The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    Centrists and Republicans to America: Drop Dead!

    Now that we have seen just exactly what the influence of the centrists in the Senate has been on the stimulus bill, it is clear that the bill is much worse than when it arrived in the Senate and if passed in this form it will be much less effective than we desperately need it to be.  The naive emphasis on bipartisan outreach from the Obama administration has yielded exactly what it always yields and that is an inferior piece of legislation that will not deliver the stimulating punch it is intended to deliver to the economy, but that will serve to undermine the efforts of the President and this mutant they have conceived, when it fails as it surely will, will be hung around the President's neck like the albatross it is intended to be.  That's simply unacceptable.

    So, the thanks the President gets for his attempt to work cooperatively with the Republicans is a product that hampers the intended purpose of the bill.  And even after all their rotten ideas were included they still are voting no.  This is not just a happenstance but a deliberate and well thought out plan to hobble this legislation so that it won't work.  That way, the Republicans can run against Obama in 2010 saying that "look at all the money he spent and it didn't do any good at all".  Then they will undoubtedly add that "the problem with the bill was not enough tax cuts."

    This grotesque demonstration of bad faith and unpatriotic political manuevering cannot be tolerated.  The President should get rid of ALL of the foolish tax cuts in the bill, do the things he knows are right, make no compromise with those blithering idiots and demand that they support the bill as he wants it.  He should then call on the American people to lay down a withering barrage of phone calls, emails, letters, visits, etc... to the office of those gutless centrist wonders and the Republicans to pressure them as they have never been pressured before until they cave in and support the President's bill.

    Most economists I have read or heard in the past couple of weeks believe that even at $900 Billion the bill is not big enough to stop, let alone reverse the tsunami of job losses that are headed our way in the next 2 years.  If we load this bill down with in excess of 40% of all the money going toward tax cuts which we know will not be even close to the most effective stimulting measures we can take, then we have reduced the effectiveness of the bill dramatically.  So, by loading the bill up with tax cuts that won't stimulate the economy much, if at all, we are simply doing more of the crap Bush was doing and that is the opposite of what the people voted for last November. 

    It is time to face the reality of the situation we are in.  The country is in a new depression and the effects are growing by leaps and bounds every single day.  We don't need some analyst to inform us in a year or so that a depression is underway.  We see it.  We feel it.  It is time to act, not to ponder or hesitate and not to vacillate over whether we should do what is right or what the worst elements in public life demand.  There really is no choice, our leaders must do what is right and they must do it now.  Over 600,000 people lost their jobs last month alone which is a huge increase from the month before so the depression is growing rapidly.  We have no more time to waste attempting to appeal to the better angels of the Republicans' nature: they don't have any better angels.  They are morally and politically bankrupt.  They are so corrupt they cannot act in the best interest of the country even when they want to (which is rare).  They are filled with bad will and malice toward all.  They hate the American people and are demonstrating just how much by gutting the country's best hope of blunting the effects of the economic catastrophe they and their idiotic policies have caused.  Hopefully, the President has learned his lesson and the bloody stump he pulled back from his attempt to reach out to these creeps has taught him just how much cooperation he can expect from them.

    So, Mr. President, if you were listening to me I would advise the following:

    You did your damndest on the bipartisan business but it didn't work out and we don't have any time left to mess around with it.  It's okay to put on your partisan war bonnet now, open up a couple of cases of whoopass and let's kick those Republican's asses from here to next Wednesday until they understand who is boss now.  The people are behind you sir: use them!   Rally them!    Call upon them to demand the action you and we know is needed and that they know is needed.  Tell them not to listen to the corrupt liars who got us in this mess and instead show them the way out of it.  It's time to do what is right and to fight as hard and as much as necessary to get this bill passed.  There will be no comity and no collegiality with the Republican swine until you have demonstrated to them that you are, indeed, the big dog, that you will not be pushed around, and that you will do what is right for the country whether or not they are willing to cooperate.  It's the only language they know and it is a language where actions are much louder than words.  So Mr. President, let's get to work, put those bastards in their place, and bring real change to Washington and the rest of the nation. 


