The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture

    It Aint Necessarily So

    Okay folks!  All I got is snippets and a song today.

    TPM: In that spirit, take a look at this new Web video from Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), attacking his potential opponent Charlie Melancon, a Blue Dog Democratic Congressman, for raising money in Massachusetts. It's entitled "Liberal LuvFest."

    And speaking of love-fests and people doling out cash...David Vitter was identified in 2007 as having slept with prostitutes, and admitted to an unspecified "serious sin."

    While former Rep. Chip Pickering of Mississippi allegedly carried on an extramarital affair with Elizabeth Creekmore Byrd, he recorded details of his exploits in a secret diary, including the dates and locations of his adulterous encounters. Pickering, a Republican, described several assignations he had with Creekmore Byrd inside the C Street House, a Capitol Hill townhouse inhabited by an all-male group of right-wing Republican congressmen belonging to The Fellowship, an evangelical group.

    Thanks to heavily politicized local courts and an aggressive damage-control campaign waged by Pickering and his powerful Republican allies, the diary, which contains the answers to these questions, is locked away in a courtroom in Mississippi. And if Pickering has his way, it will stay there indefinitely.

    Daily Beast: What are you doing for your family's summer vacation? Shirley Phelps-Roper decided to take her two daughters to New York City from Topeka, Kansas. To protest outside Walter Cronkite's funeral yesterday. They even had a fancy sign made up that said "Cronkite in Hell."

    "He's in hell right now," eagerly explains 23-year-old Megan, as mourners entered St. Bartholomew's Church across Park Avenue. Her mom told me that Cronkite "had a platform to influence people in the right direction and he failed to do that. He chose to worship the flag and not God." Also, he was a "fag-lover." It says it right there on their press release: "We protest all this holy Cronkite worship. He was no hero to God. On his Cronkite Watch, America was surrendered to the fag-agenda. Ergo, Cronkite is now in Hell. And that's the way it is. God hates Cronkite. "

    Ohio Republican John Adams has re-introduced a bill that would make it illegal for a woman to get an abortion without the written consent of the biological father:"There needs to be responsibility for actions," Adams said. "As someone who is pro-life, this is also an attempt and a hope to keep the two people who have created that child together, and I suppose if you just go back to the simple beginning, there is merit to chastity, and to young men and women waiting until marriage." Finally, there appears to be nothing in this bill requiring the man to take care of the mother or the child once they've forced her to bear their child.

    It ain't necessarily so
    It ain't necessarily so
    De things dat yo' liable to hear on de Cable
    It ain't necessarily so
    They aint fair and balanced oh my
    They aint tryin to be balanced
    Fathead Dobbs fights the truth for ratings and scents
    Til he makes us all so incensed
    Oh Barack he was not born in Hawaii
    Oh Barack was not born in this country
    Fathead and sean might have you believe the worse
    Contravening a Certificate of Live Birth
    Saddam had all those big bad weapons
    Iraq was workin on great big nukes
    Dickyc says we are all about to die
    He'd tell ya all but for national security 
    It ain't necessarily so
    It ain't necessarily so
    Dey tell all you chillun de govment's the villain
    But 'taint necessarily so
    To get to the high place on C-sTreet
    Feign to live clean, don' have no fault
    Oh I takes their gospel whenever it's pos'ble
    But wid a grain of salt

    De earth is only around six thousand years
    Evilution the devil's play thing
    But MIT might quibble and not ever give in
    To no political bible thumpin no nothins
    I'm preachin' dis sermon to show
    It ain't nessa, ain't nessa
    Ain't nessa, ain't nessa
    It ain't necessarily so

    Dont give me no old time religion
    those who preach, those who preach it
    They Aint necessarily
    Livin it one little bit

    Hats off to George & Ira Gershwin


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