The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Rapture -- Our Only Hope

    After watching the mob mentality that has gotten so ugly from the Palin/McCain campaign (make no mistake about the order of the names), I really think that our only hope is that the Rapture myth is true. 

    For the uninitiated, the "Rapture" is when all believers get to fly up to heaven at once, leaving everyone else behind.  This is supposed to be a gleeful way to leave the rest of us crashing in planes, and having head-on car collisions, as the "faithful" get called up.

    Personally, I think the whole world will be a whole lot better off if this mythical event somehow takes place -- sooner rather than later.

    Can anyone imagine how it will be to have a government -- even a world -- that is influenced by science and observation rather than myth?  A government that sees the common good as something other than a commie plot; that sees science as suspect; universal health care as evil?  

    Please!  Bring on the Rapture!  Set the world free from your bullshit!  And enjoy your special place in ---wherever you are going --with your equally dense pals who blow themselves and innocents up in the name of their very own raptures.

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