    Very nicely said, and well-put. Now you just have to light a fire under the asses of folks like me who voted him in.

    Seriously, this was a great post and I want to see it spread like wild fire.


    "The naive emphasis on bipartisan outreach from the Obama administration "

    Who's naive, you or Obama?

    Don't principles mean anything to you??

    That said, I don't like the tax cuts either.

    The New Prez is out there selling right now. Good talks are being given.

    His attempts at outreach were not that bad an idea, as far as propaganda.

    He needed three republican senators--or at least two--and he got them.

    I disagree. I think Obama has done this just right. It's taken time, republicans scream and wail on the networks, but it will pass.

    That said, the bill is not looking good. I've posted a run-down of the details and the culprits here:

    Principles mean something to me bun only when dealing with principled people. Republicans, on the whole, do not fall into that category.


    Actually, it's the confederate republican wing. That is saying DROP DEAD .


    To Centrists and Republicans: When your health insurance gets cancelled give me a call.

    More partisan warfare masquerading (and being accepted) as reasonable thought.

    If Congressional leaders don't do what oleeb commands, then they are a bunch of evil people trying to kill us all. If "liberal" orthodoxy isn't followed to the letter, our entire society is going to collapse. If we don't spend a trillion dollars yesterday, it will be the end of America as we know it.

    If I close my eyes, I hear Cheney and Bush with a different message and the same tactics. "If you aren't with us, you're against us...." Sounds frighteningly familiar.

    You have become that which you hate.


    Another page from Jeremiah!

    Amen, oleeb.

    And at what price did he get those three votes? That is the problem here. He let it get out of control and now the bill that is supposed to be stimulating the economy is much less effective than it should be if it is too small for the job to begin wiht and over 40% tax cuts.

    I'll have to say that's pretty accurate. The confederates plus a few copperheads and what do we get? More disasterous ineffective policies.

    By the way, oleeb, see here for some further thoughts which extend, I think, what you are saying:

    If you're not for health care for everyone you are surely against many of us. A funny thing about this is that most people who are against us have health insurance. But they will have their chance to sing a different tune. I await the strains of that sanctimonious choir.

    The reason I use the word naive is because this approach, at this time, and with this group of recalcitrant Republicans is destined to fail. It has been tried over and over and it never, ever works. The result is always something very liek what we see in how the centrists and Republicans mangled the stimulus legislation. Any analysis of the past 20 years in American government makes that crystal clear. I can only quote Krugman again from last August because he put it so well:

    "In any case, remember this the next time someone calls for an end to partisanship, for working together to solve the country’s problems. It’s not going to happen — not as long as one of America’s two great parties believes that when it comes to politics, stupidity is the best policy."

    Health care has nothing to do with this bill.

    Health care for everyone is a lot more than Soundbite Soldiering can account for. It is going to be a complex, multiple-year effort to do it right and to make it work. Just like every other country that has it now, they went through a transition period of whatever length to get it done.

    There isn't some sort of health care wand that can be waved and all is right with the world.

    We can just count the dying while the reasonable people take their time them. I get it.

    Quite right TheraP! It's an excellent post.

    Yes, the smoking gun may be a mushroom cloud. We have heard this sort of mind-numbing rhetoric before and it wasn't any more reasonable or rational.

    Big projects require intelligent and deliberate thought, not soundbites and false urgency. That's not to say the problem doesn't require a solution as quickly as possible, but the wrong solutions won't solve it and may in fact make things worse.

    We must be careful to ensure the cure isn't worse than the disease.

    I'm sure there is some wisdom in your admonition. Many people have chosen a part in all this which is better than merely a few. Some days I'm not sure that my part is to argue about details. Some days I think it is. Perhaps I'm best at simply counting the dead each day. That's easy enough.

    Principles are standing up for what you believe in not selling it out. Many of the Republicans actually have principles. They are wrong but at least they believe in what they are doing. Expedient compromise for the sake of compromise enables them, does nothing for us, and gets agenda driven ideological (unprintable) folks like Joe Lieberman hailed as a bipartisan centrists.

