The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oldenGoldenDecoy's picture

    Josh Marshall: Let’s Get It the Fuck Together

    Wild ass time's... Eh?

    Here's a snip from his Prime Members-Only Article from today
    at 6:05 p.m ET/ 6:05 p.m. PT... I couldn't have said it better.

    Folks, Let’s Get It the Fuck Together

    If you are not a member, with this link you can read the complete article
    but will not have access to other members-only articles or benefits.

    "Joe Biden is on the verge of winning the presidency and making Donald Trump only the fourth President to be rejected by the country in a bid for a second term in office in 108 years. Biden will have a decisive popular vote win and his party will maintain control of the House of Representatives. This is a big fucking deal. And ending Trump’s Presidency is an incredibly important accomplishment for the future of this country. That is something to savor.

    It wasn’t easy. You may think it should have been. I do too. But it wasn’t. It was really hard. And the Democrats have done it. Yet I look around and I see Democrats crestfallen, wracked with self-doubt, falling into their established internecine exchanges of blame and recrimination. This is something deep in the modern Democratic psyche. We know that. I kept thinking of this classic Godfather scene where Vito Corleone slaps around the whiny self-pitying Johnny Fontaine."

    I’m seeing recriminations about how this or that part of the campaign was mishandled. It’s like a festival pity-party of self-womping. Biden and his supporters had one job: get to 270. We’re likely to see that happen in the coming hours. " //end snip//


    With this link above you can read this article but will not have access to other members-only articles or benefits.


    Josh is quite right, ya' know.






    Three words that every American heard during the summer while a frightening and unprecedented worldwide pandemic was going on, they were the main problem:

    Defund the Police.

    A rout of the Dem party happened down ticket allover the nation.

    Few in the Dem party had enough of a spine to say (couldn't even do it to the many bored white elite kids directing a lot of the activities): no, sorry, more anarchy is not what we need right now.

    Lots of voters don't like Trump. But they want law and order right now. Many of those who split their ticket probably think Trump is very responsible for fanning the flames. They want police, though, so they didn't vote for local Dems who said nothing or offered excuses. Security is #1 basis of civilization.

    Any other analysis looks silly to me comparatively, it's like BLIND.

    Hi Arty... As I responded to a friend on FB...
    "You come off as an easily offended pearl clutcher... whining the song of  "...of the Dems excused violent crime because of "systemic racism," who blindly supported a movement to "defund" the police at a time when the nation was on fire..."???
    How about if the voters decide?? This would NOT have seen the light of day withOUT the blind supporting the movement to "reallocate" funds of at least 10% of its discretionary general fund (between $360 million and $900 million ) each year on alternatives on a variety of social services, including housing, mental health treatment and investments in communities dis-proportionally harmed by racism.

    Measure J Results: What We Know So Far About The Measure
    To Dedicate Some County Funding To Anti-Jail Efforts


    Measure J Results: What We Know So Far About The Measure To Dedicate Some County Funding To Anti-Jail Efforts

    Hey Arty... Don't miss this previous post...

    Added for more info . . .


    Nov 4, 2020

    Voters Around the US Approve Local Police Reform Measures

    The results reflect a growing demand for greater law enforcement
    accountability after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis

    Voters in at least six states overwhelming approved police reform measures on Election Day, NBC News reports, reflecting a growing demand for greater law enforcement accountability after the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died in Minneapolis police custody.

    Creating and strengthening police oversight boards, changing department staffing and funding levels and allowing greater public access to body and dashboard camera recordings were among the measures approved by voters around the country.

    Many of the reforms run along the lines of laws already passed in localities in other states, such as Massachusetts and New York, in response to widespread protests over racial injustice and police violence nationwide.

    Read the full story on



    Thanks for the link.

    Biden cobbled together a coalition

    The majority of whites were not coming along

    Over 40% of whites came along

    10% of Black women did not come along

    90% of Black women joined the coalition 

    20% of Black men rejected the coalition

    80% of Black men came along

    Overall, a majority of Latinos came on board.

