The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Sarah Palin's Favorite Founding Father - It's Not Who You Think: VIDEO

    As you know by now, Sarah Palin is now a pundit on Fox News.  Oh - cruel irony - she has now become the media elite that she blames for everything.  Is it just me or does she sound like she is constantly making sh*t up off the top of her head and even though it sounds asinine she convinces herself that it sounds super smart and then goes with it?  Maybe it's not the media's fault that some people think she is an idiot, maybe it's because she answers questions like an seventh grader doing a book report on a book they didn't read.  I mean c'mon Sarah - just pick a founding father and list one of their accomplishments - how hard is that?



    oooooooooooooooooooooooo baby u r soooooooooooooooooooo smart!!!!! i bet u can name all the fathers of america!!!!! please please please tell them to me!!!! that would be sooooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KissKissKissKissKissKiss

    well guess what doucheface i was being sarcastic!!!!!!!! b/c i don't give a sh--------------------t!!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest of america doesn't neither!!!!!!! B/C AMERICA HATES NERDS!!!!!!!! thats why sarah palin is a famous political commenter and a future PRESIDENT OF AMERICA and u are just some pervgeek blogfart who nobody cares about!!!

    Well what newspapers do you read on a regular basis?

    Well all of them really.

    Which Founding Father was your favorite?

    Well all of them really.

    Who is your favorite singer of all time.

    Well all of them really.

    What is your favorite brand of peanut butter?

    Well all of them really.

    Who is your favorite president?

    Well all of them really. Except the Democrat presidents.

    Who is your favorite porno star?

    Well all of them really.

    I really do not think you could embarass this bitch. I really don't.

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