The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Trump:"I will ruin your 1st amendment lovin' lives.."


    Because no one arrested for demonstrating against George Wallace ever worked again..

    In a remarkable display ( even for him) of ignorance, Trump proposes that his mere request for the arrest of otherwise peaceful demonstrators will cause local police to violate the prohibition against state action that curtails speech.

    True, once asked to leave, a visitor whose demeanor ( eg,  refusal to sit or remove a shirt with a message etc) gives rise to such a request may risk trespass or disorderly conduct charges by ACTIONS, such as noncompliance with a demand to exit.

    But mere expressions of opinion are protected.

    THAT'S what makes America great, asshole!

    The corollary warning presuming that anyone would suffer a ruined future should, say, a college admissions officer learn of a youthful stand against fascism in one's history can only bring us to the floor laughing.


    The picture that will ruin Bernie's life

    Because it might get him the nomination, which will make him President, and after that you can never go out for a bagel by yourself...

    T-Rump is really, really scary to me Jolly.

    Cruz & Rubio scare me more though.

    T-Rump is wingin it.

    The other fascists attempt to hide their real purposes like Brownback and Kasich and Jindl and that prick in Michigan.....

    Shall I go on?

    The repubs are killing us already out in the states.

    Hillary cannot save us, but at least she will have veto power and power over some regs.

    If we do not beat the fascists on the state level, we are fucked. hahahahah


    And Jesus has nothing to do with it. hahahahahh





    Yeah, I thought he was funny as fuck at first...then I started thinking about Hitler in 1922.


    "Ve all laffed, at virst..."

    I didn't laugh.  I knew the GOP was off it's rails. Their southern strategy finally has consequences.  

    Actually, I still get a chuckle out of " I'll ruin their lives with an arrest record..."


    What a hopeless square!

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