    Biden had a powerful message.

    If a Black man tells you that he doesn't care if Trump is a racist, he may not be gettable.


    You're welcome ... rmrd0000

    Thanks for chiming in... The ol' Dag Blog sure isn't what it used to




    Edit to add:

    I rarely share photos

    A great movie script - super congenial clever kid gets to go to the prom with the cutest girl in school as long as he keeps quiet the whole time, doesn't talk to his buddies nor her, and for God's sake don't think the girl likes him cuz she's just mad at her ex- who she (not-so-)secretly still likes even tho he's a complete douchebag and bosses/knocks her around. And the after-party? Fuggidaboudit, the kid can take a raincheck til next decade.

    That's our Joe, that's our party, that's us. Joe's big path to the WH came when he got totally rejected in the early primaries, but the elders, powers-that-be, buddies who were tired of losing took him to a back room and said, "look, you're an alright guy - when you're not talking". And from then on Joe took their advice, their contributions, success, all under the condition he quit like thinking he was actually there to *do* something, give ideas, lead... Stand there and look pretty. And he sure does.

    Meanwhile, yes, we've been humiliated - our 2018 women's revolution went flat, our pivot to key races went bust, our exit from the Trump years floundered in a street revolution and a pandemic, neither of which we could control nor use to our advantage, even as our opponents seemed untouched by them no matter how bad they fucked it up. And then they rammed a humiliating Supreme Court pick throu instead of their deserved impeachment trial, just to make it clear who knew how to wield power effectively.

    We're now sitting in the castle, but we don't exactly know how we got here, nor quite what people expect us to do. I mean, sure, we can try to rule - but we know the barons and dukes and court seers are waiting outside the door, maybe not to defenestrate us - we're too useful as a figurehead when the real power lies with the nobles and the parliament - and the courts with their hangmen, oh yes - but to make sure none of our decrees actually take effect. Oh, and it doesn't seem like the people really like us that much anyway, so maybe these guys are doing us a favor?

    Sure, I'm celebrating in the way that narrowly missing a head-on collision at night and pulling off the road shaking and lightly sobbing is "celebrating". But it's not like I have any vision of the "great things" we  can accomplish that i did 4 years ago, affirmation of Grrrl power and a champion of health care and someone who knew how to thread the complexities of policy among the hyenas, such as "tragic but necessary". Instead it's him, it's us, failing 3 times but getting put in "charge" anyway, with the admonition, "don't touch anything - and don't talk so much". Feel the power.

    Say what ever you want about me but I'm happy that the pile of shit with the unbearable stench is likely gone but I'm just as happy I did nothing to help the pile of shit with the barely tolerable stink win. I used to say I have hope, maybe just a fool's hope, but hope. I no longer have any hope. 

    OGD, thanks for the post.

    I look at it as the Republicans and the right wing plutocrats with their self serving warped ideology are looting, dividing, lying, "gaming" our democracy in order to obstruct unity and progress.  Progress and action necessary to meet the critical issues (climate, debt, jobs, infrastructure, equal rights/economic opportunity, health care...etc) .... putting us not on autopilot, but in a increasingly steep dive into social and governmental collapse.

    Which they know.  They also know that a desperate population is easier to divide and manipulate with selfishness and hate. And a government extirpated of honesty, decency, ethics and competence makes gaming the system and plundering the nation much easier.

    Biden, and all those who helped elect him and thus save our democracy, will at least level the ship of state, and pull us out, hopefully not just temporarily, of that downward spiral into the terrain of facts and consequences.

    Biden carried states with major BLM protests like Oregon and Washington

    Biden carried states with high crimes cities like Illinois, Michigan, and Maryland.

    Biden carried these states because Trump's message of fear did not work 

    Biden got millions of more votes than Trump got in 2020.

    The majority of voters were not distracted by accusations of "identity politics"

    We now realize that a significant number of our fellow citizens let us down

    They have no problem kidnapping immigrant children, racism, and misogyny  

    There is nothing wrong with the messaging on the Left

    The Right has no problem breaking the law and threatening opponents.

    The Right has had more than 12 years to produce a healthcare plan.

    The legacy of the current GOP will be that they were willing to cheat at every turn

    The threat tge country faces is not the so-called Woke.

    Sounds like you are really looking forward to civil war, can't wait. You're making a list to draw real clear lines so one can demand "which side are you on?" But what's next in your plan? Lock em up? Or kill them all? Which way are you thinking? And then who's going to execute it? Cause it's a pretty sure thing Joe isn't into doing that, he keeps saying over and over that he wants to be a uniter and not a divider. You might have to lock him up too?

    AA all I did was lay out the facts.

    Trump told the Proud Boys to Stand By

    He told his supporters that the election was rigged if he did not win.

    He has tried to get states to stop counting votes 

    Trump supporters tried to run a Biden campaign bus off the road.

    Trump and Marco Rubio cheered the attack

    All this goes on and you have blindfolds on

    You remain in a bubble where it is not poor little Trump trying to suppress votes.

    You're posting on a Josh Marshall thread so here's a comment from Josh Marshall:

    That might be because, as @jgeltzer argued, he never advanced any real reason for his proposed litigation:

    — Mike Madden (@MikeMadden) November 5, 2020

    As for your constant projection about other people being in bubbles when you're the one who constantly promotes that the view of 13% of the U.S. population (which you incorrectly constantly claim is homogenous across the country) is a priority in a democracy, forsaking all others and insisting everyone else care about what that minority cares about. 

    A bunch of people elected Rubio et. al. and everyone you rant about. Here's the problem: it's a democracy, YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEM OR LEAVE the country, as this is a democracy. Being outraged all the time is not a solution.

    One thing is very clear: you have spent years here and still virtually everyone you correspond with here disagrees with you often. And we are all liberals! If you can't convince us few liberals by now that your views of things are true and correct, why should we consider you a source of information or argument that is worth the time of day. You are Mr. Bubble personified, like the boy in the bubble. You are not even open to reality.

    Is Josh Marshall in the bubble with me? You realize that your comments are counter everything he was saying initially, that Dems don't need to have such huge goals right now, let's do baby steps Biden and his supporters had one job: get to 270. We’re likely to see that happen in the coming hours.

    I pointed out some facts

    You came with a rant about a civil war.

    Trump and Rubio did cheer people who tried to run a bus off the road.

    What is your message to Trump, Rubio, and rally crowds who cheered the attack?

    What is your message to Trump, Rubio, and rally crowds who cheered the attack?

    That sadly there will always be dopes like rmrd in this country willing to get outraged about your trolling and bullshit culture wars issues to scare and distract him from what's really going on.

    Edit to add--a link to good advice about not being a dupe is still above the masthead here from people that used to practice the art of distracting you.

    Ha Ha, RM "constantly promotes the view of 13% of the population", followed by a " love it or leave it" taunt. First is not true, and I am pretty sure, and glad, he's not leaving. Ignore RM if he annoys you!

     RM is calling out facts on Republicans. You don't like to hear those facts apparently. If RM was just a "13%er", he would, at least, have Trump beat by a mile, as Trump promotes the view of Trump, which is 0.000000...% of the population!


    It is curious. It is clear that Trump and the GOP wanted a lower vote count.

    She wants to gloss over that fact by saying it was just people around Trump who suppress votes

    Additionally, like Fukuyama and others, the discussion always begins with what Liberals, the Woke, etc. have to do to appease the Right.

    Start the discussion with what wingnut have to do to stop coming across as such assholes.

    Biden got more of the popular vote than Trump, similar to Hillary.

    We have an electoral college with the result that the last time a Republican President won the popular vote was 1988.

    For some reason, AA takes my disagreement as a personal attack. 

    Nobody should gloss over facts as there will be hell to pay for it eventually. 