    We lose without ever even being in the game. Our voices are not heard. Our ideas are not put forth. We have systems so cooked that the losers McCain and Lieberman get together in a bipartisan charade to cram right wing failing policies down our throats.

    Now that they've sold out education and the poor just watch the "centrists" come up with a bipartisan bill to spend another trillion on war.

    Health care has plenty to do with this bill because the very worst of the sell-out Blue Dogs have lead Obama around by the nose and if any health bill passes it will be a bill that provides tax cuts to the wealthy for health insurance they don't even need and gutted policies with enormous unaffordable deductibles for the working (if any are still working by then) poor. That's how centrists compromise -give the rich what they want and give the poor a bandaid (maybe they'll let the poor choose the color of the bandaid).

    That about says it, doesn't it?

    Principles ALWAYS mean something or they are not principles. We will see Obama making changes as he moves forward. Let's not take the bait and agree that Obama was naive. When we do, we're taking responsibility for the failure when it was Republicans who could not cross the aisle. When the R's talk about common ground they are referring to ONLY the things with which they agree and indicating they are not compromising. That's the news that needs to be expressed all across the MSM. Republicans came to the parties but there was no housewarming present at all. They revealed who they were, as if we did not already know, but the people will know they need more Dems if they want this economy up and running again.

    Excellent post, oleeb!!!

    The real problem is that the United States has no left. People at TPM think that the Democrats are "left" and anything to the left of them must be anarchists.

    That's why the Democrats have a hard time explaining what they are really for when the Republicans do not. The Republicans don't deny that they are tied to business, but the Democrats do. If the Democrats admitted it, they would have no political base at all.

    So, of course, the Democrats won't present a real plan. But dream on folks. The Whig Party went away... and the same thing is going to happen to the Democrats. If "Socialist" wasn't such a bad word (and you "Democrats" have been brainwashed by the media to be scared of it!!!), that's what the new party would be called. But names don't matter as we know. That's why the Democrats look like Republicans!!!

    Obama should go on TV and call the repubs out. Ask every citizen who has a dog in this fight to call their congress critters and demand the things we need to get past this. I would bet it would get the job done. Obama has the voters on his side but that won't last forever. He needs to strike while the iron is hot. Screw McConnell.

    That's not the issue as I see. Most of us here are well to the left of the Democrats in D.C.

    Fair enough. If I may, I think examining all the available solutions and applying what works to the American system as it now exists would be a better use of your time than counting bodies.

    I think it is time to get beyond the emotion and to the logic if we hope to get a big enough percentage on the left and right to force Congress to act. Absent our involvement, I am not convinced Congress knows enough to solve this.

    You are making guesses about something that hasn't happened yet? You are comparing apples and oranges in an effort to describe what a pear looks like? If so-called Blue Dogs get in the way or don't represent their constituents interests, they can be sent home in the primaries of 2010. In the meantime, divisive and emotional responses will not help accomplish our goals as a nation.

    I think he should stick with this small governing majority emerging.

    The Democrats and those few moderate Republicans.

    Then you will have the governing majority vs. obstructionist party.

    The obstructionist party will get louder and kick and cry but they will not get smarter, just smaller. And people like Lindsay Graham will want to become part of the governing majority because they are not leaders, but followers.

    I do spend quite a lot of time examining the system and solutions. But I think the counting has a place. As far as time goes, the counting takes a few seconds. But to show the value of debate, when pushed (correctly) by a poster about the accuracy of the estimate, I spent many hours reading and organizing the supporting evidence. In that effort I learned many new things about the system and got in contact with people and ideas about healthcare around the world. It started with the counting and the emotion behind it. To each her own I think. I have to wonder what upsets people about the counting.


    The counting seems to be an emotion in search of an argument.

    While the process of knowing just how bad it is remains important, I find much more value in discussing how to avoid adding more bodies to the pile and start crafting some credible responses to the problem. This also keeps what can be an emotionally charged conversation in the realm of common sense and intellect as we implement policies that will effect 320 million people.

