The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    There's a Reason Why Men Name Their Privates...'s because they like to be on a first name basis w/ the one making the decisions...Sorry if that offends those of you who ARE capable of keepin' it zipped...I've heard that God gave men a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to operate one at a time, but give me a break! If testosterone is really THAT powerful, then maybe we need get it outlawed.

    I really do wish that people's personal lives weren't so much a part of the public debate, but let's face it...when you go into public office, you trade in your personal life for it. It's not like the rules have changed...everyone went into the race knowing that. And to completely honest, if a man's wife can't trust him, why should we? How CAN we? He loves her and screwed over her...he doesn't even like us...where would be his hesitation in screwing over us? This was SEX, people...He was willing to risk everything for SEX. Even if it was mind-blowing, no one's ever done it this good sex...was it worth EVERYTHING?

    Good judgement and integrity is what it is all about...this does not show either. It screams "I'm selfish, this is what I want at this moment, and by God, I don't care if it hurts my wife, my kids or my country...I want it, and I want it now, and I'm going to have it"...not the kind of person I want in the White House.

    And if that isn't bad enough, he ran for President KNOWING that this was lurking out there...If that doesn't show a HUGE disconnect with reality, I don't know what does. We're lucky we skated on that one...Hillary must REALLY be pissed...

    I don't care if he did it when his wife was in remission or had full blown cancer...I don't care if he conceived a child or not...the point is, he did a completely stupid thing, lied about it repeatedly, and , yes, I think it disqualifies him from being president. Now if he had gone in saying here's what I've done, if you still want me to be President, I'll run...that would be a different story. I think that's probably why McCain is getting a pass on his adultery...everyone knows about it, and they want him anyway...go figure...

    As for Elizabeth? I don't know what to think about her. I know that she has more on her plate than she could possibly deserve. My heart goes out to her. She's had her world rocked on more than one front. She made a decision for the sake of her family to forgive him. That's her business. She sees something in him that transends the obvious violation of trust. I'm sure she's thought about what happens to the kids if I don't make it through this cancer and I haven't forgiven him. I'm sure she's thought about what would happen if she does survive and divorces him, facing a lifetime of her children having to chose between their parents, uncomfortable Christmases, graduations, births of grandchildren...Women are capable of forgiving a lot to keep their family whole.

    What concerns me is that she covered for him, not only making it possible for him to deceive us, as well as her, but also INSURING that she would get to live out this tragedy in public instead of behind closed doors. Not sure what the motivation is on her part...not sure it's any of our business except that she would have been complicit in handing the election, gift-wrapped to the GOP, had he been the nominee.

    The ONLY good thing is he's not the nominee, he's not the running mate and it shouldn't hurt the Dems...maybe it will have the positive effect of reminding some of the conservatives that McCain is cut out of the same cloth...gotta look for those silver linings...

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