    The Electoral College was set up of course so white male landowners, including enslavers, could be a backstop to white male voters. The Senate's undemocratic 2 per state was to assuage the Deep South that legality of slave labor camps could not be challenged. It caused the Missouri "compromise", one slave state for one free. Today California would have to have 60 or more senators to have the Senate power of Wyoming.

    GWB was the only Republican to win the popular vote, in 2004, since his Dad in 1988. 

    Just saw that the EEO officer of the revered NYPD was caught posting on Rant, he got 'em all, Jews, blacks, Latinos, 'liberals' on a website for whiny racist cops. NYT:

    "Between the summer of 2019 and earlier this fall, “Clouseau” posted hundreds of messages on the Rant, many of which attacked Black people, Puerto Ricans, Hasidic Jews and others with an unbridled sense of animus.

    He called the Bronx district attorney, Darcel D. Clark, who is Black, “a gap-toothed wildebeest” and referred to former President Barack Obama as a “Muslim savage.”...."

    Police unions have enormous influence

    When police abuse occurs, the unions back the abusive cop

    Street cops pull back on their activity when there is a threat of an officer being charged

    When attempts are made to change how police operate, the term "defund the police" is used as a club to block any reform.

    Thanks for reminding me of 2004.

    Where NCD said . . .

    Nobody should gloss over facts as there will be hell to pay for it eventually.

    I have no tolerance for wishy washy weasels.
    Nor do I cower to fence sitting flip-floppers.

    Let me Google this for you.

    Lewis Los Angeles 1933 1940 Steve Ross

    My father served in the Navy 1935 to 1945.
    I am 74 years old, born in September 1946.
    I was not the first boomer but damn close.
    I was born on ranch property in Los Angeles.
    I have been immersed in the history of LA.

    There were many neighbors of my family who
    were bamboozled by the pomp of the American
    Silver Shirts far-right Christian Party of the  
    Silver Legion of America. Not my family, though.

    Ross' work best describes what very few ever
    heard about the underbelly here in Los Angeles.

    And don't miss the part about L.A. Police Chief
    Jim ‘Two Guns’ Davis.

    I will stand against complacency and intolerance until I leave this mortal coil.


    Thanks OGD

    Groups like BLM  did not appear magically

    BLM responded to police abuse

    Protests occur because there is police abuse and the police are not trusted

    Some people who join protests are there simply to create chaos.

    The way to stop the people who want to create chaos is to end the need for protests.

    If you ridicule politicians who attempt to achieve police reform, you are not helping

    Those who have easy ways to reform police should offer them up

    They should keep in mind that when police departments were beefed up in 1994, mass incarceration followed.

    Recently, programs like Stop and Frisk meant that any black or minority youth could be searched, not because there was a high likelihood of any criminal activity, but to make the public at large feel safe.

    In recent days, we have seen Philadelphia police shoot a man in mental distress

    We have also seen members of the department lie after kidnapping a child.

    Dealing with police abuse and reform will be with us for a long time.


    RMRD Forming a more perfect union...
    It has not always been simple, easy and painless.
    Up thread Arty said:
    YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEM OR LEAVE the country, as this is a democracy. /snip/ If you can't convince us few liberals by now that your views of things are true and correct...
    The woman below did not leave the country, nor did she concern herself with convincing others who didn't care to listen to her about her efforts. With a hat tip to Jabbot at the TPM Hive.
    “The men who pulled the triggers that killed five men here on the streets of Greensboro are dangerous men, but they are not the cause of our problem. The real danger today comes from the people in high places, from the halls of Congress to the boardrooms of our corporations, who are telling the White people that if their taxes are eating up their paychecks, it’s not because of our bloated military budget, but because of government programs that benefit Black people.”
    "I believe that no white woman reared in the South — or perhaps anywhere in this racist country — can find freedom as a woman until she deals in her own consciousness with the question of race. We grow up little girls — absorbing a hundred stereotypes about ourselves and our role in life, our secondary position, our destiny to be a helpmate to a man or men. But we also grow up white — absorbing the stereotypes of race, the picture of ourselves as somehow privileged because of the color of our skin. The two mythologies become intertwined, and there is no way to free ourselves from one without dealing with the other."

