The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    On Selective Hearing

    John McCain tells Hillary diehards what they want to hear: "It's okay to hate Obama."

    But McCain does not like Hillary. His party hates Hillary and all Clintons. McCain and his party are using women in a cynical gambit to win the White House and then turn on the very women who misguidedly believe that supporting McCain will sting someone other than themselves.

    A Republican president must obey the laws of political physics. Inevitably, he will gravitate to the conservative base and stack a Supreme Court that will reverse Roe v Wade so that reproductive rights will either be outlawed or thrown back to state legislatures that would end abortion with finality or restrict travel to the few remaining states that would allow it.

    A McCain presidency would not only neglect equal pay for women, but reverse it, along with other civil protections ensured by equal opportunity laws.

    A McCain presidency would offer a $5,000 tax credit for health care — useless to working mothers who don't earn enough to pay that much in taxes. The other health care proposal McCain offers on his site is federal aid to set up medical mini-offices at Wal-Marts — a proposal he concludes will guarantee Americans "access" to "quality" health care.

    McCain and the GOP have no plan to help women. His election will be an exercise in cynically using women, just as the worst men have always used women for temporary advantage. Hillary die-hards are McCain's new trophy wives. Once they fulfill his purpose, they will soon go the way of McCain's first wife or, like his second wife, be offered up as sacrifice into a topless contest for biker.

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