The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The Five Stages of Bernie Grief

    1) Denial - there's no way this can be happening. Bernie really won New York if you don't count Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx and Long Island.  Just look at the returns from Jamestown and Elmira.

    2) Anger - it's all Debbie Wasserman Schultz's fault.

    3) Bargaining - if we just win the District of Columbia on June 14, the super delegates will abandon Hillary en masse.

    4) Depression - man this sucks let's move to Canada.

    5) Acceptance - our candidate lost but we'll figure out a way to keep progressive solutions front and center while and after we help elect the first woman President.


    You can´t just almost run for President. Along with being ineffective that would almost be insulting to your supporters and opponents. And if you´re going to do it you´ve got to give it your best shot.  As I wrote here before  I subscribe to Leo Durocher' s sage comment

    ¨Show me a good loser and I´ ll show you a loser.¨

    And I firmly support Hillary. Along with Bernie ´s right/ obligation to play every card available to get the job that he thinks  he would handle better.

    Bernie can go for broke.However, he has called many Democrats sellouts going beyond an attack on a political opponent. He has decided that the Democratic Party will not be a big tent,and only supports candidates that he considers pure. If there is turmoil at the Democratic Convention, Bernie will receive a cool reception on his return to Congress. While Bernie has been fighting Hillary and the DNC, Elizabeth Warren has been fighting Trump. I wager that Warren is seen as the more acceptable Progressive.

    6) Lovin' it

    Cornel West.

    Hey Hal...Like I have attempted this sobriquet before...hahahhaha

    I attempted to get to this five or six or whatever attempt at psychology. hahahah

    Five stages of grief.

    As it were...

    At any....whatever

    Maybe a woman can get us out of this, whatever.I 

    Hell, we are still the greatest country on the earth.

    Our population is in the top five?

    Our area is within the top four?

    Our communication matrix is within the top one?

    We are idiots of course, because we are human.


    I keep ending up with the nowhere song hahahahha






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