    ~ Anne Braden, “A Letter to White Southern Women” (1972)  - pdf
    Full documentary for 99 cents available on Vimeo here.


    Thanks again OGD.

    Obviously I'm not leaving the country

    I have real world contact with a larger circle of Progressives who agree with my positions about Trump and his enablers.

    None of us are leaving the country.

    A very telling point is that she freely criticizes the Left, the Woke, BLM, etc,

    Yet, when asked what she would say to Trump and Rubio about supporting the attack on a Biden campaign bus, she had no criticism to offer.

    Radio Silence

    She can criticize Kendi, etc.

    But criticizing her heroes who targe the Woke, is simply not allowed

    Like Trump, she makes up rules as she goes along.

    I will track down the video.

    In the aftermath of the election, my conclusion is that we put too much trust in the pollsters.

    Graham and Collins were not going down.

    However, look at the amazing situation in Georgia

    Stacey Abrams and others worked to a point that Biden and two Senate candidates are competitive

    People thought Abrams was crazy

    But, she did not give up.

    The fight goes on.




    "Some people who join protests are there simply to create chaos."

    These are all strawman arguments. I've seen numerous videos of BLM organizers who encourage looting and call it reparations. So It's not just some people there to create chaos. Those engaged in legitimate protests need to separate themselves from the looting not excuse it and encourage it.  No one is saying there is no good reason for protests. No one is saying they shouldn't protest. People are saying looting and violence is counter productive and wrong, criminal behavior that should result in arrest and punishment. People are saying that a problem we all see, abusive police, won't be solved by defunding the police and proposing it will likely result in little to nothing being done to solve the problem. Bullying people at outdoor cafes, throwing chairs, tables, plates and their food is counter productive and isn't going to get anyone to support you.

    Keep it up and support for needed reforms will get less not more and be harder to achieve. I've been at a lot of protests since I was in my 20 even up to  2 years ago at a protest for immigration reform. I would never take part or support the current BLM protests. 

    Put the offenders in jail. 

    Anyone can say they are BLM.

    If they say they are BLM and they are carrying clothing out of a 5th Avenue store, arrest them.


    BLM founder on "defund the police"

    Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that growing calls to "defund the police" are not about eliminating police departments, but about reinvesting funds toward "the resources that our communities need."


    What she's saying: "So much of policing right now is generated and directed towards quality-of-life issues, homelessness, drug addiction, domestic violence," Garza said. "What we do need is increased funding for housing, we need increased funding for education, we need increased funding for quality of life of communities who are over-policed and over-surveilled."

    • "Are we willing to live in fear that our lives will be taken by police officers who are literally using their power in the wrong way, or are we willing to adopt and absorb the fear of what it might mean to change our practices, which will ultimately lead to a better quality of life for everyone."
    • "Seven years ago people thought that Black Lives Matter was a radical idea. And yet Black Lives Matter is now a household name and it's something being discussed across kitchen tables all over the world. Why can't we start to look at how it is that we reorganize our priorities so that people don't have to be in the streets protesting during a national pandemic?"

    Damn that Constitution - it gave Black men 3/5 more vote than white women.

    Are we fucking bored? Do we have to debate fucking 1783 again? Yeah, the Electoral vote sucks - fix it. We don't have to debate Adams rib to do it, do we?

    The 1783 Constitution gave white men 3/5 more vote for every black slave, to get more representation and power in the House.

    After 1870, with Jim Crow, white men got 5/5 vote for every black resident,  a 66% gain on 3/5, cuz blacks were again disenfranchised, and  got murdered or terrorized if they tried to get a ballot and vote.

