The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    GOP moving to the left?

    Found retweeted by Bloomberg economics columnist Noah Smith. Medlock self describes as s Social democrat in the streets, market socialist in the sheets. Interested in healthcare and welfare policy. The VATman


    Just do it.

    We need 300 million masks and ,say, 5 million Ventilators. Fine.  order them   made. Next week,

    Or OK ,the next week. Whatever.

    The Post Office can distribute them To the best available list. They'd know how to do that.

    Meanwhile  commission the three most competent  suppliers to design the best  replacement  masks or ventilators that can go into production afterwards, To replace the ones that need it. 

    Exactly. We need a Ted Turner type CNN back!

    Uncle Joe appears to be starting his campaign against Trump

    Mr. President — stop lying and start acting. Use the full extent of your authorities, now, to ensure that we are producing all essential goods and delivering them where they need to go.

    — Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) March 22, 2020
    jollyroger's picture

    Now batting, Mother "Big Mama" Nature. At first base, Donald "Bill Buckner" Trump.

    Sophisticated Millenials, too young to remember the Gaia Hypothesis and the first Earth Day, will find amusement, perhaps, in a parable informed by the hypothesis of a Universe within which consciousness, and therefor aspiration, pervades all matter.


    Such a framework brings an interesting analysis of the interaction betweeen the election and the pandemic.


    Suppose, arguendo, a panicked demiurge watching the polls that heralded a Trump re-election.


    jollyroger's picture

    OK, Boomer, draft your back story NOW!


    The whispering around the enunciation of a triage  protocol to inform the provision to COVID19 patients of aggressive life support (ventilators to the right...)vs. "comfort care" (sedation to the left) makes timely a consideration of the hazards attendant upon the provision  at the threshold of intervention of an accurate personal and medical history.


    Warren's Plan for Boeing, Wall Street Bailouts

    Warren in the last 48 hours, on stopping 'gaming of the debt and taxpayer bailout system' by the wealthy shareholders and executives of big corporations. Saw this on Twitter, cannot find it on major news site.

    Seems to be ignored by major media. This from Reddit:

    Here are Warren's eight conditions:

    Biden almost bests Hillary

    Remember how in 2016 the media and party told Bernie it's over, that Hillary had it wrapped up, just like for Joe with his whopping 150 margin post-Super Tuesday? Me neither.

    I do remember a lot about Superdelegates, as if that changes things.

    Hillary lead in pledged delegates:
    197 Nebraska of 1130
    206 Mississippi of 1334
    321 Ohio of 2031 (halfway point)
    296 Utah of 2162
    230 Washington of 2304
    4051 Total Pledged Delegates

    oh. my. god. proof how bad things really are.

    jollyroger's picture


    The V.A. is preparing to back up the health care system.


    More than once I have advocated for expansion of the Veterans Administration to become our National Health Service.


    It appears that thanks to the current plague pandemic the VA is on track to this 'finale,  but the implicit arrival at the realization that health care cannot intelligently be a profit driven enterprise is going to be a hard learned lesson.

    Coronaviruses: No Vaccines, Herd Immunity Very Unlikely

    This current highly communicable coronavirus, COVID-19, like other coronaviruses (15% of 'common colds") does not create lifetime immunity like measles virus.

    How long immunity lasts for this coronavirus is not known, but it is probably less than a year. See Fauci below, on the need for a seasonal vaccine for multiple coronaviruses. There is not now a vaccine for any of the many types of cornoaviruses. One additional problem for vaccines, is the immune response to the virus itself can be the major cause of damage to the lungs.

    Biden parody account, looks pretty good

    Only noticed it because some very savvy people I follow have followed it. 

    President Joe Biden (So-Called) @biden4pres

    I’m not selling ya coupons; just a snappy VP with a whole lotta gumption and half a mind to do it. Running for all fifty, Jack

    Heckuva MAGA lately

    Trump is humiliated by the Taliban and Kim Jong Un on the same day. Who in America thinks this man’s inept leadership helps America?

    jollyroger's picture

    Did you bring the handcuffs, Nancy?


    It would be wrong, in the excitement of watching Trump circle the drain labeled "coronavirus/katrinaflush" to overlook the message sent today in the Appellate endorsement of Judicial abstention vis a vis "absolute immunity" for executive branch employees when summoned before the legislative branch



    Trump Scores Major Win In Fight Over House Subpoena Of Don McGahn

    What racism? It's socialists, the elderly and Muslims that are suffering from discrimination now!

    Americans' Willingness to Vote for Presidential Candidates From Certain Groups

    Black: 96%
    Catholic: 95%
    Hispanic: 95%
    A woman: 94%
    Jewish: 93%
    An evangelical Christian: 80%
    Gay/lesbian: 76%
    Under age 40: 71%
    Muslim: 66%
    Over age 70: 63%
    A socialist: 47%

    Pandemic: Pence to Censor Health Officials Speech

    Trump has ordered Pence to control, filter and spin all virus information and statements by government health officials, to protect Donald Trump's re-election. Keeping American citizens in the dark is the Soviet system, authoritarian solution.

    This is not the Onion, but front page NYT:

    Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials

    Blowing all the competition for live debate coverage out of the water?

    Heading on @Cnn tonight after the debate and will be live tweeting it throughout. Tonight will be the Bernie debate as he is at this point the clear, almost prohibitive, frontrunner. Super Tuesday is a week from now and this is the last debate before then.

    — Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) February 25, 2020

    Smart political people analyze the big picture fallout of Bernie being the current frontrunner

    Counter-reactionaries working to staunch the wokee cultural tide

    For those of you who don't know yet, I'll be launching a website next week that should help shed a whole lot of light on Critical Social Justice. Getting excited to show you some of what I've been working in for the last few months.

    — James Lindsay, being effective again (@ConceptualJames) February 22, 2020

    Nevada primary. It's Sat. nite and showtime!


    Early NBC News Entrance Polls: The Nevada Democratic caucus electorate is 66% white, 17% Latino, 10% black, 7% other. (By contrast, Iowa and New Hampshire were ~90% white.)

    — Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 22, 2020


    Deeply personal account by @quinnnorton⁩ of what happens when she ended up in a very dark place after she was cancelled & a virulent social media crowd took apart her life as pathological sport, as she faced mental illness, severe pain, trauma & suicide

    1619 project's "Ida Bae Wells" demonstrates a new kind of professionalism for historians

    I think the amount of hate Coleman Hughes gets from people twice his age and 100 times his income suggests a lot of insecurity on his critics' part.

    — Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) February 19, 2020

    Learn something new every day

    wow I had no clue, is kinda brutal knowledge:
