The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    we are stardust's picture

    Banish the Blues, Peeps; it’s Voting Day! Enough with the Bummers and Crabbies Already!

    Whatever you do today, make GOTV calls, stay glued to your computer, go to work and sneak some peaks at your computer, take some time to celebrate Voting Day.

    We may know what tomorrow may bring, partially because there may races whose outcomes we won't know for WEEKS. 

    A-man will be live-blogging from 7EST (Standard?) here; DemocracyNow! will livestream election results starting at 8 EDT.

    No matter how flawed our system is, or how stacked the decks are in primaries, or how little we may feel our votes matter, WE CAN VOTE.  I love that, and the people who tell me that they are too good to vote really piss me off.  So here's to voting; add videos at will.

    “It’s our President, LBJ”:

    There's gonna be a lot to do after the election, and we'll all do what we know how to do best.


    And a personal favorite musician/activisit Franti:

    Long live Michael Franti! Thank you for the music and good vibes, stardust.

    I'm certainly voting today, though my celebrations will be focused on older traditions. The first link is to a personal post at FireDogLake that explains my seasonal musings. The second link is for fun, because I like the energy even if I can only pick out a few words here and there. Hope it's appropriate.


    I heart the Day of the Dead.  Thanks for the links; I loved your piece.  For you:

    I voted on Friday here in Wisconsin. I've made calls on behalf of Feingold. I've encouraged every one I know to vote. And I vow to do everything I can from here to make these asshat Dems worth the effort going forward.

    Me too, Jeezus; it's gonna take some heavy lifting, too, since we know from history that the 'lessons to be learned' from the election Dem losses will be framed as "We must ratchet right, ratchet la la."

    I've been cruising sites and reading opinions about what will come next, both in lame duck session and when the new Congresspeople are seated.  Man; are we gonna have to be convincing.

    Good on you for your calls; the ID and pin # I was given won't get me into the freaking GOTV system.  Bugger.

    Happy voting day, Jeezus (I voted by mail...)  Smile

    Good for you, SJ. Sort of reminds me of the Buddhist vow to aid in the enlightenment of all sentient beings. I suspect that would include peacocks, toads, Democrats, and dingos. 

    I contributed to Feingold a month ago as part of a fundraiser organized by Jane Hamsher -- who, by the way, recently upgraded the reader blogging functions at Hope you don't mind that I shared a comment you made on stardust's recent post about Broder's war-as-stimulus column (the suggestion re: Europe and the U.S. declaring war on each other to boost our respective economies).

    Not a problem at all, Watt. Broder is so damned inspiring, ain't he? LOL

    ["There's gonna be a lot to do after the election..."]

    Indeed the event marks the begininng of .... campagin season!

    Wait, wut?


    Glad to know you, kgb. You were great on the 'Which Side' blog.  It may be time to launch some new parties, eh?

    Ditto back atcha.

    Ha! That thread kind of surprised me ... who would have thought the idea of a bit o' simple introspection would cause such a violent reaction? My irony meter started smoking and gave up the ghost ... now I gotta go get a new one.


    Check out this beautiful video, perfect for this post.

    Thanks, Watt. When I saw it was going to be a video about the Gandhi quote, I got a little nervous.  I should have known not to be; the cardboard signs were the basis of a new party's platform, weren't they?  Kewl; and thank you.

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