The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    I have come to realize that my voice is irrelevant.

    Beck feels that he is not irrelevant.
    But Beck has millions of followers and Beck makes hundreds of millions of dollar, every damn year.
    So how could Beck be irrelevant?

    Limbaugh decided that he is not irrelevant. 
    And Rush has millions of followers and he makes hundreds of million dollars everydamn year. 
    So how in the hell would Rush ever feel he was irrelevant?

    Hannity knows that he is not irrelevant.
    Sean receives over a million viewers every day!

    All those at FOX know that they are relevant, I suppose.
    I mean FOX has many viewers.

    There was this recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood local.

    Anyway, the Left might point to the Right's insane attacks upon Planned Parenthood.

    But under these circumstances; when the psycho yells that:
    We must stop selling baby parts?


    Ted Cruz, who scares me a lot more than Trump, tells us that the perpetrator of 
    this last mass murder was a transsexual leftist; what is a mother to do?

    From my ID I am informed that I must bash Teddy over the head with a baseball bat.

    Cruz knows that he can say anything he wishes with impunity, what is the worst that can happen?

    Most people, right or left, really do not give a shit. I mean the right loves him no matter what
    he says, but the left hates him no matter what he says?

    But I beileve that the RIGHT, from Hannity to Rush, from Beck to
     Levin, from Cruz to Steve king....the list goes on and on....

    All these peeps receive death threats every goddamn day

    These people do not even recognize written assaults that contain obscenities or even factshahahhahaha.

    These type of assaults are to be accepted.

    When the media; whatever the hell that means; reacts....?

    Well the right wing media that hold onto a hundred million viewers do not recognize Main Stream Media who hold less million minions. hahahahah

    So, in the end, I guess. there is no Truth, Justice or American Way?





    The general population grows in disgust for them everyday.  

    Oh MY GOD I hope so.


    Blonde girls - always blonde girls... such a long way to go...


    Can you imagine, Dick, all the people trying to live their ordinary lives in daily ordinary ways without a spare thought for politics? Funny how getting by from the moment you wake your kids for breakfast til you kiss them goodnight feels pretty far away from DC ... even with all the arguments you hear around town about potholes, and the ones you have with your kid's teachers.

    Whatcha think, Dick? I dunno, but maybe our country is made up of more than political parties. And maybe that same country deserves a listen beyond the campaign trail.

    I always ponder the fate of my grandkids. All two and a half of them!

    I wish to tell them stories.

    Even if those stories are made-up. hahhahhah

    I was thinking about this song.

    I feel so broke up I wanna go home!

    I dunno, it has stuck in my craw for so very long; I was always a Dylan fan, but damn....of course who wrote this thing anyway...just my favorite commie. hahahhaha

    This is the worst trip I've ever been on. hhahahahaha

    Pete Seeger. My hero. And it is in the middle of the night. and here I am.

    I shall never disavow this song nor its intentions.

    I should write more about this song and its affect on me for over 50 years! ha


    I think we all  wish to go home.

    It is like the love of God.

    But ;what is home? What is God? 

    I feel so broke up, I want to go home!

    Where else would I put this thought in the middle of the night., hahahahha

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