The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    This is why we can't have nice things in NYC

    In rare cases, though, foreigners can help us before they chewed up by the machine. Pray for this man!


    Oh and I ran across this at the same time, Glen Thrush going local reporter for one tweet. Scary indicator:

    Lots of garbage in the streets in Brooklyn, and worse as you move out of the Slope/Heights — this is the corner of E16th and Ave U.
    Grew up here. Looks like it did in the early 80s.

    — Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) July 3, 2018

    This is what the Bronx looks like normally, but not Brooklyn for crying out loud. I came in the 80's, been there, done that. Seriously, maybe it an omen that it's time to leave.

    And then there's this lovely stuff going on, what we get for our tax dollars, not only poisoned children but paying for the defense of those causing it:


    I just came across this Ron Paul tweet/cartoon/silliness today:

    It is the cartoon thingy.


    Someone on the internet noted that Rand Paul told his father to tone it down.

    I am just agast at the fact that the Right Wing fascists in this country not only hate the Blacks and the Hispanics and the Asians? but also the Jews.

    I cannot get over this.

    That is all I got.


    Hi Richard, did you mean to put this here? In any case you're welcome with whatever you want to put on one of my threads.

    I actually suspect this cartoon story is a good example of the mindless way some political people use social media. In that it was taken down so quickly, like someone higher up in the Ron Paul organization realized what it actually depicted. I suspect it was probably initially posted by some young passionate libertarian idiot who works for him, who saw it on some really dumb anti-political-correctness website or feed he/she frequents and thought it cool without either even looking closely at or understanding the history of the image. Ron Paul is just not that dumb, even if he feels those sentiments in his heart, he is not so dumb as to show them much less broadcast them. I am thinking of how many liberal fans he had when he was seriously running, just because he was isolationist and anti-war . If I remember correctly, member Lulu was somewhat of a fan for that reason.

     (By the way, I noticed someone else posted it elsewhere here earlier, so that's probably why you didn't get a response from anyone.)

    Culture of Fear and Ambition Distorted Cuomo’s Economic Projects

    By Vivian Wang @, July 5

    They were both demanding, mercurial, prone to explosive outbursts. They shared a penchant for lofty rhetoric and a fondness for flashy cars. They liked to be in charge.

    But only one was the governor of New York. And so the other, Alain E. Kaloyeros — the former president of New York Polytechnic Institute who became Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s “economic guru” — squelched his own alpha male personality and toiled to improve his standing with Mr. Cuomo.

    He hired a lobbyist to learn how to curry the governor’s favor. He peppered his emails with glowing praise of Mr. Cuomo.

    And then, as the point person behind the “Buffalo Billion,” the governor’s signature economic development project, Dr. Kaloyeros steered more than $600 million in state contracts to companies run by Mr. Cuomo’s donors, according to federal prosecutors.

    In two interlinked corruption trials over the past six months, prosecutors have described a web of financial schemes that they say propelled the state’s most vaunted economic development projects. What has also emerged is a portrait of the culture that fueled those projects — one in which state officials, lobbyists and businessmen, driven by a potent mix of ambition and fear, vied to satisfy a governor’s office hungry for results.

    In the ongoing trial of Dr. Kaloyeros, who is charged with wire fraud and wire fraud conspiracy, prosecutors say he was so worried about his standing with Mr. Cuomo that he hired a lobbyist with longstanding ties to the governor, and worked with that lobbyist to rig lucrative state contracts for the benefit of two firms — LPCiminelli of Buffalo and COR Development of Syracuse — whose executives had donated generously to Mr. Cuomo’s campaigns. [....]

    Reading this, I wonder how the majority would describe the personality of a successful politician or businessman.
    Because however bad Trump looks, he seems to be just an inflated version of what passes for success - sane, rational people (especially females) need not apply. Michael Bloomberg tantrums? Check. Larry Ellison excesses? Check. Mark Zuckerberg obliviousness? Check. etc, etc.

    Yes, you get it. Michael Cohen is like: status quo for decades, in one package. This is why you will never see me buy the Dem party always being about for the little people everywhere. Because it simply is not that in NYC or even New York State and hasn't been that for many decades. Everything is for sale here. Everyone is always trying to "get one over." This is why I am skeptical about Cynthia Nixon, I think she has a high chance of being eaten for lunch.

    They Vowed to Fix the Subway. On-Time Rates Are Still Terrible.

    The Metropolitan Transportation Authority began its roughly $800 million subway rescue plan last July. But the system remains plagued by delays.

    By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS @, July 23

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