otherwise disposed. The Moor was always suspicious of foreigners but he had gotten used to the crowd at Camelot.  They represented something bold,...


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