    We won't emote our way out of our systemic and chronic problems, so finding a way to work toward a sustainable solution as a governing majority is the most important task on our plate.

    Then why does this group send those Democrats to Congress???

    There is no large scale pressure for the Democratic Party to be a party of the left.

    Jason is a Republican. Does anyone notice that his views aren't really terribly different than people around here??? They should be!!! But people around here aren't really to the left. Most people in the middle class aren't... they have too much to lose for real socialism.

    If this is an evidence of impact, then I'll keep on with the counting:

    great post Kali.

    "We see it. We feel it. It is time to act, not to ponder or hesitate and not to vacillate over whether we should do what is right or what the worst elements in public life demand. There really is no choice, our leaders must do what is right and they must do it now."

    And so as I see it, the choice is we can get angry about the cost of dithering in actual numbers of lives being lost, or we can dither about the timing not being right, the difficulty of getting it done, or the impossibility of "emoting our way out of systemic and chronic problems," or we should postpone action because "Big projects require intelligent and deliberate thought, not soundbites and false urgency."

    Yeah, I'm angry and "emotive," too, Kali.

    Keep counting, sister. And continue to lay these numbers at the feet of those in Congress who insist we cannot get this done.

    60, 61, 62......

    YIKES is right.

    We don't all share the same goals. Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson do not share my goals.

    Go for a majority in the House, which is already there. Go for 60 in the Senate and if Obama doesn't get it let the Repugnacins filibuster. The people in the country will quickly rise up against such fiddling while the US economy burns.

    Right on bluebell!

    But this isn't news. This has been well known for decades. Thus, anyone who thought doing the same thing once again would produce a different result is, to be kind, naive.

    Destor, your avatar has morphed.

    No, change takes time. If it's naive to be a progressive, then maybe we're naive including Obama if he's a progressive.

    Ya gotta accelerate before you can get going. Simple principle of physics, applies to politics too.

    If you are not a principled person, I could understand that. Principles are about how one manages one's own conduct, despite outside pressures (Repo power grabs etc).

    Integrity is a similar idea.

    Bridges are not built in a day, in this case.

    No, I think you miss the core idea of "common ground".

    "When the R's talk about common ground they are referring to ONLY the things with which they agree and indicating they are not compromising."

    Common ground is the things with which all parties agree ('all parties' is a bit loose). The challenge is exposing false ideas of differences to show how there is more common ground than "they" believed, and building bridges between areas of amibuigous (possible) commonality to allow traffic.

    Some Repos need to be educated as to how their views are self-defeating, for instance. Others may have views which force them out of a consensus. Some may be bought off by minor horse-trading. And so on...

    I don't know how the situation was sold to the Repos. It could be that Obama did not make as effective a sales pitch as he could have. I know I complained a month ago about his "could squared" language (there could be a problem and that could lead to worse problems). He very recently changed to "there is a problem and it will lead..". If he used the first language with the Repos, they would think "Maybe maybe". The second language requires them to justify resistance.

    Obama is balancing a general desire to find and use common ground with the necessity of action regardless of holdouts.

    And while Obama hasn't used much if any "scare talk" there IS a lot of it going around, and that tends to generate backlash from people who might otherwise have been willing to try this experiment.

    And yes, it should be thought of as an experiment. But a good experiment isn't done blindly. I have not seen sufficient forward thinking from Dems or Obama about projected benefits and costs.

    I would vote No at this point.

    Is that 36 out of about 40 of them??

    Jason is a Republican in name only.

    To address your question: The left-of-Demo lefties cannot come up with high quality candidates. Guess who ran against Pelosi in SF area? Cindy Sheehan. I met her and listened to her in a small group, maybe 20. Any hopes I had were gone.

    Gotta get quality candidates out there, those who can be powerful while speaking truth to entrenched power.

    Blame yourself, not the Demos.

    I agree. It has to become obvious. People are hurting and scared. It needs to be clear.

    Obama said he couldn't do this without us. Call your senators. Write or fax or whatever...Just do so, early and often.

