The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    US $3 Billion in Military Aid May Buy 90 Day Partial Israeli Settlement Suspension

    McClatchy reports that to keep 'peace negotiations' alive the Obama administration has offered US $3 billion in military aid for Israel, including 20  F-35 Joint Strike fighter aircraft, capable of a 15,000 pound payload, and stealth equipped for missions like bombing Iran. F-35 specs.

    Israel would also get a promise by the United States to block any UN recognition of a Palestinian State unless Israel granted approval for the action first. Israel would also retain the right to continue settlement building in disputed East Jerusalem. It seems its not only the GOP that views the Obama administration as a candy jar where they can get whatever they want!

    In return, Israel would agree to stop settlement building in Palestinian lands outside of East Jerusalem, for 90 days.  At a cost of $3 billion, a 90 day settlement suspension would cost $33.3 million a day to US taxpayers.

    The Palestinians are reportedly having second thoughts about their participation in 'peace talks' that, for over 20 years, have led nowhere in regards to releasing them from their disenfranchisement and occupation by Israeli forces. Israeli legislators, who must approve the plan, are also upset at the deal, perhaps arguing that the US could just be lobbied to send the planes to Israel for free anyway, as the aircraft are a vital necessity to ensure the continued survival of the Jewish State, or that it sets a poor precedent for Israel to again suspend or link settlement building to peace talks.



    What are we aiming to accomplish by this shenanigans? Our government officials at many levels have said that Iran is not a threat to us and the Iranians have proved that on several occasions and they even have gone further by assisting us in Iraq and In Afghanistan despite the constant propaganda from the far left and the Zionists dominated News organization deamonizing Iran.

    The latest illegal sanctions against Iran is nothing but another attempt by the Zionists and the Neo-Cons to erode any chances of reduced hostility between West and Iran. In every instance Iran has been on the defensive and has not provoked us or of our Western allies. On the other hand we are the one who are forcing Iran to protect herself against our constant threats. This in itself will more likely give Iran a reason to take drastic action and change its government policy to protect her public by going nuclear.

    We have to give credit where credit is due.

    You're acting like something could possibly go wrong.

    Yeah, I don't get it. Why should we stand in the way of this economic stimulus? Aren't we looking for ways to expand our exports?

    This isn't enjoyable reading, NCD, but Juan Cole has a long piece about it, including how many ways the deal flies in the face of UN Security Council resolutions.  It looks as though the Cantor video is gone, at least on my firefox.  Good grief.

    Thanks, good piece by JC.

    Maybe the Palestinians will quit this perpetual Kabuki dance of 'peace talks' because every time they engage Israel the USA sends Israel more weapons to kill them with, while nothing concrete results except more foundations poured for extremist settlers.

    Then you wonder what alternatives they have.  This Walt piece at FP Magazine poses a tiny alternative, and I post it to illustrate how quickly everyone goes right to 'given the supreme strength of the Israel lobby, what can Obama do?' hand-wringing.  They mean: if the President want to be re-elected, he is impotent'.

    Man, there are so many issues that could be solved it politicians really were willing to be one-termers.  I'd far rather go out in a baze of glory, risking it all for something like ME peace. 

    This deal is just on the heels of the $20 billion arms and weapons systems sale to Saudi Arabia.  Go figure.  Israel obviously okayed that one.  Remember: they know more than we do about what's really going on.  ;o)  'Nuff ta turn you into a cynic, isn't it?

    you might want to change that "go out in a blaze of glory" verbiage. Makes you sound like you're writing for The National Review. Smile

    ROTFLMAO +!!!!  Caught me!  (Whaaaaat?  They got dibs on such a great image???)

    Not the image - the theme song!

    Young Guns 3 : Filibuster Corral

    with Emilio Estevez & Paul Ryan

    orig sdtrk by Bon Jovi

    I do find it odd where the US is so concerned about winning the hearts and minds of Afganani's and Iraqi's yet spin around 180 degress and pile on the money and military hardware to Israel. Strange they don't realize they're mixing used motor oil with soured vinegar.

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