The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    I had this dream again.
    I forgot so much during the last decades.
    I  found this counselor and I used to come to see him.
    He was a soft kind of guy.
    And I would tell him all my sins.
    Anyway he would hire me as an attorney from time to time.

    I cannot even recall the reason for this representation.

    But, this man was a hero in war; he had medals.
    And he still liked me and trusted me; a draft evader. hahhahaha

    He was a good man.

    Back in the 80's, he found this drug that would make nicotine worthless.
    That is how he quit smoking.

    No matter what you smoked, the nicotine would not kick in.

    He came home from Vietnam with PTSD.

    And he knew he was not quite right on his return.


    Anyway, he was nuts and he hit his wife.

    And he was charged with a misdemeanor.

    He ended up ten years later with university degrees including a Master of Psychology and he changed his life with a lot of help.

    I met with his wife, his ex-wife; and you know, she still loved him.

    And she forgave him.  You have to understand that this man had not attacked this woman even  two times.

    He sticks in my mind.

    So I dreamt about him again.


    This man was so very kind and helpful to those of us with real problems.

    So he hired me to expunge his previous history.

    Again, this being an attempt to erase something bad that occurred a decade before.

    His ex signed on to it.  No I met with her. These two were no longer a couple.

    And she still had loved for this vet.....

    So I took this matter before a younger attorney appointed Judge in Hennepin County.


    He said.

    Well I sent in the papers and it all looked fine to me, anyway.

    But there had been political issues brought to the fore.

    I mean you had to meet his wife; you had to speak with her and you had to see that she never was involved in hospitalization....

    There were no payments made (like what you might have seen on L & O!)

    MY CLIENT WAS PTSD; in my humble opinion.

    This young judge had been touched by the powers that be.


    I was astounded at the time. This guy was a good judge. But he should now be ashamed.

    And this was not the only time I had witnessed an affront to justice.

    There are 360 different sides to every battle, every conflict.

    I just thought about this vet today, for no reason.
    I have been actually working on something for the last month.

    But this nightmare hit me today.

    This client was a goooooooooood man attempting to do right.
    And the victim, still loved him greatly.

    This was not one of those examples of hubbies attacking their spouses over and over and over.

    Injustice appears everywhere; and we do what we can.

    What is is,and what is not proved is not.

    I just thought of this injustice.

    And it bothered me so much.

    I had not thought of this in two decades. 

    I was so far away.

    I could not help him.

    And he was a goooooooood guy.

    I weep.







    Lovely, DD.

    An act of contrition is the greatest thing invented by man.  A way to cleanse our souls; to reset our agenda and wipe clean our heart's rememberance.   We all have sinned, and we all must be forgiven.  The tiniest sins become lethal swords if we do not purge them.   We are just such animals.  We never forget our mistakes. Our triumphs fade or are felt undeserved but our slip-ups grow in significance if we allow them a place in our memories.  Forgive, forgive and expunge.  

    An act of contrition is the greatest thing invented by man.  A way to cleanse our souls; to reset our agenda and wipe clean our heart's rememberance.   We all have sinned, and we all must be forgiven.  The tiniest sins become lethal swords if we do not purge them.   We are just such animals.  We never forget our mistakes. Our triumphs fade or are felt undeserved but our slip-ups grow in significance if we allow them a place in our memories.  Forgive, forgive and expunge. 

    We all need forgiveness Mr. Smith.

    So too, we need some praise for when we do 'right'.

    This baptism idea from the Christians.

    I am not fond of religion but Christians and Hindus believe in redemption.

    That is a good thing, for sure.



    Beautiful DDay.  I wish this good man could read your words.  Forgiving oneself if also a formidable task.  

    I am enough of a romantic that I have some hope that couple got back together.  I just married my high school sweetheart after an absence of 45 years.  When we met up again, he explained that he broke up with me (while he was in Vietnam) because I told him I went on a sailing trip with a guy named Richard.  I was pretty surprised at that, because there were three of us on that sailboat, and the other person was my best friend, and Richard's wife.  All is forgiven now, but we are both in our late 60's.  

    This is so very, very sweet!

    I wish to underline (as if this is of importance) that due to my upbringing, I never hit a girl or a woman in my life.

    It could not happen.

    Does this mean I have never sinned? No.

    My sins could consist of a list forty feet long in pica for chrissakes! ha

    But this therapist really worked on redemption and like I pointed out, his ex still loved him going on more than ten years following divorce. She told me so.

    Vietnam is just a word.

    And I escaped this word by going to college.

    But there comes a time, and our state statutes are clear, when forgiveness should be granted. Especially in the case where the victim requests that forgiveness be granted formally.

