The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Brown students to Ray Kelly: "Frisk you..." Hail Brunonia!

    Every so often an especially cool co-ed chooses to enroll at my alma mater, which always gives me a frisson of satisfaction coupled with chagrin that I graduated too early.


    Such flashes of pride serve to assuage the residual trauma attendant upon finding myself in the stands at a football game vs. Yale, when those rude Yalies uncorked a chant:"What's the color of shit?  Brown"


    But I digress.


    Today we learn that Ray Kelly was prevented from giving a speech by the righteous wrath of the assembled children of the rich and priveleged.


    The kids are all right.


    Every time I read you Jolly, I digress. hahahahah

    At four AM here, whereever that is, I hereby render unto Jolly the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog, given to all of Jolly (what the hell is all of Jolly anyway, hhaahahah) from all of me for this gem:

    Every so often an especially cool co-ed chooses to enroll at my alma mater, which always gives me a frisson of satisfaction coupled with chagrin that I graduated too early

    You know, I am not even sure what that line means. hahahahahahah

    You just caught me off guard and like Artappraiser did with Lou Reed, I mean I am caught off guard.

    WHICH IS GOOD, when you think about it.

    Full disclosure: the archaic and indubitably sexist "co-ed" was used advisedly, irony intended.


    That said, we are linking to Emma Watson here, after all.



    Updating "The kids are alright"


    Just heard one of them, Stephen Levin, NYC Councilman , declare "Rikers is a shonda!" while standing with Mayor De Blasio in the unimpeachably correct dispersal of the Rikers Island jail population.  (Accepting a jail is only one anti-nimby level short of accepting a homeless shelter for single men with "supported housing" )requirements.



    Curious, I googled to learn he was a brother brunonian.  (I bet he hit on Emma Watson)

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