    It is amazing that allowing a filibuster is "off the table" just as impeachment was. It appears that the last thing the Congressional Democratic leadership wants is to make repubs look bad in the news. If that were to happen Democrats might win more seats in Congress, and that would be .....what...victory?

    The news media is very careful never to blame the Repub party for anything at all. In California the Repub party prevents a budget from being passed, leaving state workers to be furloughed, community services to be cut. But, the news media reports this as a failure of both parties.

    If the Congressional Democratic Party leaders were to allow a filibuster to go on, the news media would either have to pretend that what we see on C-SPAN isn't happening, or report that the repubs are preventing anything from being done about the looming depression. In either case the public would perhaps finally get the message.

    The moment in history requires more from the President than wasting time pursuing what we know is a dead end. How many times do you think the nation can afford to experiment with hundreds of billions of dollars in virtually useless tax cuts while the nation crumbles. There is no time to waste on chasing this shadow. Change will not come because we arrive at some Quixotic bipartisan Brigadoon. Change will come because we demand it. A quote from Frederick Douglass makes clear what an old lesson this is and why, in this emergency for our nation, we don't have time to waste on relearning it:

    "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."

    Change is what the power structure does not want. We will not achieve it by politely asking for it, or negotiating for it. We must demand it, fight for it, and make it so.

    Yes Hoppy and if they allowed a filibuster it would also beg the question of Congressional Dems: why are you putting up with this shit? Why aren't you "doing" something aobut it?

    Destined to fail... so you are saying that Obama intended it to fail in service to a larger purpose?

    I don't believe it is strictly failing. It's producing what passes for debate, and Obama, and most Demos, are not throwing stones. Pretty soon the Repos will have exhausted themselves and their political capital. Once they are practically bankrupt, other programs will sail through.

    Sacrificing a pawn can be a good move in chess. I'll leave the poker metaphors to the reader... and close by reminding us of the fat lady who ain't yet sung.

    No, I am saying he was naive to try this strategy which was destined to failure, he was naive to allow his enemies to derail this legislation and to distract the media and public from the very real economic collapse that is unfolding. I don't think he wanted this to happen, but I do think his belief in that fantasy of bipartisanship was naive. Democrats have been trying the very same things for decades and always with the same result. For God's sake, how many times does somebody need to have their face spit in before the put up their dukes and ring the asshole's bell?

    It's the same reason why investigations on the Iraq War won't happen. The ruling power elite (both Democrats and Republicans) would both be brought down!!!


    One point no one has made... Republicans aren't really the issue here per say. Because plenty of Republican governors (like Crist and Schwarzenegger) have called on Congress to get this thing through.

    So it's really the ruling elite in Washington that is the problem. I think if people saw more of that, it would help break the power stasis that has brought the country down this road.

    Pathetic, isn't it.

    That's the whole point. The bill to quote Paul Krugman in his blog is "... really, really bad."

    Excellent point. Paul Wellstone won in Minnesota. Tom Harkin keeps winning in Iowa. There's no reason a candidate considerably left of center can't win if that candidate can connect with the people of his or her state.

    I'd love to support the Green Party but all they do is send out young naive kids obsessed with the environment who knock on my door telling me about some wetland they want to save when the people on my block are concerned with kitchen table issues. They aren't going to listen to you on the environment if you can't talk to them about jobs, education and healthcare. But I do believe they'd listen to you tell them about single payer healthcare if you'd talk to them about it.

    A fella has to change his feather boa every now and then.

    You are starting to listen to the voices in your head again.

    We'll leave it at this - I have more faith in the new paradigm than you express in your posts. It would be naive to expect the Repos to change their colors overnight just because Obama was elected. But that seems to be your won criterion, thus my first question as to who is naive. I don't see that as Obama's criterion, I believe he's got more going for him than that.

    You think Obama is naive, I think your view is naive.

    It must be nice to stereotype all your demons into one basket. Sure saves on ammo, huh!

    Maybe the kids realize that they will have to deal with an environmental crisis before they will be old enough to have to worry about healthcare.

