The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    FDR in 1933.jpg

    I recalled a scene I viewed when my grandkids appeared at my apartment last month.

    Seany had proceeded to 'install' his DVD player into my TV; Everything worked, eventually.

    He played some Disney 'Ice' film. Precious was so enrapt by this presentation
    that she mouthed the words to the songs. 

    But there was this interruption: Daddy, Daddy, you must remove the wolves....

    Seany quickly fast forwarded the blood-thirsty wolf scenes.


    I am guilty of this desire to fast-forward historical eras from time to time.

    I too, am guilty of seeking to forget scenes from the past.

    We all, often wish to fast-forward troublesome streams of the past that bother us.

    Lyndon Johnson changed this country forever.

    With the death of JFK and with the Southern Confederation strategy still working,
    Lyndon changed this country forever.

    The Voting Rights Legislation, the Civil Rights Legislation, Medicare....

    Here was a racist Southern Democrat who changed the world.

    But then there was Viet Nam.

    To this day, I might fast-forward the 'tape' in order to avoid the wolves.

    But this one bright shining moment of power, changed this country and the world

    We might thank JFK & Lyndon for this youuuuge, youuuge change.

    Lyndon was one of those worshippers of FDR

    Lyndon really believed in the hope that the little people might receive part
    of the benefits of the greatest capitalist society the world had ever seen?

    I have this need to fast-forward certain tapes of the past.

    Clinton had to deal with the powers that be.

    He ruled at a time when our capitalistic forces came together and ruled.

    How would Bill handle this new found force?

    For me? Bill did just fine.

    But I would wish to fast-forward all those tapes concerning Bill's problems with
    his Johnson! hahahhAHh

    I am less enthralled with attacks on this man for ceding too much to the repubs.

    There was an economic revolution going on at the time involving computer chips and
    batteries and....

    I still remain committed to the Obama Administration.

    You might show me all the throw-rug bombing you want. You might show me all the failures
    This Administration delivered whilst it attempted to deal with repub/teapartying/fascist
    pricks. But what is a mother to do?

    I just opine that the repubs wish to fast-forward the successes of This Administration
    relating to unemployment, relating to the auto-industry, relating to the stock market 
    albeit with full appreciation of the loss of a couple thousand points on the DOW),
    as well as edicts regarding the environment and immigration and a host of other subjects.

    In the end of course, Lyndon brought us into the Vietnam War (full throttle) whether we
    wish to fast-forward or not. (and repubs to this day will tell us that this Conflict
    brought about the destruction of the Berlin wall)

    In the end of course, FDR sided with racist Southerners in order to keep the Democratic

    In the end of course, FDR sided with anti-Semites in their pursuit of racist/Christian

    In the end of course, Billy Clinton could not keep his zipper closed and thoroughly
    shamed his wife.

    And let us not forget Nixon who accomplished much to the chagrin of dems like me.

    Sometimes, we are allowed a rest. We should be entitled to fast-forward the bad and
    the ugly.

    But in the end, we must face some sort of reality.



    The Adams Administration had the Alien & Sedition Acts;

    Jefferson had slaves

    and had sex with at least one of  them; Monroe hunted down and killed an advocate of freedom....










    We all have different realities that we face. It helps shape our politics.  

    Hi Momoe!

    There are indeed different realities.

    Let us just find some basis upon which to ....

    Ahhhhhhh, hell, there are no bases. hahahahhhha

    Politics suck. hahahahahah

    I'm so jealous of your ability to weave many seemingly random things into one cohesive rant. An amazing talent that you portray so easily - who else could take fast-forwarding a video and turn it into how we pick apart our past?

    Wonderful, Dick, as always.

    Oh Missy, I feel so lost at times.

    Then you come along, and it's not sooooo very bad.

    I never ever fast forward through the goooooooood stuff!

    Oh Missy, I just thought of this and I expect no response. ha

    Seany took Precious to 'the movies' and played Star Wars (1977)

    And in the beginning there was this huge space ship that covered the screen.

    Precious went WOW!

    Precious only could handle fifteen minutes of this grand spectacle.

    Wow! I laughed because when I first saw the film that is what I said.

    Anyway Precious ends up with this Darth Vader doll.

    So Seany puts her to bed, as usual, and she tells DADDY:

    Take this away Daddy, it gives me bad dreams!

    What does this have to do with anything anyway? hahahahahahah

    I just did not know where to put this thought. hahahahah

    Ah, yes. Children can tell us better than most when WOW! becomes scary. As we grow up we make excuses and try to explain why scary isn't really scary ... we forget the honesty of WOW! And then we ignore the inherent need to say, "take this away, it gives me bad dreams!" Out of the mouths of babes, eh?

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