The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture

    IT WAS 1968

    38 H Humphrey 3x4.jpg

    It was 1968.

    That summer I was 18 years of age and so very confused.

    I had pustules all over my face, almost no money in my pocket and no idea of what might come to me down the line.

    I was enrolled at the University and my studies would begin in the fall.

    I was horny every minute of every hour of every day with no relief in sight. hahahah

    I had found a job that summer that paid twice what I could achieve in High School. (Over two bucks an hour for chrissakes!)

    It was very strange that summer. I had lost all my friends. I had no idea how to achieve the goals that my summer employer required of me. I had no idea what I was doing. (As though that status never changed for me. hahahah)

    As a B- student at my Garden of Eden High School, I had no idea how I would fare in college.

    Following the first week of employment, I was teamed with a drop-out, street smart, hateful young man who saved me from unemployment.

    He was so very mean but he came to give me the benefit of the doubt.

    He really helped me and because of him I survived that summer.

    But outside of all this. That is outside of the real reality, there was this virtual reality that had nothing to do with my life. hahahahah

    And this old virtual reality had nothing to do with today's computerized virtual reality.

    B@W TV reality was virtual in those days.


    The Press in those days focused on two Minnesotans.

    Gene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey were at the fore, in the headlines, and on 'THE AIR'.

    Bobby had already been killed. I recall being angry at the fact that a Kennedy would steal one of my hero's thunder prior to that killing. 

    You have to understand.

    LBJ freed the slaves for a second time.

    This was an era when LBJ issued new Emancipation Proclamations. 

    This was a time when LBJ added new programs that would make his hero proud.

    This was a new FDR era.

    And yet, I was looking at doom within a year. I mean if I fucked up in college, I would be in dire straights dodging bullets in Vietnam?

    As a child I had three heroes.

    LBJ, Gene and Hubert.

    And in 1968, they were all at war.

    With each other?

    In what kind of universe could this happen?

    I fell asleep just after 8 pm (CT) watching Rachel.

    I awoke at 3 am (ct) and there was this replay of Rachel.

    And here is Rachel recalling an event that took place before she was born.

    But ghosts really exist in this new virtual world.

    Rachel had video.

    Rachel was showing us all the violence that occurs at every Trump appearance.

    But she was discussing the problems with a Republican Party that might dismiss the voters' choice at some future convention.


    And Rachel shows these videos of Chicago in 1968.

    And all my heroes were at war.

    And I found myself confounded.

    And there I was.

    Except I am not that horney anymore. hahahahahah





    Sounds like you & Bryan Adams were off by just a year.

    But what he really wondered was "You didn't come here for music, did you? You came for for something more. How about all of you come up on stage and fuck me. Wanna see my cock?" Those indeed were the best years of my life.... The LIzard King sez turn out the lights.

    PERACLES this is wondrous.

    Hell, Woodstock was '69 and it ended the decade proudly.

    I have written before that at that time, I thought the world might end. hahahahaha

    And now all these people tell me, fifty years later, that the world will end soooooooooon hahahahah

    ​Now we are supposed to care about emails and nonsense.

    Back in '68 the world was about to end.

    MLK & Kennedy and Bobby and....all these fine folks killed.

    And then there was Chicago.

    The end is nigh for me of course. hahahahahah

    But the world will keep on keepin on, whether in the fashion I had hoped or not.

    Thank you for this presentation Peracles.

    You give me hope.

    This is great music.


    Oh Dick, the world won't end for you - you're the cornerstone of our Empire.

    Maybe trade this worldly one for Empire of the Sun, that'd be more fitting. During the Day, you rule, during the night, we get some work done. Deal?




    I don't know if you read this yet at HufPo. Howard Fineman wrote this. Donald Trump is what happens when America can't handle change. 

    America usually thrives on change, but once in a generation we're overwhelmed by the pace of it -- and our politics go haywire.

    We haven't been this unsettled since the Sixties (actually 1963 to 1975), when the nation was torn by assassination, war, race, corruption and generational change. In presidential politics, the year 1964 produced conservative GOP nominee Barry Goldwater, who horrified the party's establishment; 1968 produced George Wallace, the race-baiting Alabamian who terrorized both parties; and 1972 featured Richard Nixon, who left town two years later after being caught trying to shred the Constitution.

    This year, the strain of change has given us a foul-mouthed, proudly insensitive, narcissistic real estate developer with a penchant for flimsy deals, ever malleable views, a shaky relationship with the concept of truth and no experience in government whatsoever. 

    Like you I lived through every minute of it.  LBJ was my hero because he thought of hungry kids in school. What I remember of Humphrey and McGovern was they accused each other about corruption in the Ohio primary.  The campaign had gotten really nasty by the time it reached Ohio.  

    It took courage to force change then.  We ended the draft.  It is taking courage to force change now.  We are forcing the end of corporations of buying politicians. 

    Here is a link for you.  It has a President Johnson ad that is interesting.  I had forgotten about this 4 minute commercial.  Everyone remembers the daisy one but this was also an important one. There is some parallels draw from that election and what is going on with Trump.

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