The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Emily's List's 30th Anniversary Part 3 - Hillary Clinton's Speech

    Hillary Clinton was the key note speaker at this event.  The audience was warm to her and responded to parts of her speech enthusiastically. It was not a campaign speech and neither did she mention the emails from the time that she was Secretary of State. The speech followed up on the theme of the conference and the tone was directed to the audience that was there.  She honored the women who have blazed a trail for other women to enter politics. The issues she talked about was family issues, economical issues and labor issues. The speech was gracious and thoughtful.  


    But Clinton ignored the swirling strife and instead spoke to the 30th anniversary gala for EMILY’s List about the power of electing women to higher office. She also flirted about the potential of her own likely campaign.

    “I suppose, isn’t it fair to say, “Don’t you someday want to see a woman president?,’” she said to raucous cheers and applause that filled the ballroom and lingered for nearly 30 seconds.

     Here is her speech in full. 



    She did not address the emails until a few days later after a UN event on Gender Inequality.  She held a press conference where she also made a statement about the letter to Iran. She points out that this letter discredits the Senators who signed it.  At the press conference she was poised and answered all the questions professionally.  

     The immediate ramifications of the newest scandal have been playing themselves out. Speculation about the security of her e-mail correspondence and criticism for flaunting transparency rules led to Clinton’s mea culpa press conference. Although it’s not an ideal series of events, it looks as though the immediate impact will be minimal.

    The Clinton conspiracy machine will have to just keep looking.

    Here is the whole press conference.



    Next time: Hillary Clinton's interview at Watermark Conference for Women. 

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