    Let's face it... those who worry about healthcare, worry about it because they count on it more. And those people, by and large, are older.

    The problem is that the kids don't know how to effectively deal with either. Basically they function as myopic indoctrinated droids.

    And if they think education and jobs aren't important issues, what are they, trust fund babies?


    See above.

    You get my vote for TPM Fashion Plate!!!


    See below.

    Well, those young folks might consider that the environment of their own genetic code might include a time bomb that goes off long before they are eligible for Medicare if they don't have a car crash first. Young people underestimate their need for healthcare.

    Any person in insurance will tell you that you need the young people to pay in because most o the claims are made by older people.

    I've read where scientists claim that we may already be too close to "tipping point" on the environment that it may already be too late!!!

    What I find ironic is how many Boomer here used to talk about "don't trust anyone over 30"??? And now some people here (not saying you bluebell because I don't know you) are dissing on people younger than 30.

    Remember, it was people younger than 30 that got out the vote to give Obama the key wins.

    Repubs aren't really the issue? Isn't it strange, then, that not one repub voted for the bill in the House? And, the repub caucus plans to vote against it in the Senate. The repubs certainly are the issue.

    The Democratic Party issue is a different one. Our party leaders in Congress and our President appear unwilling to acknowledge what is right in front of their face - the repubs are simply playing politics with the fate of our country, attempting to make sure the Democrats won't succeed in bringing us out of the recession. Try as I will I can't see it any other way. And, trying even harder I can't understand it.


    I really do hope that you're right and I'm wrong. It's just that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that what you wish were true is actually true or that anything is developing in a way that would make it so. There is no new paradigm such as the one you refer to. We can make a new paradigm where modern, liberal policies are the order of the day and that they are enacted and implemented by a federal government dominated by Democrats. But that's as far as it goes.

    The confederate Republicans and their fellow travelers would rather see the nation destroyed than join us in saving it. They are unpatriotic scum and no one can work with them. And, if it's any consolation to you, I don't think Obama is unique in his continuing loyalty to the naive belief in the whole postpartisan fantasy. Most of the Congressional Democrats have believed that for the better part of the past 30 years and despite the fact that no matter how much they reach out, no matter how much they concede, no matter how much they do to find common ground it never, ever works.

    Our President is a smart man, but he hasn't been on the national political scene for a long, long time and I think that is part of it. He hasn't really understood the true nature of the opposition, but he sure is getting a taste of their lying, corrupt routine now. I just hope he realizes that strategically half a loaf simply will not do on this bill and that he switches quickly to hardball and knocks it out of the partk. The soft shoe doesn't work with the thugs and moronic hacks of the Republican Party and it never will.

    In some respects it IS news. There are many, many people out there who, for one reason or another, have not been paying attention. Scads of new voters were added to the rolls this last cycle. Many of them have no idea who has been doing what to whom and for how long.

    Many of them now ARE paying attention, and it no small thing for them to see their President walk his talk. Even some Repubs who thought the Dems were all screwed up can see what their elected officials are doing, and I can't help but think that it is causing a little stomach acid here and there.

    What's happening now with the obstructionists is going to come back and haunt them.

    I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, but there is good to be had in what is occurring. This is not what we voted for, and I can't help but think they are going to pay a high price for it at some point in time.

    We WILL prevail!

    I stepped out for the day, but had to try to respond. Maybe the ploy was not for the benefit of the Rethugs, but for the people paying attention. If this is not a quick fix, which was doubtful in the first place, Obama gets to say they kept him from implementing his ideas. There will be more stimulus packages.

    If Republicans were UNIVERSALLY against this, you wouldn't have the Republican governors splitting and demanding Congress to get this done.

    This is the cozy DC relationship. The elite in Washington can cocoon against their constituents to maintain power. It's a game. The State Legislatures are less immune from those isolation games because their jobs ARE on the line!!!

    It's our job to prevent Congress from feeling that they have job security!!!

    Having read both of his books last fall, I'm probably recalling how he discussed politics there.

    He considers basketball to be a "full contact" sport, too.

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