The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    November 6 2018

    is when we're going to start fixing this mess.

    Some suggestions

    1. If your congressmen is a Democrat but a  real jerk ,never to soon to start planning to upset him. In 2022.

    2. Demonstrate , intelligence.Of course we'll want to show how deeply we object  to  the evil legislation coming down.  Obtain permission, tell the Chief that you the Town Council to congratulateto  him on how well he handled the demo. Sympathize with the Cops who are stuck out in the cold with you.  Don't block traffic

    3. When you're debating the current Republican knucklehea    office holder ,on TV, when he appears  at the church hall , where-ever, start by finding something for which you can honestly  praise her.. If he insults you as he probably will , be the grown up.Say you know he feels strongly.  But you'll buy him a drink of Nov. 7

    You're not trying to win an argument. You're trying to rescue the Supreme Court.

    4. Added later. Given what we know now let's put the turkey on the table. If we hadn't had Black Lives Matter

    we wouldn't have elected Trump. It was close enough , we are sick enough and the racists are smart enough 

    that it's a reasonable hypothesis that Black Lives Matter was used  to tilt a sufficient number of votes to 

    elect him. So?

    So that's the price we had to pay for a movement that had to take place.

    Next question. What should blacks do in the run -up to November 6 2018? I'll leave it there.













    Talk to your neighbors.  I live in a trail park.  A very divers neighborhood.  Mostly the working poor but wonderful neighbors. Many are Republicans and I have spent the last year talking politics with them.  There is so much common ground that can be built on.  Keep an open mind and don't argue.  Keep them informed on what congress is doing.  

    I took post cards to the post office tonight from my neighbors.  This weekend was post card avalanche to bury Trump in state post cards stating No Bannon.  I had to buy the post cards and postage and take them around but I was surprised who I got to fill them out for me this weekend. I gave them a voice.  One of them still had their Hillary for Prison sign up on their porch.  

    Who knows if this did any good but at least we did something for starters?


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