    Anyway, a lovely story as I will reach my late sixties in a month or so. hahahahah

    CVille, best of all to you both. Great story. Similar one here, tho not hitched. In a previous lifetime I sang at her brother's wedding in which she was the flower girl. Our biggest problem---I like foreign films and she hates subtitles.

    Thanks for the nice thoughts.  Our biggest problem is that we can't discuss politics like two civil adults so we don't. On the one hand it's frustrating, but on the other hand it is really nice NOT to talk about politics!  Good luck to you!

    Wow, Mama Mia! comes to real life? Congrats.

    Thanks! We had such a fun wedding.  It was a party with a wedding in the middle of it.  My goal was to have wonderful Mediterranean food, a small group of a few friends and family, and for my children to be a part of it.  Also, no gifts.  All photos were from people's phones.  We had been taking tango lessons, but my knee kept us from doing anything fancy.  

    My only regret is that I didn't lose the ten pounds that I wanted to...but the great thing about being 67 is that I can live with that!  I think one thing that we have now that we probably wouldn't have if we had married all those years ago is that we feel so fortunate to be together now.

    Stop it! You're going to make me blubber like a baby!!!


    Way to go, CVille! 

    Quinn, what can I say?  If you hadn't stopped posting regularly I might never have gone this route.  Ever since your post about the blue suit when you were trying to be an evangelical preacher as a child I had a crush on you (lol). I'm over it now, but could you post it here?  I'd love to read it again.  Count me as an as an admirer of your writing!

    It's been right here at Dag all along, CVille.

    ​Really happy for you. I'm still dating that love of mine that I reconnected with from 35 years ago.... maybe I'll get lucky as well! 


    Reminds me of "And the Ass Saw the Angel" without the more psychotic episodes. America's been riding the roads for a long time. Prides itself on them - that can-do do-it-yourself spirit that looks a lot like eat-shit-and-die if you squint a bit.

    But people have nicer clothes. I notice that in cafes, the Eurotrash backpackers don't look so Eurotrash anymore. And everyone has a phone. We can't fix fuck-all for some reason, but people at least have more stuff. What else do you need, except 35-year refound love. Me, I'll settle for stuff.

    Surprised Billy's still blogging. Thought we crashed that place to the ground - last I remember we were swimming like vermin trying to find an escape. No exit, no way out. We're all on a sinking ship, but at least we have nice clothes and a few premium berths to separate us from the riffraff. Even the silent deadly deep has its roads.

    We got the small stuff nowadays, you know? Portable goods. Ways to connect, ways to find stuff. 

    Getting knocked down out of our suburban "castle" dream. Some try to wall themselves off from the fear, monster-home style. 

    But most of the rest of us - went smaller, lighter, networked, cheaper.

    And intend on having at least one wing in the air if the ship starts to take on water.


    Broken wings.


    Quinn, what a story. Fabulous writing. Thanks for putting this up, way before my time here.




    Freedom's just another word for, "They haven't caught me yet."

    I was thinking about this idea for a long long time.

    But look at Hastert. haha​

    ​Or my hero from long ago, Bill Cosby

    Of course there was Tommy Jefferson and Sally or Strom Thurmond.

    ​'We' catch some of them in 'the end'. hahahahah

    ​How many times did I drive drunk in the olden days.

    Guys like T-Rump are caught all the time; but they do no time.

    Fucking mistresses whilst married; using the Bankruptcy laws that destroy jobs and screw the banks.

    Some peeps are born with guardian angels (of death, hahahaha)

    And sometimes, Karma works. GOOD FOR KARMA ENTHUSIASTS!

    I hereby render unto Q the Dayly Line of the Day for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of Q from all of me

    for this gem:




    I mean these folks are so very very sorry that they were caught.



    That is the trouble with growing old, our brains have so much material to dream with from our pasts. I dream in color which I have been told that is not very common. 

    Thanks for dropping in on my food blog. I hope you took a look around.  I have a lot of new recipes up. 

    Momoe, only Southern men dream in black and white. hahahahah

    Justice. System. History.

    Penance for sins is the basis for the word penitentiary.

    The most severe incarceration used today, solitary confinement, began as a Quaker ideology.

    In an 18th century age where execution for petty crimes was common.

    The Philadelphia Society for the Relief of Distressed Persons advocated confinement in 'silent cells' in 1786 as a way to expunge one's past by reflection and redemption for one's sins in solitude.

    A place to seek absolution for past sins.


    Not even in Wyoming. hahahaha


    We all seek absolution at one time or another.

    If we could only have enough in the bank to pay everybody back?

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