The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    acanuck's picture

    Palin: please fasten your seatbelts

    Some on the far right think Sarah Palin is a "game-changer."
    I think they are right. I doubt that in the long run she can win the election for McCain. And I doubt she was at all properly vetted, or that there was any deeper strategy than re-energizing the Republican base.  But she sure changes the game. With all the negatives she brings, many of them clearly total surprises to his team, McCain now has to run a very different campaign than he had been running, or wanted to run. Jay Rosen on Huffington Post has it just about right, I think. BTW, her speech tonight will be very carefully scripted, empty of real content but fiery and combative, and will far exceed the low expectations we lefties have so willingly fostered. Obama will still win, but Palin is a more dangerous challenge than he's faced in either Hillary or McCain. And, as Rosen says, this will get very, very UGLY.


    The way to answer this tactic is to ask, "Did Sarah Palin suddenly replace the man at the top of the ticket? I thought the Republican nominee was John McCain."

    Republicans are fucked, and they know it. THey'll be some last nasty charges before this beast dies, but die it will.

    Palin's speech won't answer a thing. Once she hits the talk show circuit, she will have so much to answer for she'll never get her points across. A totally unvetted flop.

    If the first five days since her appointment are any indication, all her media appearances will be carefully stage-managed.
    Just like John McCain's recently.
    No red-meat interviewers, no open scrums -- just pre-scripted chats with friendly, neutered TV personalities.
    If they can't get near her, they can't lay a glove on her.

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