    Now we argue and litigate ballot drop boxes, absentee ballots, early ballots, late ballots, mail ballots, picture IDs , which ballots are "legal", or "illegal", when to stop or start counting ballots,  and have armed Republican " poll watchers".  Are we failing? Krugman wants to know.

    After 1870 til 1921 white men still got to vote 5/5th every woman's vote. 640,000 killed in the fight to preserve the union/free the slaves, and women got dick out of it. Literally.

    Heavens to Murgatroyd . . .

    How many false narratives do you have in your quiver, Arty?

    Sounds like you are really looking forward to civil war, can't wait.

    I'm outta here . . . .


    Bye Bye


    Good morning  . . . rmrd0000

    Ah yes he did... Must be tough for
    Arty to clutch those pearls so tight.

    Biden got millions of more votes than Trump got...
    The majority of voters were not distracted...

    More popular by = 4,082,775 = This morning





    Thanks OGD

    Most of the Liberals/Progressives I see are more like you than some people here.

    I get why Clyburn might warn against police reform and universal healthcare in Georgia 

    That does not make AOC evil, it makes her foresighted.

    I expect that if Biden wins, there will be many executive orders.

    Yes, i come from the unkety-motherfucker-but-obscenely-perceptive (and good-looking) wing of the Democratic Party - sadly not that many of us, but we shall overcome.

    I don't wear pearls, OGD.

    But I admit I am getting sick of humoring childish counterproductive troll feeding shit. 15 years of doing that, enough already, social media has changed, it's not the blogosphere anymore.

    Doesn't feed anyone's brain in analyst land and is continuously being proved counterproductive in political land.

    Looking for better quality input, not just cross out Bush replace with Trump, replace with Rubio. SAMO

    Also I'm pretty damn sure Josh Marshall would agree more with me than rmrd, but that's another thing, just ironic.

    Blah blah blah blah blah...

    From a totally independent and reasonable perspective
    rmrd appears to live in a 2 bedroom condo in your head...





    "Blah blah blah blah blah..."

    I'm sure this is the higher quality input Arta is looking for instead of childish counterproductive troll feeding shit.

    Oh Oh ... another one chimes in...

    You appear to have missed the gist of my post.

    From a totally independent and reasonable perspective
    rmrd appears to live in a 2 bedroom condo in your head...

    I'm sure that doesn't meet the high standards set by the ol' cohorts 'round these threads.

    Any nice socks in
    your sock drawer?


    From a totally independent and reasonable perspective

    That was an extremely logical, totally rational, and very convincing argument. What is surprising is no intelligent person has used it before. But unfortunately it's not an original argument. Many morons have used it to justify everything they've done and said.

    Welcome to the game.

    You disagree with something one of the triumvirate says

    Another member chimes in and insults your intelligence.

    RMRD I have Armadillo hide . . .

    Now about this continuing crap from the worry warts about
    the BLM Defund/ BLM Abolish/ BLM to the the moon, Alice. surprise

    Do those look like the faces that would be credited
    with the defund/abolish police rhetoric from 1988?

    Album Ashes to Ashes - Cut 7 - Abolish Police. Beware it's aurally ugly...

    From 5 years ago 03/27/2014 at Vice...

    If we can learn one thing from Final Conflict, it’s that songs about cops being assholes will never get old. Case in point: their song “Abolish Police” off of 1988’s Ashes To Ashes hasn’t aged a day. Sure, punx will only fight the police on Twitter nowadays and maybe some of them even grew up to become cops themselves. But still, the police state-smashing sentiment still rings true.

    And this stroll down history's lane on 06/12/2020 at Politico

    The Deep Roots—and New Offshoots—of ‘Abolish the Police’

    The summer’s divisive new slogan has a surprisingly long history—and shifting meanings.









    ....put the anger and demonization behind us....we don't have any more time to waste on partisan warfare....

    ~ President Elect Joe Biden a few minutes ago.

    If you don't want to do that, you're not going to be happy with him.

    Trump is firing up his base by saying that if he doesn't win, the election is rigged.

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