The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    In case of thread deletion...

    ... here is the comment I posted on Resistance's "I, RESISTANCE, APOLOGIZE..." thread.


    Resistance, as one who has debated/discussed - or, tried to - with you on a number of occasions, and who was just (over on my most-recent post) challenging some of your cites and (il)logic, I welcome your resolution to improve yourself. I am always trying - and sometimes failing - to do likewise.

    However, based upon what I have seen of your postings, I am not ready to take this neo-mea culpa at face value. The issues I have with your posts are not your incivility. They are not your scriptural quotations. They are not even your sometimes-difficult-on-the-brain grammar.

    The issues that I have with you are - as OGD pointed out above - your seemingly-intentional ability to authoritatively mislead readers. (Most recent example: on my most recent post, you claimed that the attacks on Arpaio began when he took on Catholic Bishop O'Brien and the Diocese. You attached a non-authoritative cite that did not back up your point, and the facts are that Arpaio did not investigate O'Brien and did not take on the Diocese.)

    The issues that I have with you are that you are utterly incapable of trying to look at issues with any degree of objectivity and that you try to twist others' words into pretzels simply to make one of your very-limited stable of points. (One example: I specifically stated that neither side in the Arpaio/Thomas vs. Stapley/Wilcox bs is blameless and you refused to acknowledge that Arpaio has any role in the escalating mudfight.)

    The issues that I have with you have to do with your incomprehensible leaps of logic that rarely make for the kind of debate/discussion that you profess to yearn for. (Very recent example: Because McGregor ruled against some Democrats in re-districting battles, she is part of overarching Republican conspiracy to control state - except for Arpaio/Thomas, apparently.)

    Heck, be uncivil occasionally, if the debate calls for it. I would gladly welcome that, if you could only strive for progress on these other issues. Needless to say (repeat), I am not perfect on all of these fronts, either; I will (continue to) strive for progress. Hopefully, we can all do that together.

    Posted by azpaull
    December 28, 2009 10:44 AM | Reply | Permalink

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