The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Thank God ......or Bernie

    “Sure I will,” he said, when pressed by CBS News’ Charlie Rose in an interview. “Look, as I said a million times, I think the idea of a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for this country. I will do everything in my power and work as hard as I can to make sure that that does not happen. And if Secretary Clinton is the nominee, I will certainly support her.”




    Oh, but by the way, I need certain assurances in order to endorse her. 

    I'm not sure the difference between support and endorse. But how does one either support or endorse someone who they think is unqualified to be president? Ol' Bernie stepped on his wanger, but I'm glad he is at least trying to get off of it. 

    They BOTH need to be careful not to say anything they can't walk back in the general, without sounding like complete idiots. No matter which candidate gets the nomination, they need the other's supporters in the general, or we are going to have a Republican president that will make us wonder why we ever thought Bush was so bad.

    The PUMAS got over it, hopefully the "Bernie or bust" people will, too.

    He did what had to be done. 

    Many Bernie supporters are new voters and have little loyalty to the Democratic Party. Others are Independents and far left. This is not 2008 because the Democratic Party has been contracting for the last decade. There is also a large amount of voter suppression aimed at the natural base of the Democratic Party. The President and Democrats in power has done nothing to stop that. So when Clinton fails to win in November the party needs to take a good look at their failure to build and protect their natural base. The Democratic base is not the professional class that worships meritocracy that is running the party. It is the meritocracy of failure that will be blamed not the voters they left behind.  

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