The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The Republican Flip may take several days to Flop

    Here's how Talking Points Memo described it

    Boehner ……………………………………………… said the goal is to pass the new bill by unanimous consent on Friday morning. That means if even a single recalcitrant Republican objects to his plan, the chaos will drag on…………………...

    At a press conference………………………………. Boehner admitted he has no assurances that the unanimous consent request will fly but ……………… vowed to force them to take an up-or-down vote on the issue next week if they cause any trouble.

    Asked if all his members would………………………………….allow the bill to move ahead, Boehner admitted, “I don’t know that but our goal is to do this by unanimous consent.”

    And if any members object, will he bring the House back into session next week and force an up or down vote on it?


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